Super funny, 110 sentences in Daquan
Silence is gold
2023-05-29 10:01:34
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. You are single. Do you know your partner?

2. I am single and generally silent.

3. There is no dog food. Do you know you want me?

4. Get out if you don't love me. Those who love me are in line.

5. One must have a temper to be ambitious.

6. There are many lovers every year, especially this year.

7. Is this ring on your stomach a growth ring?

8. As long as I have you all the way, no matter how stupid I am.

9. Because I insist, I am not afraid of regret.

10. You can become a woman man and pretend to be a soft girl.

11. After the storm, there must be a rainbow.

12. I want to fast forward when I watch TV.

13. Not that I can't cry, but I'm used to not crying.

14. Beauty is the slave of cosmetics.

15. Stop admiring others' eyes and try your best.

16. You secretly baked oil when you agreed to go to Baitou together.

17. Tanabata wants to send you a gift, but there is no address for you.

18. You can't bully me just because I'm so cute.

19. As China has developed, it needs foreign translators to translate classical Chinese.

20. Your smile is brighter than that piece of shit in the sun.

21. If you are a flower, cows will dare not shit in the future!

22. Hold hands last summer, and wave hands this summer.

23. Cleave the way of life and death with both hands, and cut off the root of right and wrong with one knife.

24. I can be good tempered, but why should I get used to you.

25. Some exams rely on strength, while others rely on eyesight.

26. How classic it is now, and how adventurous it used to be.

27. Ask what love is, and only ask people to take off their clothes.

28. The sky is grey, the eyes are boundless, and the days without money are too long!

29. Sister is not the Mona Lisa, so there is no need to smile at everyone.

30. I don't have no ideal, but no one has asked me.

31. Seeing the wings of angels, I like KFC's roasted wings.

32. Is there anyone who collects the passing scenery for you.

33. I am the sun. I don't need to touch the light of any of you.

34. I often hurt you because I believe in our relationship.

35. Loving a person is not LOL. You can't shrink in the early stage.

36. Sitting still is a joke because you are too stupid.

37. Others are pretending to be serious, so I have to pretend to be not.

38. I lowered my head, not to admit defeat, but to change money.

39. There are some things that need not be argued. They are ostensibly obedient and secretly rebellious.

40. Don't listen to Chinese songs, or the Chinese will say you have no taste.

41. If God didn't give me a big responsibility, it would still be hard for me mentally and physically!

42. Hello, the number you dialed has died, please call again in the afterlife.

43. I deleted all your messages just to keep a distance with you.

44. One kind of expectation is waiting for takeout, and another kind of dependence is screwing the bottle cap.

45. There is no obstacle that can not be overcome. Make your posture more beautiful.

46. Men's face is bigger and their self-esteem is weaker than that of their second child.

47. If you want to leave, give me a reason.

48. Fortunately, I am fat and can pinch my stomach when I am bored.

49. Actually, it's not so disgusting. She just took away the people who made you sick.

50. When you see the person you like at school, you immediately enter the B mode.

51. I gained weight in order to make you look thin, so as not to make you look ugly when I lost weight.

52. I finally know why April Fool's Day comes first, and then Tomb Sweeping Day.

53. When you are about to be born, the doctor takes a look and asks if you want to put it back.

54. Don't be happy just listening to my words. It's the secret that you don't understand my funny.

55. I feel safe with you; Why? You are good at warding off evil spirits.

56. When I left my hometown, the villagers could no longer drink from a well.

57. Feeling is like pulling a rubber band. The one who gets hurt is always the one who refuses to let go.

58. I am your real frivolity, and you are my vigorous shallowness.

59. Hold a cup of strong wine, and enjoy the sweet taste of the wine.

60. Sometimes what we miss is not having loved, but having been thin!

61. Perhaps the best choice is to leave and let each other calm down.

62. You have a wide range of people. Can you ask if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is short of a spokesman?

63. When your lips are dry, tell me that I will kiss you. Don't always let lip balm take advantage of you.

64. I never care whether he is poor or not when I make friends, because he is not as poor as I am.

65. We are all innocent children, tortured by reality into madness.

66. From today on, smile every day. Everything in the world is trivial except life and death.

67. Don't always cut me and come to wipe my blood and apply medicine. I can't bear it.

68. In this world, all people with true temperament always have different ideas.

69. If you don't try, you will never know what will happen next second.

70. There are so many tomorrow. Since there are so many tomorrow, we might as well delay.

71. According to my analysis of the Mid Autumn Festival homework, I can no longer look directly at the National Day.

72. Trilogy of Destroying Childhood: Sin, mol Manor, Log Kingdom.

73. There are so many acne. Not cured this year, his face became honeycombed.

74. The playboy is scolded by others, and he is fooled by others with his heart, and his kindness is trampled on.

75. When you are young, what are you afraid of? If you are hungry, you should lose weight. If you are tired, you can sleep soundly.

76. Finally, I know that the suggestion box of the school is always empty, and the opposite is the monitoring.

77. Maybe you are a very warm person, not because of who I am.

78. When I was lovelorn, I cut off all my fingernails, which proved that I had killed myself for love.

79. Lord Bao, why is there a moon on your forehead? Because you don't understand my darkness in the daytime.

80. People say that women are like clothes; Brothers like brothers Today is my half year anniversary of streaking naked.

81. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, you can show it a thousand reasons to laugh.

82. I think you are so wonderful. You should perform a ballet for everyone.

83. Don't think how great you are. In fact, you need food just like animals.

84. Life is like an idol drama. Beautiful and handsome men are idols, but I have no choice but to be a real power.

85. Why is the best man called an extinct good man? Can he be a man even without seed.

86. You don't know how much I like you. Even if you are a piece of shit, I don't want other dogs to lick you.

87. If you talk about me behind my back, it only shows that my life is obviously much better than yours.

88. All you gave me was unforgettable wrong love. All I gave you was a small episode of life.

89. To be a woman, you should have backbone. You should either fall in love until you get married, or be proud to be single, and stand by if you agree.

90. Whose Bluetooth calls an old sow? Every time you open it, an old sow will pair with you.

91. I tried my best to catch up with my homework a few days before the start of school, and I secretly tore some pieces of my holiday homework from the middle.

92. You are an unprepared child's shoe. Remember, homework is with you, and you can't finish it.

93. In fact, I'm very sad that Kobe retired today, because I don't know any of him.

94. A real man should have the courage to face his girlfriend's big pie face and face up to her stubborn obesity.

95. Why did a woman tell me when I called you? Sorry, the number you dialed is empty.

96. I meddle with mice every day to let dogs and cats have a rest, which is also a sign of caring for small animals.

97. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will be pressed by men, and no matter how handsome a man is, he will kneel between her legs.

98. If you can be a little ugly and obscene, then others will not like you, neither will I.

99. First I learned Lanxiang, then I learned New Oriental. Can I use an excavator to fry vegetables now.

100. If you think there is something wrong with me, please tell me. I won't change anyway. Don't be sick.

101. The most reassuring and warm thing is not that there are many people chasing you, but that there is a person who will not leave no matter what you do.

102. This exam was supposed to be a blockbuster, but when the exam papers were handed out, I decided to hide my strength again.

103. In middle school, there was a sense of cowardice, but there was no sense of cowardice; in college, there was a sense of cowardice, but there was no sense of cowardice.

104. Every day, I am in a state where I have more than enough sleep, more than enough heart but less IQ, and more than enough heart but less than enough balance.

105. Since you made a smart decision to like me, it seems that the whole person has begun to radiate wisdom.

106. Today, the male god confessed to me. Since I liked you three years ago. Since I like him for three years, I know it!

107. Look in the mirror → feel good → take photos → delete → doubt life.

108. A girl shouts her motherland in the face of beautiful mountains and rivers! My mother! A boy who secretly loves her shouts out his motherland! My mother-in-law.

109. The boat of friendship turns upside down, the giant ship of love turns upside down, and the flame of kinship goes out. Only the canoe of a single dog stands erect!

110 、 ldquo; Too many memories confuse my mind. "Talking about people" "This question is impossible."