Aesthetical and elegant sentences, elegant and poetic aesthetic quotations
Flying in Dream
2023-03-12 21:47:12
Complete sentences

1. Everyone is always eager to have a smooth life. I always hope that I can walk in the corridor of time with a bright and clean heart, enjoying the spring flowers and autumn fruits, and the fragrance of time.

2. The dark night is still pacing slowly, and the heartbeat still resounds forcefully in the dead night. The silence suddenly climbs onto the palm of my hand, affecting my typing speed. It seems as if I saw your gentle smiling face and gently told me that you have fallen in love with me for thousands of years, without regret.

3. Everyone, there is a sad, want to hide, but in the growth.

4. Missing is a kind of happiness with tears. In this life, you are my most beautiful encounter, because it is too beautiful, so my heart is broken. Because I love you, I forget myself. Because I love you, I don't know how to put myself; Because I love you, my fingertips are sad. The left hand is sad, the right hand is sweet.

5. The year goes by like a song, and the punctuation and symbols of the story cannot be fully sung. Memory is like a hemp, which can not be sorted out. The scenes and figures that passed by always make me remember deeply, and I can't get rid of the superficial traces that can't be erased, and always scratch the chapters of the story.

6. When the wind calls back my drunken soul and condenses it into a lonely body today, I can no longer do anything to pursue the pace of the past, and how to think about the beauty of that time. When falling leaves dot the blurred vision in front of me, I don't know whether it is cold taste, soft and warm saturation, or numb and motionless loyalty.

7. The sun flies far away, the sound is dim and the letter is sparse, the autumn reading becomes a trip, which makes people worry about the smoke tree. When I cut Li Xu secretly, I was afraid of breaking and rebirth. I only hated that he was too soft and ordered things in disorder.

8. With the sea in your heart, your mind can be open; Spring in the heart, heart flower can bloom; Happiness in the heart, happiness can fly.

9. In my heart, hold your heart firmly, don't want your heart to leave in my world; In my heart, you are like an angel, to save my devil; In my heart, you will never leave me, because I don't want you, leave me.

10. Fragrance sold cold rain curtain, raised the stairs, the empty corridor returns the wind, and recalled Ailang. The day before yesterday, we had a warm hand and traveled together. The dream was especially close to the pillow, the lonely shadow sighed, and the cold and warm heart knew.

11. Buckle a song of love, sing the mark of yesterday cold. I can no longer see the footprints of the past, nor can I see through the beginning of the past. Only the sails of memory, numbly looking for the altered route, I don't know how to find a place to rest and dock. The long song of phoenix after years, and how to sing the whirl of beautiful years.

12. Far away in the sky, the autumn scenery is full of melancholy. Standing at the end of time, watching the bustling fireworks in the world of mortals, it is still the former quiet, clear water, blue sky, and verdant powder. A beautiful scenery swirls the leisurely rhyme of autumn. Leaves fall silent, just know the bleakness of autumn. Look at the sunset, the gentle plain paper is quiet, solidifying the imprint of years.

13. There will always be people who will hurt you, so you still need to continue trusting others, just be careful.

14. Picking up a wisp of comfort, quietly picking up forgotten verses; Pick up a smile, softly humming the colorful melody; Holding a meter of sunshine, gently greet the blue dawn.

15. Time flows quickly without trace. There is only treasure, only gratitude, and only steadfast steps to the next spring.

16. Go over mountains and mountains to recall the past. As time goes by, we can't take away a bit. A heavy memory, every move is you, look into the eyes into wear, all mountains and rivers are you.

17. When everyone says how lonely they are, I think they are happy.

18. Don't turn the past page if you can. If you turn over the dust, you will lose your eyes.

19. How I want to meet you and see your recent changes. I don't want to talk about the past anymore, but just say a word to you. I haven't seen you for a long time. People can live happily, but we choose complexity and sigh!

20. Heart, very sparse, bustling scattered dull. The silence after the excitement. The world seemed to disappear suddenly, even the sound was dead.

21. Think more, recite poems and wave Bo, I will write and you will study ink. I am for the lights on the other side of your bank, where my heart is, and you fall in love with me step by step. In this life, we don't want to be busy and noisy. We hope that the world of mortals will recede, we will warm the plum blossom and boil wine with you, repair fences and plant chrysanthemums, and we will never leave.

22. The night is not yet over, the meteor falls, and the love has died. Love is always a legend in the night.