Teacher Hiccup
I can't live without you
2023-12-22 13:19:00
third year in high school
impressions of after reading

Naina has suffered from Tourette's disease since childhood, which is a neuropsychiatric disease. She always burps uncontrollably, making a "burp" sound, accompanied by exaggerated gestures. When you are nervous and excited, your symptoms will worsen, which makes you feel anxious. Because of this disease, she transferred to another school twelve times. Nina's mother is a very brave and respectable mother. She tries her best to fight for the life of ordinary people for Nina, and resolutely fights back against her husband: her daughter is a normal person, and your so-called "protection" is just for your own face.
This reminds me of the story of Mr. Zheng Guigui I learned in a study. A few years ago, on the stage of "China's Got Talent Show", Gui Gui moved everyone with a piano song "Childhood Memories". Facing Zhou Libo, "I believe that everyone can see your uniqueness, and can you tell us your misfortune in a simple time". She smiled, "I don't feel unlucky"; "God has blessed me with such beautiful hands". Because at the moment of her birth, Zheng Guigui was unlucky in everyone's eyes. She didn't even have a finger in her right hand. Her father's friend once advised her to throw the child away, but her father rejected her and firmly believed that the child would be promising in the future. Therefore, Guigui was as normal and lucky as other children to accept her father's education. Now, Gui Gui plays moving melodies with such hands and composes his own beautiful movement of life.
The film describes the problem of education. Parents' education of children and teachers' education of students should all come down to the nature of mind. All appearances are the inner mandala. What you think of him in your heart will appear in the outside, without any difference. In fact, Naina's dazzling academic degree and Zheng Guigui's sweet music flowing under her fingers are inseparable from the power of ascension contained in their parents' hearts.
Nina has always had a "teacher's dream", but because of her illness, she was rejected by 18 schools for countless times in five years, which made her insist on not giving up. The power of her persistent pursuit was from the person who had lit her up. At that time, everyone laughed at Little Nina. It was the headmaster who gave warm encouragement and expectation to everyone, which lit up the dark corner of her heart. This thick kindness is like a bright light to accompany Nina all her life. Therefore, her dream of being a teacher and passing on this kindness to light the hearts of more children has become her lofty mission in life.
She finally got her wish to come to her alma mater, but was assigned to teach Class 9F, the most difficult class in the school. She bravely shouldered the class and all kinds of doubts from the school and students. Fourteen students sang their own "hip-hop music" to tease her. She did not become angry with embarrassment, but sang along with the tune; The school wanted to expel the students because the table tennis ball in the bucket exploded and broke the glass of the classroom because of their mischief. She knew that the students were provoking her, but she still protected them and begged the headmaster for mercy. She said that although they are stubborn, they should also see their design, intentions and wisdom. Her love is tolerant of narrowing the distance with the students.
Knowing that these children from the slums were discriminated against in school as they were, she felt the real pain, rebellion and indifference of these children under their stubbornness, and their enthusiasm for learning. So she taught the children a crucial lesson. She said that you are different from each other, but you have one thing in common: complaining. Ask them to write down their feelings that they most worry about and hate themselves on the last page of their notebooks, tear them off and fold them into paper airplanes, think about "why" and "why not", why they always cling to these worries and grievances to hurt themselves and others, why not learn to turn them into motivation for struggle? In the face of ridicule and sarcasm, irony and oppression, the only thing to do is to become better. Because only if you are good enough, can you have the opportunity to do what you want to do; Because only when you become better will you win respect. Under her guidance, the children threw out the paper plane in their hands, and all the unevenness in their hearts turned into flying wings. Under the vast sky, the warm sunshine flooded into the children's hearts, and the beautiful vision suddenly bloomed in their hearts.
This lesson is moving. Real education is the emancipation of the mind and the sublimation of the soul. An excellent teacher never only depends on how profound knowledge he has, but also can guide the students to the correct direction through words and deeds. The ancients said: "Teachers, so preaching, teaching and dispelling doubts.". As a teacher, "preaching" is the first priority. Only by cultivating students' independent personality and forming a correct outlook on life, values and the world can we lay the foundation of life. Just like the closed door course taught by the master, it leads us to straighten out the "three views", understand the reality of all dharma, abandon the two clinging to our own dharma, and integrate the compassion, wisdom and brightness of the Buddha, so as to refresh everyone's mind.
A teacher should have three hearts: "love, patience and responsibility" if he really wants to "preach, teach and solve doubts". Education is the echo of hearts and the resonance of love. Without love, there is no education; A teacher's patience is a ladder for students to get to the palace of knowledge; Teaching is a very big and heavy dictionary in the world, and "responsibility" is the most important page in this dictionary.
And Naina is a good teacher who integrates the "three hearts". Each of the 14 children has its own problems and characteristics. How to teach students in accordance with their aptitude and how to develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses, Nina tries her best to devote herself. She took her children out of the classroom and put them on the basketball court and the gym, making the physical and chemical concepts in the textbooks vivid. She made children understand that learning knowledge is not just for examination, but for use. Life is full of knowledge. Only by learning it can we find it and use it.
The Tanjing says: "Buddhism is in the world, and you can never leave the world", "If you reflect, it will be close to you". Naina's ingenious teaching method of combining education with pleasure reminds me of the profound theory of Buddhism, which leads us to an experiential learning mode in the closed door of the teacher, and integrates into the deep heart in the observation, cultivation and understanding of everything and ourselves. For example, in the face of a delicious food, it is very colorful and fragrant, but without tasting it, you never know its true taste. It is He and you are you. Master's teaching is to let us eat it by mouth, taste it, truly turn it into nutrition, nourish our body and mind, and open our wisdom.
In the face of children, Nana is always full of affection. Her tolerance and love are the warmest part of the film. Although some children are not very grateful, they still give her various blows again and again. "There are no bad students, only bad teachers." She believes in children from the bottom of her heart, with a gentle love like jade, and her confident smile like warm sunshine is enough to melt all the ice. The effort pays off, and Nina's dedication finally bears fruit. In the final exam, all the students in the class passed, and one child was the first in the whole grade. But the teacher in Class 9A of Xueba class suspected them of cheating and reported it to the principal. But later, when he heard that his proud student reported how to cheat Class 9F to send fake test papers, the teacher finally found his conscience, went to the stage to repent, re-examine his education and teacher's ethics, take full responsibility for what the students did, and personally awarded the excellent badge to Class 9F. Since then, fourteen children have come out of the trough and started a new life.
Fourteen problem students have achieved Nina's dream of teaching. Her sunshine has swept away the haze in the children's hearts and made their lives glow. In the growth of the children, their own lives can be fully sublimated, and the stubborn father realized this. Students, teachers, and family members are all related to each other. Who helped who? Who nourished who? Who wakes who? In fact, no one else, they are themselves.
With Nina's warm love and encouragement, the children jointly completed the work of the future city, and the solar energy also shines into everyone's heart. Finally, Nana, who has been a teacher for 20 years, retired as the headmaster, which echoes the beginning of the film. The headmaster asked Nana why she had been rejected for five applications in this school, and wanted to come back again? Nina said, for the position of principal. This is the power of dreams. My teacher has always taught us that only when we have dreams, can we have a direction in life, and life will be meaningful. Believe in the energy stored by the Tathagata. As long as you stick to it, your dream will come true, because once you read the three realms, you will achieve it in ten directions.
Follow the film to experience Nina's life, with laughter, tears, emotion and inspiration. The story is very distracting and warm. Spring breeze turns into rain, moistening things silently. The happiest thing in the world is to strive for dreams. Once a dream is put into action, it will become sacred. At this point, all the problems are not problems, as Naina said: nothing, just a hiccup.