80 sentences describing flowers
Mid month truth
2023-04-11 11:59:00
Complete sentences

1. Roses are very bright, red and white, rouge color, like a little girl's face, so cute.

2. Lovely roses, like the flame of youth, are all so red and beautiful!

3. Ah, the morning glory is in bloom. The hexagonal flower, like a small wine cup, looks more eye-catching under the sunshine.

4. Cockscomb is red like a fire from afar. Come closer and see, oh, the flowers are like red crests on the head of a big cock.

5. The white roses, like jade, are pure in ice and snow, glittering with moonlight and cold colors. The roses dance around, outlining your shape and appearance.

6. Its oval leaves and beautiful flowers nodded and smiled in the golden sunshine, as if they were welcoming you.

7. A row of canna, with red and yellow flowers with black spots in full bloom, is opening its mouth and smiling towards the bright spring.

8. Roses bloom in autumn, which is as big as the palm of your hand. The budding roses are like coquettish and charming girls. Their smiling faces are full of spring and welcome tourists.

9. The plum flower has five petals, either single or double. Its stamen is a little bit, and there is a small dot smaller than sesame on it, like a small hat.

10. The rose climbs on the roadside bamboo fence. Behind the dark green leaves, it sticks out a little rouge, like a girl's little mouth, half charming and half angry, which makes people want to come up and kiss.

11. Some flowers are still in bud, some are ready to move, so eager that they put out a small hand first, some can't wait, they are already in full bloom, showing their natural and unrestrained heroism to their heart's content.

12. In the late spring, the lilac bloomed all over the tree. The words were not beautiful. They were just like a pen tip, but they were pure and elegant, just like a purple mist.

13. In front of me, there is a wild rose garden deep in the forest. There are many flowers, red, yellow, white, and many varieties. It is really a paradise!

14. Look, Rose girls are playing games! In the sun, the roses smiled against the breeze. Some of them swing left and right; Some face up to the sky; There are also those who lean forward and backward, which are really beautiful!

15. I like the high wind and bright festival, praise its fearless cold, and appreciate its spirit in full bloom against the wind and snow. I am even more impressed by its courage to compete with flowers and fight against wind and frost.

16. Some of the lotus flowers are half open, and only half of the lotus canopy is exposed, just like a little girl's hair that only shows half of her face; Some of them are all open, revealing golden stamens, like children's faces, laughing and laughing!

17. The branches of the cherry tree are very thin, presenting a delicate and elegant yellow. The branches scatter in all directions like sunlight in children's paintings. From the roots to the branches, the branches of the cherry tree are full of cherry blossoms.

18. The branches of winter jasmine are green and hang down. The branches are long, narrow and dense, like a girl with long hair stretching her bright green hair. When the breeze blows, it gently shakes and floats up, very beautiful and clean.

19. The peach blossom in the rain is so delicate and lovely, as if a little girl just woke up from her sleep and looked at you childishly; Those wet little buds, like the little lips of babies, are opening brightly.

20. There is no nobility of peony, no beauty of rose, no fragrance of narcissus, but it is so natural, so simple and so calm. I love it. I will come to watch it this time next year.

21. Roses are full of blood and. This is the rose, which was born in the true love and left in the true love, but never forgets kindness. I pay myself to play up others' roses. I love its roses forever!

22. The flowers are blooming. Those red roses are as red as flames. Pieces of red roses are so energetic and vital that their fiery color affects everyone who passes by.

23. The white lotus after the rain has another style. The water drops on the lotus leaf roll back and forth, glittering like broken pearls. The water drips on the bud, and the white lotus that has just opened is more crystal clear and lovely. It is wrapped in snow and bright like the moon.

24. The red "Olympic Flame" attracted many people, with narrow leaves stretching out and a flower like a red torch rising in the middle, which is the origin of its name.

25. Some camellia flowers are in full bloom. The green leaves are dotted with pink flowers. Some of them were in bud, and the flowers and bones showed a little red, like a little girl's Yan Tao's mouth. Some are half closed, like a colorful flower umbrella, very beautiful.

26. Other flowers only bloom in spring, but plum blossoms are different. It is the cold wind that blows it; It is illuminated by the cold winter sun; What moistens it is the rain and dew of the snow. The colder it is, the more the wind oppresses the snow, the more spiritual and elegant it is.

27. The roses are very beautiful, and the pale yellow flowers look very elegant and solemn; The edge of the rose petal is pink, covered with fluff, and contains crystal water drops. It is full of vitality and sends out waves of attractive fragrance.

28. When the sun rises, the sunflower slowly opens its petals, like a child who has just woken up. When the sun goes down, it slowly closes the petals together, as if it were a sleeping doll.

29. The slender petals are snow-white, transparent like ice flakes, soft like snowflakes, and water smart. Its stamens are light yellow and full of pollen. The flower bones of jasmine flowers are also very attractive, like those carved from white jade.

30. On the balcony, a rose flower is in full bloom. Mother said it was a trumpet flower. It has a slender handle. There are five petals at the tip of the handle. There are several thin flower cores in the center of the petals. It seems that it is blowing the big trumpet towards the sky with great air.

31. The stem of the rose is long and thin, and it is full of small thorns, like a sharp knife. The oval leaves are fresh, tender and lovely. They are always naughty and lovely. Because of its setting off, the rose is more pure and elegant!

32. The petals of winter jasmine are bright yellow, divided into two layers, each with six petals. With your nose, ah, you will smell a fragrance and immerse yourself in the fragrance of flowers. At this moment, you suddenly feel refreshed and happy to study.

33. In the flowerpot, there is a lush tulip. The blooming flowers are black. The slightly scattered petals are like black velvet, emitting bursts of fragrance. The refreshing pink peach blossom, the snow-white pear flower, and the delicate begonia flower are in full bloom.

34. There are five petals on the tip of the handle, and several thin stamens in the center of the petals. It seems to be blowing its big rose colored horn towards the sky, and sending its fragrance to my nose.

35. All kinds of flowers scattered in the grass wink at you mischievously like stars. In the morning, there are a few drops of crystal dew on the green leaves. Under the sun, it looks especially dazzling. Bend down and put it in your mouth to chew. It's a little sweet in the cool!

36. One night later, those roses began to blossom. The flower was simple and generous. The petals were stacked and rolled down slightly. Under the sunshine, the petals seemed to be coated with a layer of bright oil, shiny and bright. The whole flower stood tall like a general who had won a battle.

37. The rose has already opened a smiling face. The flower looks like a small wine cup. The petals are slightly spiraling, but there is no stamen inside. The rose looks beautiful and charming, I gently close to it and take a deep breath, ah! A faint fragrance came to my nose.

38. On the way home, I smelled a faint fragrance. When I looked down, the roses in my hands were swaying gently in the breeze, emitting attractive fragrance from time to time. The red and red roses are more beautiful against the green leaves.

39. The most eye-catching is the phalaenopsis. The stem of the phalaenopsis is very high, and several flowers are crowded on one stem. Having purple color; There are pink ones and white ones with purple patterns. How beautiful these blooming phalaenopsis are like a group of colorful butterflies spreading their wings!

40. There is a flower on the rose hedge, the most beautiful flower of all. The nightingale sang to it his sorrows of love. But the rose did not say a word, and there was not even a dewdrop on its leaf as a tear of sympathy. It just hung its branches facing a few big stones.

41. The summer lotus has already opened. Among the green lotus leaves, one branch of lotus rose out of the water and stood erect. Look, the pink lotus is dripping, white lotus with rain, bright and flawless, blooming, and the tender buds are shaking yellow; What a beautiful thing!

42. The small rape flower also exudes a charming and faint fragrance. Although it is not as fragrant as roses, its fragrance is simple, refreshing and very comfortable. If you can read next to this beautiful, fragrant and charming rape flower field in the morning, you will really enjoy it!

43. When we get up early in the morning, dewdrops roll on the bud of the rose, giving us a fresh and elegant feeling. Peel it off and see that there are many slender stamens in the middle of the petals, supported by small yellow dots. Fluctuating in the spring breeze, white roses dance like little girls.

44 、 April is the season of peach blossom. I like its color. It's a little pink, but it's also a little white. It seems that a lovely girl has put some on her face. I also like its smoothness. Touch it with your hand, it is so smooth. In short, I can't use a few words to summarize all its connotations.

45. I have never seen such beautiful flowers. It was pink at the top, but it became lighter when it reached the inside, and the stamens were almost white. The flower core is straight and yellow, just like a flagpole, standing high in people's hearts. Each flower is like a small boat, raising its big sail and marching towards the distance.

46. It is not as ruthless as the cactus, nor as serious as the lotus. It symbolizes love, wordless love. The love of relatives, friends, lovers, teachers and students can't be explained. And roses are the sustenance of this kind of love, representing love and being loved, tears and sadness, true feelings and dedication.

47. Sometimes, I pick up some flower bones in the grass, take them home and soak them in a small bowl. Watching the flower bones blossom little by little, the whole house is emitting a faint fragrance. Sometimes I see gardenias falling on the ground and pick them up and string them into a wreath to hang around my neck.

48. The white gardenia is like silver stars hanging on the branches of the gardenia tree. Some just spread two or three petals, hiding behind Brother Green Leaf, like a shy little girl; Some petals spread out like a beautiful girl; Some are still blossoming, like sleeping babies.

49. In the morning of the next day, I found that the rose had already opened a smiling face. The flower was like a small wine cup. The petals were slightly spiraling, but the stamens were still not visible. The rose looks beautiful and charming, I gently close to it and take a deep breath, ah! A faint fragrance came to my nose.

50. With beautiful posture, there are more colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, and colorful. Compared with those in the park, the wild chrysanthemums on the roadside are much more monotonous. The color is single, and the shape is only sun shaped. But no matter in the park or in the mountains, they are heroes standing in the cold wind!

51. There were eight Epiphyllum in the flowerpot. The soft and drooping tube shaped receptacle rose upward, like a white swan rising slowly. The petals slowly spread out, like a girl dancing with her skirt, the eight Epiphyllum are competing to open, and a dozen flower buds are also swinging in the wind. The blooming Epiphyllum sends out wisps of fragrance, which is refreshing.

52. In spring, all kinds of flowers are in full bloom. Every April, peonies compete for beauty among hundreds of flowers with their rich flowers and gorgeous colors. Peony, beautiful posture; The peony, the jade smiling bead fragrance, the crown absolutely group fragrance. Chinese people have always regarded peony as a symbol of wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity and happiness.

53. The stem pen of the rose is straight, as thick as the pen holder, with several small thorns on the edge. The dark green leaves are olive shaped, soft and thin, with serrated edges and forked veins. It is still an unopened flower bud. It is just like a shy and charming girl in bud, with a smiling face full of spring. It is extremely beautiful.

54. The jasper like leaves on both sides of the flower are hanging down, some are yellow and green, and some are dark green, stretching out like daggers. Leaves protect beautiful flowers like soldiers. A gentle breeze blew, and several gardenia trees danced with the wind, whirling and twisting their waist and legs. It was very beautiful!

55. The sun is so bright that people can't open their eyes. It was the messenger of summer who sounded the horn of the competition. The flowers all opened up unexpectedly. The rose opened its bright petals, and the rose opened its bright petals, waiting for the washing of the wind and rain. In this way, it is looking forward to every day, struggling, and the effort is worthy of the people. Finally, it succeeded.

56. Look, the roses are dancing! The "whoop" wind is beautiful music. The blue sky, white clouds and green trees are beautiful scenery. The rose girls bent over and twisted their charming bodies. The red little faces below collided with each other in the sun, as if they were whispering.

57. The orchid is not as elegant as the peony, but it adds a bit of nobility; Orchid, without the pure white of lotus, leaves a trace of fragrance for you to taste slowly; Orchid, without the freshness and cleanness of jasmine, has some calmness to make you feel sweet and calm. I love Lan, its ordinariness, its solemnity and its loftiness.

58. A small begonia tree is not impressive at ordinary times, but once it blooms, it looks like a bunch of fireworks. When it flies into the sky, it is just a bunch of sparks. Once the fireworks explode, it will shine brightly and give out charming colors. The dots, thin and dense, form a piece, and look like clouds from afar. The flowers are beautiful and beautiful.

59. The leaves set off millet like golden flowers with three or four petals. It's like several fat dolls lying in the cradle smiling and looking out; It is also like green embroidered cloth dotted with gold grains; Also like shy little girls, looming in the branches, some hid, some showed half their faces and smiled at us.

60. A breeze blew, and the branches of osmanthus swayed gently, as if they were nodding to me. Osmanthus fragrans also dance with the wind, just like the fairies scattered in myths and legends. Looking at the golden carpet decorated with sweet scented osmanthus, I squatted down, picked up several petals from the ground and put them in my palm, feeling soft.

61. Jasminum nudiflorum, the goose yellow flower is not big, like a small trumpet. The branches are slender and thin, which are quadrangular in shape, from root to tip, from thick to thin, from dark green to tender green, hanging down one by one. The blooming petals spread out, almost covering the branches. The buds on the branches are budding. The branches are blue and the flowers are yellow, how harmonious they are.

62. The peach blossom has bloomed sooner or later, and some have already spread out; Some flowers are very shy and dare not look out, only dare to peep out a little and look at the outside world; Others are flower buds, which look like they will be split immediately. When a gust of wind blew, peach blossoms looked like beautiful butterflies, flapping their wings and dancing, intoxicating!

63. Each blooming flower has four small petals, which extend outward. Each flower is golden yellow, without any mottle. There is a yellow flower core in the middle of the four small petals. It's so bright that we can't bear to touch it. When a gust of wind blows, the petals swing, and you can smell a thick fragrance. Let people revel in the fragrance of flowers.

64. In spring, among the thousands of colorful flowers, camellia is the most beautiful. There are many varieties of camellia. The most beautiful one is the double camellia. The flowers are dense and red. Look closely at the blossoming red flowers, and look far at the delicate branches. Its petals, like the blindfold skirt of a ballet dancer, are decorated in the green camellia leaves, looking beautiful and elegant, like red pearls sprinkled on the green plate with carved patterns.

65. Faced with such beauty and fragrance. I touched its petals. They were smooth and soft. The branches were colorful, graceful, red like fire, and pink like rosy clouds. One after another, they stood on the green branches and leaves, letting the sun touch the gorgeous flowers. At this time, in my eyes, the rose was like a little girl in a red dress, dancing in the green leaves.

66. Look! The numerous roses are as red as the burning fire, as white as the snow in winter, as pink as the sunset glow in the evening, and as yellow as gold; It has flowers and bones, like a small peach; Some are ready to blossom, like a graceful girl; Some of them are already in full bloom, just like the smiling face of a child, with a blush on his face!

67. Blue hyacinth attracts my attention most and has noble temperament. The red hyacinth expressing gratitude is bright and gorgeous. The yellow hyacinth, which represents happiness, and the elegant pink hyacinth are fresh and fresh. The light colors are harmonious and romantic. And the pink hyacinth representing enthusiasm is very eye-catching. However, no matter what color it is, I can't get away from it.

68. Rape flowers bloom at the top of the stem, and one plant can bloom several small flowers. The little flowers are next to each other, as if a group of close friends are whispering. The petals are goose yellow, there are four in all, and the stamens are also yellow. The flower stems of rape flowers are green and tender to the touch, as if they were broken when they were folded. They look like "weak".

69. From afar, I saw a golden yellow area near the dripping pool, so bright! A closer look shows that the golden yellow area is composed of numerous flowers like golden belts, on which numerous golden trumpets are arranged neatly and fully. A gust of wind blew, the flowers fluttered like clouds, the flowers danced in the wind, blossoming golden flowers on the flowers, like a group of happy angels blowing trumpets to celebrate the arrival of spring.

70. Peony flowers are unique in color and fragrance. Colorful colors, including red, yellow, blue, white, pink, green and purple, surpass all flowers. Even if the flowers are red, some are like pills, some are like fire, and some are like red agate; Both are white flowers. Some are like ice, some are like silver, and some are like white jade. The fragrance of flowers is refreshing and intoxicating. Peony is known as the "king of flowers"

71. Red cherry blossoms grow in the north of Xiaoshi Road. Clusters of red cherry blossoms, red as if they had been bleached, with light red leaves as a foil, looked like the morning glow in the morning light from afar. To the south of Xiaoshi Road are white cherry blossoms. White cherry blossoms are as white as small white clouds, with red stamens dotted in them, like countless pink gemstones embedded in white silk. It is really beautiful as a picture set off by green leaves!

72. Sunflowers bloom only when they see the sun. Every day when the sun rises slowly from the east, they rush to open the smiling faces of the tower door. When the breeze blows away, the sunflower "shakes its head and shakes its head" as if reading poetry, and nods to pedestrians. The flower bones of the sunflower are red and shaped like soybeans. They are different from other flower bones. They are short and round and look very cute.

73. There are golden stamens in the middle of the petals, and pollen is stuck on the top of the stamens, emitting intoxicating fragrance, attracting a group of bees to "buzz" around, butterflies flying around, accompanied by lovely roses. The roses swayed in the wind. Whoever passes by her can feel that she is smiling and nodding at you; When you stop to appreciate her, you will feel the fragrance of flowers coming to your face, refreshing.

74. Seen from afar, cherry blossoms have two colors: white and red. It looks like a sea of flowers. Flowers and leaves are put together in the morning. Like my sister and sister, they rush to the world. Close up, the flowers and bones are five in one, like clusters of sweet and fragrant cherries. The flower has 5 sepals, like pentagram; The shape of the petals is semicircular, like small raindrops, the color is getting lighter and lighter.

75. In the green foliage, the roses are so elegant and intoxicating. Say it is pink, and it permeates a light yellow; Say it is yellow, and it seems that there is a kind of white "jumping" out. The texture of roses can't be summarized only by a few beautiful words. The petals are soft and tender, which makes people can't help rubbing them together. Put them in their hands and hearts to feel the mystery brought by nature.

76. As soon as you enter the park, a fragrance comes to you, making you feel relaxed and happy. Looking around, I can see that the double rose is luxuriant, with thousands of petals, like a big flower plate. The rose next to it is simple and generous. The petals are stacked and slightly rolled down. Under the sunshine, the petals are like a layer of bright oil, shiny and bright. But this rose is still an unopened flower. It is like a shy and charming girl in bud, with a smiling face full of summer. It is extremely beautiful.

77. The large flowers and delicate petals of white magnolia seem to have been dipped in the shining snow and carved with jade. They are elegant and simple, overflowing the purity of the world. In my opinion, the color and attitude are both elegant and noble. Nobody can compare with magnolia. She is expensive but not vulgar, elegant but not sour, so white and so beautiful. The white magnolia is pure, bright and graceful. People can't help but feel noble when they look at it.

78. From a distance, the whole branch looks like a pink whip, and a little brown can be vaguely seen on the whip. In addition to a section of branches near the ground, the trees are full of pink cherry blossoms. The pink color is neither thick nor light, but also slightly delicate. Against the background of the tender green leaves, the color is particularly charming and bright, which makes people look bright: such a beautiful cherry blossom! Anyone can't help exclaiming that the magic nature can create such beauty!

79. In the morning, I passed by the gardenia tree, which was in full bloom. The white as snow petals curl mischievously, and you can see the yellow stamens. Some are still blossoming, like round candle heads, full and ready to burst; Some shyly unfolded two or three petals, like a child sticking out his head and looking out carefully; Some are like slim girls dancing snow-white dance skirts in the wind. They are more beautiful than each other in various ways.

80. The morning dew like pearls glistened on the petals; The smiling faces looked at people, smiling so brightly. There are dozens of cherry blossoms on just one branch, and each cherry flower has its own charming posture: there are budding flower buds, just like a shy girl; There are only two or three petals of small flowers, which are really "half hidden by the pipa"; And all the big cherry blossoms are blooming, showing a warm smile to people.