Beautiful paragraph
2023-06-13 20:46:21
Complete sentences

1. The girl who has a deep feeling of understanding is the most bitter. She keeps everything in mind. Sooner or later, she will be bored. Who will love you? Life is too short for her.

2. I hope that in the future, I can walk as a flower, cross the cycle of the seasons, not be decadent and lose color in silence, and spend my whole life blooming into scenery and poetry.

3. It's very happy to see you. There are thousands of stars in the sky, one of which is my heart. I look at the stars when I miss you, count the stars when I lose sleep, and wait for meteors when I make a wish. Good friends should be happy every day.

4. Remember that you promised me that I would not let you disappear, but you flew so far with the migratory birds returning from the south, and love broke the line like a kite, unable to hold your promise.

5. Miss you, miss you, the season hurried by, the years have brought changes, but why can not always touch your thoughts. A long hanging heart always misses you.

6. May you be loved and lovely all your life. In March, flowers will be picked up to brew spring, in June, fireflies will catch summer, in October, paddy fields will be picked up to fill autumn, and the December moon will kiss snow in the cluster. It is best to give you all the seasons of the year.

7. Your green hair turns white, my body is no longer tall and straight, my flexible legs are no longer flexible, your beautiful face is also depicted by the years, but we still work together in the sunset.

8. Singed the years like this, life like a dream rings, in the story of old age interpretation of a lot of joys and sorrows, how many memories, cool how much time is not elapsing.

9. The more you quarrel and get angry, the more you need to communicate; The more tired you feel, the more you need to snuggle up to each other; The more you feel that you can't continue, the more you should hold each other tightly.

10. A wisp of fragrance in the sky, a bit of fragrance floating in the heart, whether it is day or night, I will come to you and tell you a little more, love you is my constant dream.

11. High EQ is mainly to make others happy; High IQ is mainly to make yourself happy; The IQ is not high and the EQ is not high. The main reason is that you don't make others happy when you are unhappy.

12. Time never forgives, and health needs attention. Husband is out on business; Drink less, take care of your body and remember; Eat more vegetables and exercise more often. Everything goes well. Say again I love you, you have worked hard.

13. When you trust a person without doubt, you may finally get two results, either a person worthy of trust or a lesson worthy of remembering.

14. You are a CD. My memory is a phonograph. Every time I play you, my heart will be beautiful and quiet. You are a book. My heart is a reader. Every time I read you silently, my heart will be beautiful and warm.

15. People who have no foresight must have immediate worries. When you are good, you should find a spare tire. When you are bad, you should find a way out; When you are proud, you should find a way out. When you are frustrated, you should find a way out!

16. When the night falls, I trust the night to bring you luck, the moonlight to bring you warmth, the stars to bring you happiness, and the birds to bring you health. It's getting late, pay attention to your health, and don't stay up late any more. Good night!

17. Don't always worry about gains and losses all day long. People who love me will definitely take me to heart because they can't bear to see me sad. It's my other people who can't take it away, not mine.

18. Sometimes men should have a proper temper. They can't be too gentle and patient with some people, because being too kind will make us lose our value and dignity. Being too kind is also a kind of idiot.

19. Opportunities need us to look for. Only by summoning up courage, using our wisdom and grasping every minute of our life, can we create a more wonderful life for ourselves.

20. You are diligent and I am lazy. I always kneel on the washboard when making mistakes; You are the chopsticks and I am the spoon. It is good to live with tacit understanding; You are the wind, and I am the sand. hold your hand and grow old together with you. Wife, you have worked hard!

21. The thing you can do for each other is to be his friend, his family and his lover no matter what happens to him. That's all. This is the ultimate expression of love in some moments and occasions.

22. Let time be the touchstone to test the innocence of my love for you; Let the years witness to prove the sincerity of my love for you; Let the feeling of happiness verify my vow of love for you. Marry me and make you happy all your life!

23. With clouds, the wind is no longer lonely; With leaves, the tree is no longer lonely; Butterflies fall in love, flowers no longer sad; The earth looks at each other, and the sky is no longer lost; With you, I am no longer sad. Being with you is my greatest wish!

24. In the rainy season of youth, the sky is always a little gray, just like my own mood, and I can't always be as simple and innocent as when I was a child. Everything is not so satisfactory.

25. When we are alive, we will meet each other in a hurry. Meeting is fate, knowing is fate, knowing is also fate. But fate comes like a dream, and fate goes like the wind. What can be put down is a good fate, and what cannot be put down is also a disaster.

26. Where the heart goes, the flowers bloom. A person's life is a collection of stories. If you go out of one story, you will enter another story. Don't linger in the sad story, it will shorten another wonderful story.

27. Terms of love: first love is art, passionate love is flattery, marriage is art, marriage is arithmetic, divorce is surgery, remarriage is postoperative maintenance, in short, love is technology. Many people go their own way, and love soldiers in two ways!

28. The road comes out step by step, and only goes forward with feet on the ground. No matter how big the wind and rain, stick to it. The sunny smile is waiting for you and me after the wind and rain. Go on smiling, and you will surely see the most beautiful Changhong.

29. If you don't want to give in, go for it! Pay will have a harvest, or big or small, or late or early, will never fail your efforts! There is a gap that you always envy others' success, but you dare not start! It's never too late to act now!

30. The silent you in the morning, the tidal you in your eyes, like clouds, like cats walking on stairs, pull my heart. That is the most beautiful picture in the world. I look forward to you in the long way beyond the dawn, dusk and starlight.

31. In life, you can be imperfect, but you must have a heart that advocates perfection and can have flaws, but you must have the ability to self repair. No one is perfect. As long as you have a heart that strives to make progress, you will have the best attitude towards life.

32. Loneliness is because you deserve better. Everyone has a period of time alone, long or short, which is an unavoidable process. Lonely people don't always feel empty. Always empty your hands to catch everything better.

33. Life can't be wasted. True love needs a way back. There are countless flowers in my dreams. I am infatuated with you, and my life will always be white headed. It won't happen again today. I cherish time and hold hands with you. I want to go with you and marry me! Together, we will build the freedom of our love.

34. Take off the shoes that don't fit, and let go of those who don't fit. You don't have to be humble in order to keep anyone. Anyway, it's a lifetime. Don't be afraid, someone will always stay up late with you, pick you up when it rains, say I love you, good things are always at the bottom of the box, and remember to cherish when you meet them.