A sentence that suddenly wakes up to life
The temperature of the moon
2023-06-09 01:45:19
Complete sentences

1. Life has never been smooth. It's better to do things as you like.

2. The night gives me black eyes, but I greet the light with my nostrils.

3. No woman is perfect, and every woman can be beautiful.

4. There are many kinds of tiredness. In fact, there is one kind of tiredness that is most difficult to understand!

5. Maturity means that you are more and more accepting of the facts, rather than becoming more and more realistic.

6. Some people's life is a group of desires. If they can't be satisfied, they will suffer. If they are satisfied, they will be bored.

7. Life is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist, that's all.

8. Not that I don't want to give it, but I have forgotten that feeling, and you have become numb.

9. Difficulties and setbacks, never forget gratitude, just for a new dawn is brewing behind the sunset.

10. Since love, why don't you say something? If something is lost, it will never come back!

11. Time is like a huge hourglass, scattering all the days in the long river of time.

12. Snowflakes are floating in the air. Although they don't know where they fall, they are free and unrestrained.

13. People, with brains, are thinking about life; People, long hands, to create the future.

14. Every morning, remind yourself that life is short and beautiful, and there is no time to tangle or care.

15. A mature person often finds that there are fewer and fewer people to blame, because everyone has difficulties.

16. When I stepped on the train a few years ago, I didn't realize that since then, my hometown has only winter and summer, and no spring and autumn.

17. Maturity is for strangers, foolishness is for friends, and childishness is for people who like.

18. People, there is a kind of thing called others' smile, but you must help others to get it.

19. Be gentle with yourself. You are just a child of the universe, no different from plants and stars.

20. The interesting thing about life is that the greatest pain of yesterday is likely to create the greatest strength of tomorrow.

21. The moon comes first when you are near the water. Sunflowers are easy to spring. Humanity is like a thin sheet of paper, and the world is like a new chess game.

22. Because the power of beauty is beyond imagination, it will let you see a better and better self and a better and better world.

23. The greatest comfort in old age is to realize that we have dedicated all the strength of youth to the cause of never aging.

24. I envy every insignificant person around you. It's so easy for them to see you whom I miss so much.

25. It seems that there are no special likes, dislikes and friends.

26. The workplace is not a catwalk, but a arena. It is not about who is more powerful, but who can survive and live longer.