A maxim about truth
Lifetime commitment
2023-07-10 16:44:25
A complete set of maxims

1. In the long river of seeking truth, only by learning, continuous learning, diligent learning, and creative learning can we cross mountains and mountains. Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician

2. Happiness is finding truth, not finding truth-- Leo Tolstoy

3. I love my teacher, and I love truth more-- Aristotle

4. Those who bow down to the truth will stand up to the sky and earth once their chests are raised. Shen Shunfu

5. As long as a person is willing to go deep below the surface of things to explore, even if he may see wrong, he clears the way for others, and even can make his mistakes finally serve the cause of truth. Bok

6. It is much easier to see the fallacy than to find the truth; Because fallacies are in the light and can be overcome; The truth is hidden deep, and not everyone can find it-- Goethe

7. If you sacrifice your happiness for the love of truth, I have nothing to say. I respect you very much. But in order to love the truth and sacrifice the happiness of others, that is no good-- Roman Roland

8. There is no abstract truth, truth is always concrete. Lenin

9. It is man's duty to explore truth-- Copernicus

10. We only want to bow before the altar of truth, rather than bow before the authority of all materials-- Guo Moruo

11. Truth, even if it only sees the front line, we can't let its glory become dim, we must continue to fight-- Li Siguang

12. Fighting for truth is the greatest pleasure of life-- Bruno

13. Truth has such power. The more you want to attack it, the more your attack will enrich and prove it. Galileo

14. Striving for power and being competitive can activate wisdom and brainstorm in the collision of ideas, but it is also the sworn enemy of prejudice bowing to the truth. Wang Runsheng

15. Don't insult the truth you don't know, or you will make up for your past with the danger of your life-- Shakespeare

16. All kinds of painful experiences have proved that in the process of understanding truth, profound knowledge is not the same as justice and justice. Belinsky

17. Those who have no sincere and enthusiastic respect for the truth can never talk about conscience, noble life, sacrifice or nobility-- Roman Roland

18. Truth is life, you should not look for it in your mind-- Roman Roland

19. Truth is a fruit that must be ripe before it can be picked-- Voltaire

20. The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom are the pillars of society-- Ibsen

21. People need truth just as blind people need a guide with clear eyes. Golgi

22. Those who seek the truth can only be those who explore alone, and have nothing to do with those who do not really love the truth. boris pasternak

23. Truth can never be fooled. Shakespeare