Reading Feelings - Reading Feelings
Ordinary life
2023-11-09 10:24:03
Junior high school
reaction to a book or an article

After reading this collection of essays, I deeply felt the author's memory of his childhood. Among them, "From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore" impressed me most.
"From Herb Garden to Sanwei Bookstore" composed a piece of childhood memories. In the article, the author describes two scenic spots with different colors and different moods. First, he writes about the Hundred Flowers Garden, and then he writes about the Sanwei Bookstore. The Hundred Flowers Garden is a desolate place. However, he is the author's paradise. Sanwei Bookstore is a private school. As the author said, "it is the strictest book store in the city." It looks very old. Children are bound by the rules there, and there is no freedom. But the author did not write the book store as a prison for children. In the boring Sanwei Bookstore, there is a kind atmosphere flowing, which is the fun of children.
The Baicaoyuan and Sanwei Bookstore do form a sharp contrast in structure, but although the Bookstore is a typical private school, the author did not criticize it. The title "From Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Bookstore" points out the original intention and content of creation, that is, to describe the process and mental journey of oneself from the paradise of infinite fun to the strictest school in the city.
This reminiscent prose is concise, fresh, vivid, natural, relaxed, smooth, interesting and refreshing in language.