100 slogans for safety production month in 2021
Clouds passing by
2023-06-08 00:14:09
Complete set of slogans

1、 People oriented, safety first

2、 Safety first, prevention first

3、 If there is prevention, safety will be ensured. If there is no prevention, it will be dangerous.

4、 Meticulous, not caring.

5、 Safe construction, happy life.

6、 Safety first, quality first.

7、 Safety first, prevention first.

8、 Safety management should be strict everywhere.

9、 A small hole does not mend, but a big one suffers.

10、 Lively and reasonable.

11、 It never rains but it pours.

12、 Everyone talks about safety and every family guarantees safety

13、 Keep the mouth safe and the rules in hand

14、 The responsibility for safe production is heavier than Mount Tai.

15、 Safety depends on rules and regulations, and strict observance cannot be forgotten

16、 Happiness is a tree, safety is fertile soil

17、 Attitude awareness determines the quality of work.

18、 Knowledge and skills determine work efficiency.

19、 Rules implementation, evaluation, improvement and innovation.

20、 Not afraid of a thousand days of tight, but afraid of a moment of relaxation.

21、 Everyone talks about safety and safety is everyone.

22、 Everyone talks about safety and every family is safe.

23、 Secure the line of defense and solve the worries behind.

24、 Ten thousand days of safety, an instant of accident.

25、 Every family is happy for safety, and everyone worries about accidents.

26、 There are thousands of people in Andi, who are dedicated to production.

27、 Small worms eat the beam, and hidden dangers brew trouble.

28、 If you want to be accident free, you must work hard.

29、 After drinking before work, walk on the single wooden bridge.

30、 Quality is the eternal topic of highway construction

31、 Strengthen health education and improve health level

32、 Safety comes from vigilance, accident comes from paralysis

33、 Change bad habits and use sanitary toilets

34、 Production must be safe, and safety promotes production

35、 Only once in life, safe with you for life

36、 Abide by social morality and maintain the city appearance and environment

37、 Strict management, solid work and quality assurance

38、 Spread safety culture and safety knowledge.

39、 Ensure project quality and benefit future generations!

40、 Adhere to safe development and build a harmonious society.

41、 Training should be paid, and more should be paid without training.

42、 Safety is for production, and production must be safe.

43、 Safety is benefit, and health is happiness.

44、 Safety is life, and responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai.

45、 Safety is saving, safety is life.

46、 Skilled work brings safety, but reckless work brings disaster.

47、 Strengthen quality supervision and strictly control quality.

48、 Always pay attention to safety and prevent accidents everywhere.

49、 Time is money, efficiency is life.

50、 Mobilize extensively, pay close attention to implementation, and prevent and control by groups.

51. Quality first and safe production in mind

52. Deliberate organization, scientific construction and striving for first-class.

53. The stumbling block is not high, and the violations are not small

54. Honesty is the foundation, the factory is governed by virtue, and science and technology win glory.

55. Strict requirements for safety and lax accidents.

56. The product quality is well controlled, and the overseas business is easy to receive orders.

57. Don't play and distract yourself from accidents during operation.

58. If you think and I use my brain, it will be difficult to improve the problem.

59. Create innovative and high-quality products, and strive for excellence and advancement.

60. It is better to have ten troubles to ensure safety than one adventure.

61. Don't be lucky in safe production. Operation against rules will kill people.

62. The safety alarm bell should ring from time to time to prevent the gongs from ringing frequently.

63. Implement the Production Safety Law and ensure safety for everyone and everything.

64. Carry out safety month activities and thoroughly implement the safety law.

65. Keep the safety light on in your mind, and live a safe life with your life.

66. Abide by the rules without violating the rules and in order from top to bottom.

67. Safety is the greatest saving, and accidents are the greatest waste

68. Initiate the study and implementation of the Production Safety Law.

69. Improve the awareness of self health care and advocate a healthy lifestyle

70. It is better to obey the rules and disciplines in advance than to cry bitterly afterwards.

71. Everyone abides by the Construction Law, and safety in production depends on everyone.

Seventy two. Cherish life every minute and pay attention to safety every minute.

73. Strengthen on-site process management and strictly control process factors.

74. Safety comes from long-term vigilance, and accidents come from patrol paralysis.

Seventy five. Promote the quality activities of all staff and improve the morale of all staff.

76. Always seek efficiency progress and pay attention to methods and technology in everything.

77. Eliminate all potential safety hazards and ensure production safety.

78. Pay attention to hygiene, prevent diseases, and improve the health quality of the whole people

79. Quality is the life of the building, and safety is the life of employees.

80. Compliance with regulations is the precursor of safety, and violation of regulations is the precursor of accidents.

81. Special management for line formation and group management for network formation; The combination of up and down makes the accident difficult to hide

82. Work safety should always be paid attention to. If we do not pay close attention to work safety, we will not pay close attention to it.

83. People are the most precious, safety first. I want safety, safety for me.

84. No matter how busy we are in production, we should not forget about safety. Life is of vital importance, and safety comes first.

Eighty five. Deliberate design, excellent technology, excellence, extraordinary quality.

86. Everyone talks about safety and everything is safety; Always think about safety, and always be safe everywhere.

87. Quality is the key to success of an enterprise.

88. Safety is like a bow, which can be loosened without pulling it; To ensure safety, always stretch the bowstring.

89. Be careful and never make a big mistake. Carelessness makes a big mistake. The production order is disordered, and accidents are everywhere.

90. Actively carry out the "Year of Safe Production" activity.

91. Care for yourself and others. Standardization is the foundation of safety, and responsibility is the soul of safety

92. "Further improvement and upgrading" will ensure project quality and safety.

93. Safety is under your feet and in your hands. Safety is accompanied by happiness, and safety creates wealth.

94. Safety comes from vigilance, and accidents are paralyzed. Skilled work brings safety, but reckless work brings disaster.

95. Hidden danger is better than open fire. Prevention is better than disaster relief. Go to work happily and go home safely.

96. Safety means not to hurt oneself, not to hurt others, not to be hurt by others, not to be hurt by the environment

97. Only by loving work can we succeed - American RMI Company.

98. It's better to go to the site several times than talk about safety production. Safe production is a full moon, and half of the work is missing due to reckless violations.

99. Feeling deeply, feeling stuffy, and feeling dizzy after drinking; Don't drink before going to work, remind each other to be friends.

100. Safety comes first in action, and prevention starts with me. Safety comes from long-term vigilance, and accidents come from instant paralysis.