85 sentences of Mid Autumn greetings for customers
Middle aged
2023-03-13 17:29:25
SMS Collection

1. Missing is like stars, interlacing around you; Happiness is like white clouds, piling up your heart. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, send my best wishes! Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

2. On the 15th day of the Mid Autumn Festival, there is no shortage of blessing messages: a string of true feelings, two or three greetings, four or five blessings, six or six great blessings, seven stars shining high, eight treasures, nine ways to get rich, perfect.

3. It only takes a moment's decision and a second's eyes to change your turn with my hug. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the perfect day is coming, giving you a space for reunion!

4. The whole family sat around and smiled in the sky in the autumn moon. They opened the door to welcome happiness, wealth and longevity, and shared good fortune with each other. SMS blessings came one after another, all sincere and effective. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

5. Middle) The sound of cicadas in summer; (Autumn) The moon is bright and the air is clear; (Festival) Japan and the United States are very beautiful; (Fast) Delightful and happy; (Joy) The Mid Autumn Festival is celebrated by all the families. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

6. Chang'e: The moon shines on you, making you beautiful; SMS: send your blessing to your pillow, and make you happy; Me: I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and a good dream.

7. All bright moons are priceless, all friends are affectionate. A thousand miles away, it's hard to follow Acacia. Although people are hard to reach, their hearts are in harmony. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy reunion, happiness and health!

8. The moon sends lovesickness, thousands of miles away, reunion. I wish that the full moon in the blue sky is a mirror. In this high mirror, you can see your beautiful image, and I can also see the figure I am looking at you.

9. On the Qixi Festival, we meet again on the magpie bridge, and on the Qingming Festival, we meet for the first time on the broken bridge. On the Mid Autumn Festival, under the bright moon, red ropes are tied together, and on the red carpet on Valentine's Day, we tie the knot. Love in the festival, fate in the festival!

10. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, I wish you a safe life, smooth sailing, two people together, three sunny days, four seasons, six great successes, seven steps into a poem, eight immortals crossing the sea, nine to one, perfect!

11. The Mid Autumn Festival is not here yet. I hope my best wishes will come first. Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance! Good mood every day!

12. The moon is full on the Mid Autumn Festival, the frost is congealing and the dew is cold, the stars are shining, the osmanthus is fragmentary, and the heart fists, bless thousands of people: happiness is immortal, good luck is boundless, health is safe, and success is first. Mid Autumn Festival, happiness forever.

13. At the end of the lunar calendar, let's look at the bright moon and eat moon cakes. One person can consume one moon cake to boost economic growth by one percentage point. Let's cherish our sweet thoughts and make contributions to economic development!

14. The autumn moon is bright, the wine is fresh, the moon cakes are sweet, the friends are hot, the family is harmonious, and the Mid Autumn Festival is round, and happiness is forever! Wish you and your family a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

15. A full moon hangs in the sky. The whole house is full of happiness and reunion. A few cups of warmth surround each other. We are full of bosom friends and hope that people will stay together for a long time. During the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish my family happiness and everything goes well.

16. On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival! Let the full moon round your dream! Send a round cake, offer a round heart, send a round feeling, round a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

17. If I can fly to the sky, I will drive Wu Gang away and bring Chang'e to do it for you. Then I will kill the Jade Rabbit and give you a kidney tonic, so that your kidney will never lose like the moon on the 15th Five Year Plan! I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival.

18. To the Mid Autumn Festival, send you double yellow moon cakes, wish you work and life double brilliant; I send you lotus moon cakes, and wish you good luck and many smiles; Give you five kernel moon cakes, and wish you five blessings and happiness. Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

19. Mid Autumn Festival full moon flowers open, happy reunion bustling; Be happy when relatives and friends get together and eat a piece of moon cake; Raise a glass to invite the moon to celebrate together, and show your heart by drinking; I wish you a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival mood, comfortable and happy!

20. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, I will send you a moon cake. The first layer: care; The second layer: considerate; The third layer: romance; The fourth floor: warm; Middle interlayer: sweet! I wish you a good mood every day! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

21. The Mid Autumn Festival is actually a blessing festival. Pick up our phone to send our greetings, pick up our mobile phones to convey our blessings, and let our hearts be reunited together on the night of the full moon in the Mid Autumn Festival.

22. On August 15, the Mid Autumn Festival will come, and the family will have a happy reunion. Surrounded by the fragrance of orchid and laurel, the happy wish table is harmonious. I only wish that there would be this moment every year, and that harmony and beauty would never grow old. Blessing voices come, happy Mid Autumn Festival without worry!

23. In August and the 15th, children will be reunited. Happy people will be reunited. Every day, they will have a good dream and be happy. Eating a moon cake will be sweet and sweet. Good luck will always accompany them. Happy people will smile and wish the Mid Autumn Festival a happy and happy reunion in advance!

24. Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is empty; Drink a glass of wine to the shadow; Clouds walk lightly and read leisurely; Leaves do not know the autumn; Breeze line, blowing sorrow; This festival, the world has; Wish you a happy reunion, a more beautiful heart, and a lasting blessing!

25. The moon is full, the flowers are more fragrant, take care of your health; Fish are swimming and birds are chirping. May you laugh every day; Book in hand, wine in the cup, wish you good luck every day; More joy, less sorrow. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

26. A white jade plate is missing when the weather is cloudy and sunny, and reunion is expected when separation and separation occur. Yueming misses his relatives, and the righteousness of his friends is cloudless. It's like an arrow to return to the south. The family reunion is endless. The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of good wishes and happiness for all furniture.

27. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the old moon says that only true love can make you happy! Chang'e said that friends are here, not lonely; The Jade Rabbit says that it pays attention to recuperation and does not pound medicine; Wu Gang said I exercise, I am happy! I said I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and more happiness after the festival!

28. At the full moon night on the Mid Autumn Festival, look up at the stars and pray for the full moon in Guanghan Palace. Whether you are the beautiful Chang'e, the gentle Jade Rabbit or the laurel cutting Wu Gang, please bless the world, for the full moon of the 15th Five Year Plan, and for the reunion of thousands of families!

29. On behalf of Chang Jin, Cui Shanggong, Han Shanggong, Zheng Shanggong and others, I would like to say to my dear friends that the Mid Autumn Festival is a happy time for family reunion! Don't forget spicy cabbage!

30. Time is moving, and the moon will be round in the end. Following the romance of the moonlight, smelling the fragrance of osmanthus, sending sincere wishes to each other, holding hands with eternal vows, and clinking cups of joy. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and happiness forever!

31. A heartfelt benevolence, two liang of happy candy, three yuan happy syrup, four spoons of five dippers of delicious soup, six or seven colors of happy soup, and eight immortals table with wine in the middle, all of its beauty together! The moon cakes in the plate are round and round, and happiness at home is in front of us.

32. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Don't forget to drink the Happy Moonlight Wine with your family, taste the sweet scented osmanthus cake, listen to the music of reunion, watch the maple leaf dance of peace, enjoy the happy day, and watch friends' blessing letters: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

33. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the moon cakes should be carefully selected and inspected for their outer packaging. The shelf life is good; The moon cake shall be regular in shape and even in thickness; There is no crack on the surface and the pattern is clear; The pastry filling is soft, fragrant and delicious. Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

34. The bright moon is round in the sky, and human beings are blessed to the fullest; Moonlight is bright and romantic. Greeting is simple and true. I use simple blessings to make sweet moon cakes. I hope you will enjoy sweet life, peace and happiness after tasting! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

35. The autumn is stirring, the bright moon is in the sky, and my thoughts are strong. A text message, although it conveys my feelings of missing, blocks the smiling face of our reunion. My relatives, although they cannot be reunited, still want a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

36. The moon is a poem, and the stars are paintings. May all happiness accompany you. Greetings are spring, and care is summer. May all friends treat you sincerely. Gentleness is autumn, and romance is winter. May all happiness follow you. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

37. I remember you when the moon is short, and miss you when the moon is full. It was not easy to wait until the Mid Autumn Festival. Tonight, I will overcome all difficulties to hold you and send you my hot lips. I will not leave for a long time. Wow! What a delicious mooncake!

38. As the Mid Autumn Festival approaches, we present a moon cake with five grams of happy dates, a handful of care rice, three dollars of friendship water, tied up with humor, and delivered by mobile phone; Shelf life: before August 15 of the lunar calendar; Saving method: press the Save key.

39. There is a saying that has been in my heart for a long time. I am afraid that the rainstorm will wet it, the wind will blow it away, the cold will freeze it, and the hot sun will sun it through. Finally, I am looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival. I want to say to you: I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

40. Maple leaves are red, bright, and fragrant with red osmanthus. The garden is full of fruits. The wind is cool, the clouds are light, and the wild geese fly south. The sky is high, the stars are bright, and the moon is getting round. The Mid Autumn Festival is in front. Drink good wine, and the moon cakes are sweet. Wish you a happy smile and happiness forever!

41. The annual Mid Autumn Festival, greetings and blessings can not be lost. White jade plates are held in the sky, and many people think of friends during festivals on earth. A short message to send love, warm friendship like wine. Distance separates you and me. Time will last forever. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

42. A bright moon shines in the sky, from the horizon to the sea; A sweet scented osmanthus tree makes the whole family happy; A wisp of cool autumn wind tells us to care; A shade of green covers my head. I have love in my heart but no worries. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

43. Do not seek the earliest, do not seek the best, just seek the most true; The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, I would like to send you my most sincere blessing: I wish you the best of luck from all over the world! Sincerely wish you good luck on Mid Autumn Festival!

44. No gifts will be given on August 15, and SMS blessing will be given to you; Share moon cakes and moon nights, care about friends in mind; Health and happiness often accompany each other, and in their spare time, they read about each other; Acquaintance miss do not want to see, the moon hanging form my heart. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

45. Sweet scented osmanthus in August. May life be more fragrant without tiredness. The mid-autumn moon is like water. May work be more pleasant and life more beautiful. Chang'e lives in Toad Palace. May love be sweet and money be prosperous. The mid-autumn festival is blessed. May the future be promising and the mid-autumn festival be happy.

46. Harmony and beauty come to the Mid Autumn Festival. It's a good time to get together happily. Peace and peace talk about happiness, enjoy the bright moon, and be happy to send blessings. May you have a happy Mid Autumn Festival every minute, and live in harmony and peace!

47. A round moon, a round yearning, a round moon cake, a round wish, a round festival, a round wish, a happy Mid Autumn Festival reunion, a happy SMS, I wish you a happy family reunion, a happy dream and everything.

48. Celestial music floats on the moon, and the heaven and earth celebrate the night; When you invite wine to the moon, you will have a good harvest; The moon shines on me as well as on you, and the sky is getting old; A wish from my heart: happiness is coming and going. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

49. The rise of the moon represents my concern, the fall of the moon represents my concern, the surplus of the moon represents my concern, the loss of the moon represents my missing, the bud of the moon represents my sincerity, the bend of the moon represents my smile, and the full moon represents my blessing. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

50. The bright moon on one shoulder is lingering, and the moonlight in both places is like water. Sansheng is lucky to be friends, and the Mid Autumn Festival comes back in four seasons. Five blessings come to see you off, and six great blessings will accompany you forever. The seven stars accompany the moon, and the eight immortals offer wine on the table. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

51. As the Mid Autumn Festival approaches, the old man of the moon says: Only true love can make you happy! Chang'e said: friends, not lonely; The Jade Rabbit said, "Take care of yourself and don't pound medicine."; Wu Gang said: I exercise, I am happy! I said: I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and more happiness after the festival!

52. Bite a mouthful of moon cake, taste sweetness, sublimate happiness, drink a mouthful of wine, taste happiness, and make happiness rich. Send a message with a blessing, and make happiness happy. On the Mid Autumn Festival, may your family be happy and happy!

53. Hello, this is Zhongbo 2011 KHz, 815 Hz. Your friend ordered a song "Happy Mid Autumn Festival" for you. Since the friend didn't give gifts for the Mid Autumn Festival, the on-demand song was canceled. Please hum it yourself. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

54. I will take Chang'e's silk thread and embroider it on the moon to show a pair of koi. I hope you will have more than one year to show a peony. I hope you will be rich and honorable again and again, and show a Chinese dragon. I hope you can realize your dream of the Mid Autumn Festival this year and have good luck.

55. Give the creativity to Qiufeng and let him interpret lovesickness; The blessing reposes in the bright moon, the true feelings melt in the cake; Write the missing into a short message, and see the sincerity every word; Pass on friendship to each other, warm feelings between you and me. Build eternity and enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival.

56. Fill up Ruyi wine, touch the happy moment, taste the sweet moon cakes, savor the happy life, enjoy the full moon in the sky, spend a beautiful festival together, give blessing words, and enjoy the Mid Autumn Festival. May the Mid Autumn Festival be a happy occasion for the whole family!

57. On the 15th day of August, the Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. The wealth from all over the world is in the bosom, and the happiness from all over the world is around. I will bless you for a long time. I will gather my blessings into a river, and send a message to you. May you feel refreshed in the Mid Autumn Festival and be more healthy in the Mid Autumn Festival!

58. In August and 15, the children are reunited. Family and friends get together, drink, chat and laugh. The sweet and delicate mooncakes are the sweetheart of a happy life. Looking at the bright moon, I wish you every success and happiness! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

59. I am a test kid. The autumn wind is blowing again. The cold weather is long and the moon is more round. The festival is coming again. When people arrive, the moon is bright and the distance is long. I miss each other. My heart is always on each other. I wish you a happy reunion and good luck all the year round! Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

60. In August and 15, the children are full, and the family is reunited when the moon is full. May your wealth be rolling in, and your pocket be plump and round; I hope your career will be smooth and your dream will not be far away; May your love blossom forever and your life be full of happiness and wishes. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

61. In August, sweet scented osmanthus blooms everywhere, and the fragrance of lovesickness is lingering. The sky is high and the moon is full, and you want to kiss. The Mid Autumn Festival is a festival of reunion. Love is sweet, holding hands, far away and close at heart. Love each other is a testimony. Wish all lovers get married.

62. The round moon is particularly bright, and the yearning is even stronger from afar. The round moon cake is very sweet. I wish you a happy and warm reunion, a happy career, a romantic and sweet love, and a happy dream from afar. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

63. The round moon and sweet cakes will bring the Mid Autumn Festival to Renchen; Warm house, intimate people, hometown parents look forward to their return; In a hurry, on a long road, we will go faster and faster; Full of words, burning feelings, osmanthus fragrance, the moon is brighter!

64. I am on the Moon, looking at the Moon of the Fifteen Year Plan, thinking about the Moon Night on the Spring River, and would like to say to you: The Moon Represents My Heart. Dear customers, I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival, a happy and healthy family, and a happy holiday.

65. With a wisp of laurel, I hope you enjoy the fragrance of happiness; If you pick the moonlight and frost, may you win the light of good luck; Borrow a piece of sugar from the moon cake, and wish you sweet taste. The Mid Autumn Festival is here. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy and prosperous life and a prosperous and prosperous family!

66. The god of wealth said: "The Jade Emperor has sent me to reward you for your long-term cooperation with XX Company. Now I wish you happiness, health and happiness. If you continue to work together like this in the future, the Jade Emperor will send me."

67. Children are reunited in August and 15, and families celebrate reunion. The moon cake is round and sweet in heart, and happiness is boundless; The fruit tray is round and full, and the ginkgo is smiling profusely; The table of delicious wine and food is round, and the sound of blessing is endless. SMS sent me wishes, wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival family!

68. Dear customers, you have successfully applied for the activity of "Free Mid Autumn Moon Festival". Welcome to the Mid Autumn Festival website www. Happy Mid Autumn Festival. cn, Check the date, find happiness and do business without leaving home. Thank You for Your Cooperation!

69. Moonlight is like water, which is full of missing; A piece of moon cake warms the heart of a wanderer. A phone call, a few words, although can not meet, but also a different reunion. The only way to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival is to raise a glass to invite the moon, to comfort the parting feelings, and to bless relatives and friends. Happiness and longevity will last forever!

70. The Mid Autumn Festival is full in January, and the autumn field is full of fragrance. Flowers bloom happily and good luck is shared. The moon is bright tonight, and the osmanthus is fragrant. The Jade Rabbit is busy sending blessings, and Chang'e is singing. Wu Gang holds good wine and is blessed with wine. Missing each other far away, bless forever. The whole family is healthy and happy.

71. Dear customer: The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and we have made a special auspicious blessing for you. This blessing is only for your personal use. Please keep it well. You will receive happiness, receive happiness, and reap success with the blessing. Wish "Happy Mid Autumn Festival!"

72. The moon is tall and round, and the moon cakes are fragrant and sweet. The moon is in the sky, I am on the earth, and I miss you when you are in the horizon. The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of homesickness. No matter how far you go, you can't go beyond my missing or my blessing. May you go out smoothly and healthily, have good luck, and be happy and safe!

73. Without the vast universe, there is no vast land; Without fresh air, there is no peaceful breathing; Without lovely flowers and plants, there is no fragrance; Without your support, there would be no growth for us! We sincerely wish new and old customers a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

74. The wind of the Mid Autumn Festival touches your smiling face, which is my love for you; The mid-autumn moon shines on your bed, which is my comfort to you; The songs of the Mid Autumn Festival are lingering in your ears. That's my best wish for you. Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, I wish you a happy holiday, life is sweeter than honey!

75. There is a bright moon tonight. Let's drink to the moon. I don't know where you are. Today's Mid Autumn Festival. I want to send a message to ask you, but I'm afraid my phone will shut down. Care message, Mid Autumn Festival blessing warm! I have thousands of words, and you have happiness every day. Care for each other forward, bless the world!

76. With red enthusiasm, orange happiness as the skin, yellow happiness as the stuffing, green health water, give you blue luck, blue fortune, purple luck embellishment, and my 200% sincerity, I will give you a rainbow moon cake that will be lucky once you eat it. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

77. When the Mid Autumn Festival comes, the moon will be round and the whole family will have a happy gathering; The fragrance of laurel is refreshing and refreshing; The jade rabbit is used to pound medicine, which is more healthy to eliminate disasters; Wu Gang felled the laurel, cutting away the bad luck; Chang'e will send you happiness and longevity; Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival! Happy and safe family!

78. The full moon is hanging high in the sky, shining on the earth. Chang'e Jade Rabbit is happy in the moon. The world is full of happiness tonight. Every family is reunited and toasted to celebrate the harvest year. It is full of love, wealth, health, kindness and filial piety. The moon cakes are sweet and beautiful, and the wine is full of life. I wish my friends every success during the Mid Autumn Festival.

79. The sweet osmanthus in the middle of the month is fragrant, and the moon cake in the world is fragrant. The Jade Rabbit wishes reunion and Chang'e dances to send good luck. People enjoy happiness and happiness, and share the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day. Harmony, beauty, everything is safe, and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming and we wish you happiness. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and a happy family in advance.

80. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming again, and families will gather together; Put the sweet moon cake in your mouth, and you will live happily; The whole family enjoys the full moon. The full moon looks like a bright light. The full moon makes people happy and harmonious. The moon cake is sweet, the life is sweet, and everything is smooth and beautiful. If you want to ask what is the most fun this year, it will naturally be the Mid Autumn Festival!

81. The most fashionable way to eat moon cakes: there is no trouble with making porridge with moon cakes, because "the cake is thin and peaceful" almond moon cakes have no doubt. It is said that "the cake almond is difficult to doubt" bow shaped moon cakes have a lot of wisdom, and it is said that "the cake bow wisdom" makes you silent, and the Mid Autumn Festival is happy!

82. The Mid Autumn Festival is approaching. Greetings, we have formed a united front and launched to you. A line of missing is tied to me at one end and you at the other; A happy line, may your life go straight; A zigzag line, I hope you enjoy the scenery along the way of life more; A closed line, wish you happiness, everything is complete; A flexible wavy line, I wish you a beautiful and happy Mid Autumn Festival!

83. You should know that the moonlight is not moonlight, it just reflects the light of the sun; You should know that the moon is not only a perfect moon, but also a happy life for you; You should know that your happiness is not only the bright moon, but also the bright stars; You should know that short messages are not only greetings, but also warmth; You know, greetings don't end at the end, but also my most beautiful wish: the Mid Autumn Festival is coming, I wish you a happy reunion and everything is complete!

84. If there is a little sadness in the eyebrows and eyes, it is the moon; A little less "heart" in sorrow is autumn. The autumn moon is full, wish reunion, happiness, wealth and happiness. On the Mid Autumn Festival, Yuanyuan wishes you a happy reunion. I wish you a happy dream, a happy life and a happy family.

85. In August and the 15th, children "Yuan" send a blessing to celebrate the group "Yuan" and wish you a "round" life and happiness; The dream of "fulfilling" the career is infinite; Love is round, sweet and romantic; Work smoothly and smoothly; The Mid Autumn Festival Group is "round" and happy!