85 sentences of San's allegorical sayings
Wind at the end of sunset bridge
2023-07-20 04:15:43
Allegorical sayings

1、 Three legged stove - sitting on the spot

2、 Cherry blossom in March -- Thank you

3、 Triangular brick - uneven

4、 With three hands - love stealing

5、 Three plus two minus five -- equal to zero

6、 Three foot threshold - cannot be raised

7、 Two plus three minus five -- equal to zero

8、 Three strikes, five strikes and two strikes - crisp and clean

9、 Drinking Ginger Soup for Three or Nine Days - Warm hearted

10、 Ice lolly for three or nine days -- nobody cares

11、 Fur coat for three or nine days -- warm people's hearts

12、 Three mu of bamboo garden sprouts - shoots

13、 The combination of three cents -- lazy and hot

14、 Three cents' sesame seed cake -- big deal

15、 Walk at 30 nights - no shadow

16、 Three days without sleep - listless

17、 Mother died at the age of three -- it's a long story

18、 Three year old doll: innocence

19、 The land protection of three forks - Guan Dekuan

20、 Three Crossroads -- A Misunderstanding

21、 In March, enjoy the flowers -- colorful

22、 Sanmao's hair -- a handful

23、 Three Eye Gun Shoots Rabbit - Maybe

24、 Three cobblers - Zhuge Liang

25、 Fan in Three or Nine Days - Fire in the Heart

26、 Three or nine days to fall into the ice cave -- shaking up

27、 Wearing a single coat on March 9 - no prestige

28、 Drinking ice water in dog days

29、 It's the right time to drink herbal tea in dog days

30、 Hail in dog days -- bad luck

31、 Firecrackers in dog days - explode at the touch

32、 Three foot long saw -- pulling and pushing

33、 Green moss in March - no; Not tender

34、 The Field Chicken in March -- Be Benedict, Don't Benedict

35、 Two sides of the three cables are tied - make them slightly stiff

36、 Tang Sanzang's Reading of Buddhist Scriptures -- Speaking with open mouth

37、 Three and a half people catch crabs - all hands and all legs

38、 Three little ghosts can't hold it - more ghosts than ghosts

39、 Three or nine days of beggar -- cold and hungry

40、 Dog in dog days -- not breathing down

41、 Electric fan in dog days -- busy

42、 Three volt electric fan -- busy

43、 Three foot long bed sheet -- Gu Tou neglects his feet

44、 Nobody has stepped on the threshold in three years - alone

45、 Go through the house three times without entering - public but selfless

46、 Today three, tomorrow four -- capricious

47、 When a rabbit dies, it has to jump three times - dying struggle

48、 Firecrackers set off in the middle of the night -- a blockbuster

49、 Zhang San doesn't eat dead children - living people are used to it

50、 I didn't wait to open my mouth

Fifty one, three people say two words - how can it be your turn

Fifty two, three masters and two sedans -- no part of you

Fifty-three, three Bodhisattva halls -- temples; Wonderful

54. Hatching chickens in dog days - bad guys; Many bad guys

Fifty five, sorghum seedlings in dog days -- rising steadily

56. Wearing fur coat in dog days -- I don't know how to look at the weather

57. Fishing in three days, drying the net in two days - dawdling

58. Draw a house with three pieces of paper - great face

59. Two out of three scriptures -- one is serious

60. Three Faces in the Mirror - Ghost; Grimace

61. Three awls cannot pierce a drop of blood - old ox tendons

62. Three rooms with two ends -- no one knows who

Sixty three. A blind man who doesn't wash his face for three days -- out of sight is clean

Sixty four, three cents buy a sesame seed cake to see how thick it is - cheapskate

65, 30 miles without changing shoulders - the burden is getting heavier and heavier

Sixty six, three foot long ladder -- can't reach the eaves (eaves)

67. Seeing the sun in the middle of the night -- strange; Too far off the mark

Sixty eight, two of the three strands of string are broken -- talk (play) can't

69. The medicine that has been decocted three times is useless; waste material

70, 39 days of dried tofu - cold and hard

Wearing skirts in seventy-one and thirty-nine days -- beautiful and moving (frozen)

Seventy two, three hands in charge of the granary - don't worry; Not at ease

Seventy three, three dice scatter two points - can't understand; Don't understand

Grandma in her seventy-four and eighties, three year old grandson -- old and old, small and small

Seventy five, thirty nine days wearing a single coat -- shaking up; No prestige

Seventy six, dog in dog days -- can't breathe; Out of breath

Seventy seven, three talents, seven ghosts -- people are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts

Seventy eight, three cents for an erhu -- no tune, no tune

Seventy nine, the third division's hoe - you can tell when the shit reaches your mouth; You can tell when you get to the mouth

Eighty, in March, the dragon boat goes against the current - striving to reach the upper reaches; Everyone contributes

The peach blossom blooms in 81 or 39 days - rare; Too bizarre; strange and eccentric

Eighty two, three axe can not cut into the face - what a thick face; Cheeky

Eighty three, three sticks can't fart - honest to home; Honest pimple

Eighty four, a three foot ladder up the building -- unattainable; No eaves; Can't speak

Eighty five, there is no silver here; Coax yourself; deceive oneself and others