82 quiet and beautiful sentences
Rose with thorns
2023-05-17 22:02:56
Complete sentences

1、 The classroom was silent.

2、 Cicadas are noisy in the forest, and birds are singing in the mountain.

3、 In the wilderness, trees are low in the sky, and the river is clear and the moon is close to people.

4、 The square is as quiet as the grass at dusk.

5、 The classroom is as quiet as the forest at night.

6、 Tonight, the feeling of summer wind is touching at the fingertips.

7、 Don't wait for the wrong person, don't hurt the wrong heart.

8、 Times Square is as quiet as the grass at dusk.

9、 Always like this, remember too little, forget too much.

10、 So many people no longer believe in love, what about you?

11、 The sky was silent, with only the traces of the return of geese.

12、 It was quiet and I could hear the sound of a needle falling down.

13、 There was no sound in the carriage, as if it were empty.

14、 At noon, the reading room was very quiet, as if no one were there.

15、 The classroom is quiet as if a needle fell on the ground.

16、 The classroom is quiet like entering a silent world!

17、 There is a kind of love that does not connect with each other, but will desperately think of each other!

18、 The classroom was quiet as if the air had condensed, and there was no sound.

19、 Not only women will be sad, men are sad in the heart.

20、 The students were unusually quiet. I heard the teacher's watch ticking faintly.

21、 I am in the rain, see you step on the rainbow, you happy I will be happy.

22、 I can't fight any more. I just want to live a peaceful and simple life.

23、 The reason why people die is that the body cannot bear the power of evolution.

24、 Time makes deep things deeper and shallow things shallower.

25、 In the quiet night, looking up at the crescent moon in the sky, my heart suddenly opened.

26、 After the typhoon, the earth was so quiet that the sound of butterflies flapping their wings could be heard.

27、 So lost, I also grew up; So lonely, I also grew up.

28、 Missing is like the stars in the sky, sometimes shining, sometimes dim.

29、 When a friend is in a dilemma, don't ask what you can do, think about it, and do the right thing.

30、 The two dragons on the cornice, the golden scales and the golden armor, are vivid and seem to fly away.

31、 There is nothing in life that must be done or given up.

32、 The summer night is very quiet, only the frog's cry, everything seems so quiet.

33、 Dedication is not like a person all your life, it is like a person with all your heart and soul.

34、 Slowly get used to a person's life, a cup of tea, a song, a person's world.

35、 The love found is beautiful, but the love given without seeking is more beautiful.

36、 The gorgeous pavilion of Huaqing Palace is surrounded by the water of Huaqing Pool, and the ground is covered with duckweeds. It is green and clean.

37、 In the dark night, except for the tick of the alarm clock and the swing of the branches, there was silence around.

38、 Are you in love with someone? If so, be sure to love hard.

39、 It was quiet as if time had stopped, as if one action could break the peace.

40、 The palace, which is located in the trees, is like a golden island.

41、 The night was as quiet as a pool of water. It seemed that all the creatures had already slept, and everything seemed so peaceful.

42、 The classroom was very quiet. The students were doing their homework. It seemed that they heard the rustle of silkworms eating mulberry leaves.

43、 Sometimes you have to stop and think about all the good things you have in your life.

44、 The night is deep, the moon is in the sky, the stars are dotted, and the evening wind is blowing on people's cheeks, feeling cool and refreshing.

45、 There is always a balance in life, good and bad love and hate, happiness and sadness, excitement and loneliness can not be changed.

46、 The night looks like a wild cat sliding down from the ridge and putting all the sounds into the canyon. The canyon starts to snore.

47、 Young love can be quiet, but in the years to come, I will always walk in the scenery without you.

48、 Many things cannot be controlled by oneself. Even if you are lonely again, you still have to go on. Don't stop or turn back.

49、 Black enveloped all the houses. The moonlight was dim, the trees were whirling, and the wind was blowing gently on the shining faces of the stars.

50、 The forest is so quiet that you can hear the "buzzing" sound of wings.

51. No matter how the noise before crawled through our wounds, every day that remained will be in every day that I like you.

52. Those futures, which we have always been apprehensive and curious about, will vaguely feel that they are bright in our hearts.

53. I like taking the bus best. In the left position of the last row, I fell asleep when I sat down, as if I had walked half a city in the blink of an eye.

54. The seaside at night is very quiet. There is no noisy voice, no noisy cars, only soft wind and beautiful waves.

55. The earth has fallen asleep. The deserted street is silent except for the gentle breeze and the occasional barking of a dog.

56. I like the morning best. It seems that everything can be restarted. I feel sad at noon. It's the most difficult to pass at night.

57. Watching fireworks is a very lonely gesture. Even if it is done by a group of people together, they continue to spread in the air in an unknown place, and then disappear.

58. There are only so many places around a person, and there is only so much you can give. I am not arrogant, nor mischievous, is tired of all dependence.

59. It is said that men are deep and women are grumbling. At the moment, I am being touched by the fragrance of flowers and the lingering rain.

60. The meeting place was very quiet. "I only heard my heart beating, and the people around me seemed to have settled down. I didn't even hear their breathing.

61. You were special at the beginning. We all went through whispers without shoes. Before that, who am I? You appeared. In a moment, everything changed.

62. In this way, I sit quietly in front of the computer, letting my thoughts flow and let my warmth overflow. My heart is like a green spring, gently rippling in the misty sky.

63. I miss you everywhere. When there are many people, I miss you. When I am alone, you have become the protagonist of my thoughts. I envy you.

64. Some things, if you don't understand the headache and the heartache, you might as well work hard every day, go home to eat and sleep after dinner. If you don't think about anything, the world will be quiet.

65. There are some people in our life who rub shoulders with us, but it's too late to meet them; Meet, but it's too late to meet; Acquaintance, but it is too late to get familiar; Familiar, but still want to say goodbye.

Sixty six. On a quiet moonlit night, I sit alone, and I don't feel lonely because I have you in my heart. God has arranged us to love each other, know each other, and love each other, and also set this moment, so I miss you so much!

67. The seaside at night is very quiet. There is no noisy voice, no noisy cars, only the soft wind and beautiful waves. After the typhoon, the earth was so quiet that the sound of butterflies flapping their wings could be heard.

68. The best time to go to work is to wear earphones at noon, read books and play with mobile phones, and then go to bed. Sometimes I think it's good to amuse myself. You don't need to understand me, and I don't want to pay attention to you. I just want to be a quiet beauty.

69. Some people can only leave if they don't come; Some things can only be given up if they are not wanted; Some of the past, about happiness or pain, can only be buried in the bottom of my heart; Some hope that we can only choose to forget about the present or the future.

Seventy, the corridor in the midday sun, with the shadow of long pillars, was empty and silent. Around the corridor, you can watch the murals carefully. The wonderful places have been touched smooth and shining. Then walk across the big square.

Seventy one, Chuang Tzu washed his hands in the water. The palm of his hand was silent. Chuang Tzu washed his body in the water with the sound of a cloth stuck to the water. It's hard. I heard a voice when I felt the most uncomfortable.

Seventy two. In the quiet night, looking up at the crescent moon in the sky, I suddenly feel happy. In this way, I sit quietly in front of the computer, letting my thoughts flow and let my warmth overflow. My heart is like a green spring water gently rippling in the misty sky.

73. No matter what happens, please accept life quietly and happily, and smile bravely, boldly and forever. Don't easily say love to others, don't stubbornly open the door of others' hearts, and leave jokingly, so it hurts others and hurts yourself.

Seventy four. At this time, a fly flew from somewhere. It was so noisy that I was upset. I put out my hand and slapped it. I quickly withdrew my hands. It seemed that everyone was staring at me and thought I had broken the silence. I was stunned and felt my heart rate slowed down. It's too quiet!

Seventy-five. When facing life rationally, it is better to smile freely than to be silent passively. When life slaps you, it is because he is paying attention to you, hoping that you will grow. What you can do is to make life better quietly. Long life, I can do it, you?

Seventy six, five were sent away in one year, and these five will return to the team. 821 sent away Kim Ki fan who will never return to the team. Noisy once only left the quiet waiting, no wonder Jin Lixu would cry like that on the radio. I always thought I was ready, but when the day came, I was still sad and became a fool.

Seventy seven, under the setting sun in the bamboo forest, the slanting sun beams through the forest reflected on his tall and thin body. His handsome eyes were slightly closed, his eyebrows were slightly open, his nose was lifted, his lips were lifted, and he was thinking about something. At this moment, he seems to be quietly integrated with nature, just like a freehand painting of light green ochre.

Seventy eight, the night was silent, and I lay in bed, unable to sleep for a long time. From the past to the present, my thoughts are all tangled together. I dare not think about the future. I just think, is my life a slide? All the way down, all the way down, all the way to the end, does life end?

Seventy nine, I will give the faint rose color dream to my bosom friend. Do you feel the quiet and pure melody like me? I will use my tender heart to render the light and color of dreams in a beautiful way. When the flowers are blooming all over the mountains, do you hear the voice of the flowers as I do.

80. The meeting was very quiet. "I only heard my own heartbeat, and the people around me seemed to have stopped, even did not hear their breathing. At this time, a fly flew from nowhere. The buzzing noise made me upset, and I put out my hand and slapped it. I quickly withdrew my hand. It seemed that all people were staring at me, thinking that I had broken the silence. I was stunned, and felt my heart rate slowed down. It's too quiet!

81. When the night falls, the moonlight is dim, the bamboo shadows are whirling, the tender leaves carry the beautiful starlight, call the soul of returning to the root, the dew is shining with the crystal beam, and the beautiful notes are floating... People pursuing dreams, or lighting a cigarette, gazing at the night outside the window, missing the old tree at the intersection of home, the endless fun, playing innocence, and the shepherd's flute sound of childhood.

Eighty two. The silvery moonlight sprinkles on the ground, and there are crickets everywhere crying sadly. The fragrance of the night fills the air, weaving a soft net, covering all the scenery inside. What the eyes touch are all things covered with this soft net. No matter what plants or trees are, they are not as realistic as in the daytime. They all have vague and illusory colors. Each of them hides its details, keeps its secrets, and makes people feel like a dream.