Endless sentimental sentences
Happy people
2023-05-27 14:40:11
Complete sentences

1. If you move people with sincerity, people will respond with sincerity.

2. Because there are expectations, we will be disappointed.

3. The opposite of love is not hate, but indifference

4. Passing by countless times and pretending to be casual

5. The more afraid of losing, the easier it is to lose.

6. It's like I'm doing evil.

7. The hunter chasing the deer could not see the mountain at his feet.

8. The three worst bowls of noodles in life: face to face scenes.

9. I just lied to him one day, but he lied to me all his life

10. There is a kind of happiness called waiting, and there is a kind of wisdom called low-key.

11. Don't think about creating the sea. You must start with small rivers.

12. Love is temptation, and only love can give you strength to resist temptation.

13. It's a pity that I'm not the kid who makes you desperate.

14. There is a kind of love called letting go, and there is a kind of pain after letting go.

15. When you hear nothing, I will love everything in the world with my heart.

16. I have given everything I should have given, and I am willing to do it, except to let you know that my heart is cut with a knife

17. The furthest distance in the world is to miss you deeply, but you can only be deeply buried.

18. There are some things we must give up before we have the energy to meet a better life.

19. There are some things we must let go before we have the energy to meet a better life.

20. The most powerful people are those who carry a heavy load in their heart but are indifferent on the surface.

21. We put down our individuality, principles and freedom, just because we can't put down a person

22. Time will let you understand love. Time can prove love and overthrow love.

23. I also have my pride. My self-esteem should not give up all this for someone.

24. The most precious thing in this world is not "can't get" or "has lost", but "has already owned".

25. The furthest distance in the world is the distance between fish and birds, one in the sky, the other deep under the sea.

26. There is a kind of forbearance that is actually a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence that is actually a shocking confession.

27. I dare not expect too much. I just want to treat the moment as forever and turn the present into memory, bit by bit.

28. I would rather be parallel to him than intersect him, because once intersected, he would be farther away from that point

29. Don't be angry or sad when others say we are bad. We don't have to be happy to say we are good. There are good in bad, and good in bad. It depends on whether you can use it or not?

30. In this world, there is always a person who makes you helpless. Even if he is useless, even if he has many bad deeds, you still need him. This is the pi of emotion, infinite and endless.