Sentences that are aesthetically pleasing and suitable for various moods (80 selected sentences)
Forget the past
2023-03-23 09:10:57
Complete sentences

1. When you know confusion, you are not pitiful. When you do not know confusion, you are the most pitiful.

2. What we regret is not that we have missed the best person, but that we have used up the best of ourselves when meeting the best person.

3. Light always thinks it is the fastest in time, but every time darkness is always in front, waiting for light.

4. Crazy, stupid, persistent, persistent, patient, and finally, people have.

5. If nothing happened, it turned out to be the best revenge. Why prove something to the unworthy? To live a better life is for yourself.

6. In everyone's heart, there will be a person you will never mention or forget.

7. I thought that as long as I really like it, I can move someone. In fact, I only moved myself.

8. Is there a person who makes your eyes red, but you still smile and forgive.

9. Some things, not care about, but care about what can happen. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results. Maturity is to face all small things with a smile.

10. There is no incurable pain, no sinking that cannot be ended, and all the lost will return in another way.

11. Everyone is the same. If you are hurt more often, you will not take the initiative, not because you don't love, but because you are tired.

12. Have you ever liked a person so much that you don't see anyone else?

13. The night gave me black eyes, but it made me fall in love with the pain of the night.

14. Don't talk nonsense when you don't understand; Don't say more when you know; When you are upset, speak slowly; Don't talk when you have nothing to say.

15. When you really learn to let go, even if it is a lifetime of wandering, it can be as light as the breeze, comfortable and peaceful.

16. We walked a lot in our dreams and woke up to find ourselves still in bed.

17. People are emotional animals at night. They think a lot of things, and most of them are painful. This emotion can't be controlled. It hurts when you touch it lightly.

18. There are two tragedies in life: one is that everyone is disappointed; The other is complacency.

19. Being forced to make a choice that I neither like nor want to make, I feel terrible.

20. The moment I decided to give up on you, I cried. My tears proved that I really love you.

21. Those who have left have started a new life, and those who have been forgotten should start a new life.

22. Some things gradually fade away. You know that they existed, but you have forgotten what kind of existence they existed.

23. Tomorrow seems too far away, yesterday seems too near, and today may not be me.

24. Who said what he felt angry was angry? Maybe he didn't dare to say the truth at that time, which is often the case.

25. In many cases, the change of one person begins with the arrival or departure of another person.

26. True friends, even if they don't contact, will understand once they meet.

27. Cry when you feel distressed, and rest when you are tired. Don't wronged yourself because of one person.