After Reading Ordinary World
Green water
2023-08-12 12:51:48
Senior 2
reaction to a book or an article

After reading, close the book, look at the sky and meditate. There is a kind of unspeakable feeling that comes to my heart
I like reading, especially those simple and sincere words that have been washed away from the lead. They exude the unique flavor of the land and water, and interpret the joys and sorrows of a period of life. I was lucky to touch them when I was in the third grade of primary school.
I remember that in the afternoon, the sun shone its bright light on the fluffy cover of the book. I reached out my hand, and my fingertips just touched it, and then quickly retracted, as if they were burning. I gazed at it, hesitated, frowned, and murmured - "Ordinary World", and finally reached out my retracted hand, gently stroked the writing, opened it, and read it softly.
What a book it is. There are too many lives and frustrations in the book. It is not a book that my father said is memorable at all. On the contrary, it is a book that makes people feel the vicissitudes after reading it. At the age of ten, I was so angry that I threw the book aside and vowed to forget it. Time gradually passed away, but the sense of inexplicability in my heart could not disappear. It seemed to leave something else on my childish mind. After all, I couldn't get rid of it and picked up the book again.
Once again, I put down the shackles in my heart, as if beyond my ordinary self, and came to another world. I am walking slowly in this ordinary world, and my heart is gradually clear. It seems that I am living among ordinary people. Slowly, I followed Sun Shaoping into their humble campus. Looking at his lonely back when he ate cold black steamed buns alone, I couldn't help crying. I cried for his little boy's self-esteem, and I had to learn a good will to eat dry steamed buns for him... The loess plateau in 1975 was too bitter, but there were a group of people who didn't know what suffering was, They live an ordinary and happy life.
They didn't flinch. When the burden of life overwhelmed them, they also thought of self survival. When Shaoping learned that his fiancee was killed by saving people, he once wanted to follow her away, and I cried out of breath in his infinite grief. But when I was still in deep sorrow and couldn't extricate myself, Shaoping stood up. He knew that he couldn't fall down and had to live anyway, because there were still people waiting for him. At first, I was puzzled. I didn't know why Shaoping was so cruel. Only a few months later, he threw aside the death of his beloved fiancee. But later, I understood. Life is not flowing water. It will not go forward without obstacles. The road of life is full of frustrations. On the muddy path of life, if you fall down, you have to get up, and you have to get up. Even if not for yourself, think about the people who love you deeply.
In a trance, I remembered my childish behavior in the past. Because of a small matter, I said funny words like "I can't live any longer" in anger. I thought of myself in the past. I didn't know that the ordinary world was actually extraordinary. I always treated some things with a childish attitude, and I didn't know what life was. This life is not always smooth. If life goes smoothly, what's the meaning of life?
When I closed the book, I closed my eyes and thought deeply. I felt that I had suddenly grown up in a book. Indeed, I know too little about the world. I used to live in my own imagination, unable to extricate myself. Now, after reading the Ordinary World, I deeply understand the meaning of life. Maybe life is also a book, and we are also the protagonists of this book. But the difference is that we have the ability to live our own lives. Please, fall down, get up again, face the front, full of hope, even if some precious things pass away, they will not kill our passion for life, we still have everything.
Thank you, Dad, for giving me such a good book. Thank you. "Ordinary World" taught me life and life. I will never give up, always look forward to a better future, and strive for it!
When you caress your heart, you can only feel your heart, which is clear. In this ordinary world, I finally understand.