99 sentences recently made
endure hardships and be capable of hard work
2023-04-12 10:11:59
A compendium of sentence making

1、 While aiming at distant targets, don't despise things near.

2、 When we look into the distance, we can't see the near scenery clearly.

3、 In a word, we should go close to him to see clearly and break the barrier.

4、 The teachings of the sages in thousands of words are to teach people to start from the nearest place.

5、 Drugs, an invisible killer with a beautiful coat, will die if you get close!

6、 The world is obsessed with getting something, so before running all the way, it is actually close to getting something.

7、 Finally, she found a cold spot near the door and finally got out.

8、 Distance and independence are respect for personality, and should be maintained among the closest people.

9、 The best plan for the future is to deal with the present and complete the recent tasks.

10、 Xiao Li closed her mouth, bent her waist, and crept closer to it step by step.

11、 No matter how far the road is, you can reach it step by step. No matter how close the road is, you can't reach it without stepping on your feet.

12、 The best plan for the future is to be good at dealing with the present and completing the recent tasks.

13、 The closer you are, the farther you will go; The simplest tone requires the hardest practice.

14、 Slander is worse than weapons: the latter only hurts people near, but the former can hurt people from afar.

15、 It turns out that the source of sadness is not the perishability of happiness, but the failure to notice when happiness is approaching.

16、 Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

17、 The road is far, and the heart is near, which is predestined; The heart is far, but the road is far, which is no fate.

18、 In the white world, no sound can be heard, only snow is falling quietly. Far away, near, the sky is white.

19、 In the distance are towering mountains, near are clear rivers, dense forests and an open grassland.

20、 Because the dogs nearby all know our geese master's temper. Every time he eats, the dogs hide beside the fence to watch.

21、 The street lights near and far have been on. At first, they look like dark red fruit plates, and gradually become big silver balls.

22、 People who know the value of pain will not easily disclose and show their pain to others, even the closest ones. Leaf purple

23、 The mountains in the distance and the crops near constitute the maturity and charm of autumn. The years are flowing like water at this moment, writing the indifferent time.

24、 When the rain is over and the sky is clear, the distant water flows and the peach garden is fragrant; Close to Xanadu, with yellow hair hanging high, it looks like a landscape of a peach garden.

25、 When corrosive fluid is used for flushing, sealed eyewash station and washing water shower must be provided at the place accessible to the operation area.

26、 Those who study knowledge should be practical and not close to false fame. If we consciously approach false names, then the big principle has been lost.

27、 Nearby, the moonlight looks much brighter. The moonlight scatters the shadow of Botuo on the ground. It is sparse and sparkling, which is really charming.

28、 Running non-stop, so the feeling of non-stop disappointment is that I have been close to men like the wind again and again, and I have been defeated again and again.

29、 As we approached the house in the center, we saw a sign: the answer to your question I know.

30、 I held my breath, bent my hands into an arc, slowly approached it, then pounced forward, and quickly buckled my hands. Ha ha, look where you are going!

31、 Magnolia bloomed, and it was so quiet and beautiful. It is a pure flower, which opens quietly and wipes a faint fragrance that comes and goes.

32、 An objective art is not only for seeing, but also for living. But you must know how to approach it, so you must meditate.

33、 A gentleman educates his students in an orderly way. He first teaches them small and near things and principles, and then he teaches them big and far things and principles.

34、 Can I seek a low and declining life in my prime? Can I turn to pleasure and fame when I am approaching my old age?

35、 Truth, goodness and beauty are very similar qualities. Add some rare and outstanding conditions to the above two qualities to make truth beautiful and goodness beautiful.

36、 Truth, kindness and beauty are very similar qualities. Add some rare and excellent conditions to the above two qualities, and the truth will appear beautiful, and the good will also appear beautiful.

37、 There are two small goldfish in my aquarium. They have round eyes, red spines and red tails. The scales near their bellies are golden. From afar, they look like two small flames burning.

38、 Etiquette is to add a layer of decoration to all his other virtues to make them effective for him, so as to gain respect and favor from all people close to him.

39、 In fact, marriage is like two hedgehogs spending the winter. When they get close to each other, they will hurt each other. They are neither close nor cold! We have to pull out the thorns on one side of each other to get close and live a good life!

40、 I jumped into the river and reached out to catch the nearest star in the water. But as soon as my hand touched the water surface, the star immediately turned into many pieces of silver and spread around.

41、 The green mountains in the distance and the lake nearby are shrouded in the morning mist like gauze, which has become a "light makeup is always appropriate" ink painting.

42、 The number of attendants was reduced by more than half. Kutuzov and them struggled to get out of the flow of people on the left and ran towards the place where the sound of cannon could be heard faintly nearby.

43、 Beauty is a severe and inaccessible thing. It is not so easy to get. We should wait patiently for it, spy on it, force it, hold it tightly, and force it to yield.

44、 A cicada was screaming vigorously, and the second uncle put the pole close to the cicada's wings. This cicada seemed to be very clever, and flew away with a puff.

45、 The distant and near cooking smoke, which is silky, wispy, curly, light, heavy, dark gray, light green, and pale, gradually rises and disappears in the calm vitality.

46、 The future is not fixed there for you to approach, but depends on you to create. The future road will not wait to be discovered, but needs to be explored. The process of opening up will change you and the future at the same time.

47、 Every girl has such a boy in her life. He doesn't belong to love, nor is he his boyfriend. However, there must be his position in the nearest distance from him.

48、 The value of a person always exists in the pursuit of career. The person who is satisfied with wearing the laurel of "winner" is approaching negative value.

49、 On a clear moonlit night, the bright moonlight spreads over the apricot trees, and the snow white apricot flowers reflect the nearby mountains and waters, just like the day, making people feel intoxicated and nostalgic as they enter the fairyland.

50、 In a recent review, I tried to point out that the thought shrinkage in the book makes the stale repetitive forms and numerous facts stay at the level of direct expression of information.

51. The rainy season is slowly moving away, and the verdant summer is gradually approaching. Outside the window, it is always blue, white clouds show a smile, gentle wind tells tenderness, and my heart has been linked with you.

52. On the old picture in the pocket watch, there is a woman who said she would meet me in heaven. I put her smile in the nearest place to the time. I just want her smile in my time, always.

53. The wind is chasing the whereabouts of spring, the snow is filled with a warm sea, the lights light up the journey home, the heart is happier than wine, whether you are near or far away, at this moment, my wish for wakening has set sail.

54. The performance is set in a row of old buildings in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In the distance, there are towering white lotus pagodas and small bridges and flowing water. Near, there are dozens of black covered boats floating on the water and an ancient tree standing proudly, full of the charm of Jiangnan water town.

55. Confidence is an important key to success. Without confidence, your future is bleak, success will not wave to you, happiness will not approach you, and you will spend a miserable life of mediocrity.

56. In the distance, an unknown bird began to sing, as if pouring out the joy after bathing. Nearby, the raindrops condensed on the leaves are still dropping, dropping into the small puddles beside the road, making an extremely clear sound.

57. Life principle: Sit near, walk far, and look high. Attitude to life: enjoy the lower level of happiness, keep the upper level of heart, and get the middle degree of luck. Life goal: create warmth for the family, create brilliance for life, and contribute classics to the society!

58. Insects and butterflies fly in the lower place, hummingbirds spin in the higher place, and the nearby place is quiet and serene. The white clouds and purple clouds in the distance, when looking at my mother and brother, the roadside lamp suddenly lights up, gently shining on them, quiet, beautiful, and warm.

59. When you look closely, you will find that the body of the kettle is carved with nine dragons and the sun and the moon, the ear of the kettle is carved with phoenix and flame, the lid is carved with auspicious animals and mountains, and the bottom of the kettle is carved with four mythical animals, black tortoise, white tiger, red bird and green snake. At the end of the kettle is an immortal treasure.

60. Pretend to be mature, pretend to be firm, pretend that the walls of the world can't hurt you, but from the perspective of the nearest person who has passed by, it is easy to see through the trick of being young and frivolous in your heart. There is no denying how ignorant and naive we used to be.

61. Ah, I see spring. The mountains in the distance are rolling and turning green. The grass on the nearby hillside also crept out of the ground quietly. They were fresh and green. The fat little leaves are like fat dolls just waking up.

62. As the boat continued to move forward, there was a faint light in the deep of the hole, and countless huge things appeared. When the boat approached, we were surprised to find that there were many lifelike dinosaurs. If you don't look carefully, you will be shocked.

63. In doing anything, as long as you take the first step, and then step by step, you will gradually approach your destination. If you know your specific destination and take the first step towards it, you will be on the road to success!

Sixty four. There is no temperature in the heart of a wild grass, but there is a vision of dreams. Dreams are not stored up by heart. Her dreams are scattered. When the wind comes, it may hide a little. The heart of wild grass will not have temperature, and it will scratch your hand whenever you get close.

65. In the most tragic period of my life, I once had such thoughts: when I returned to the place near here last summer, this thought still haunted me; But only her own personal explanation can make me accept this terrible idea again.

66. The nearby waves sometimes rush onto the beach, chasing and playing with each other, hitting the rocks, and making bursts of cheerful sounds, as if they are welcoming the arrival of distant guests; The sea waves in the distance are one after another, chasing each other and rushing, which is really beautiful.

Sixty seven. The most sad distance in the world is that two people were originally far away from each other, but they did not know each other. Suddenly one day, they met, fell in love, and became very close. Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before.

68. Open the Chinese book and read the story of Wei Sheng Bao Zhu; Open the math problem to simulate the probability of dancing with you; Expand the map book to find the closest distance of love; Spread out the parchment and sign the blessing sent to you on February 14 with pink ink: Love you forever!

69. In spring, the leaves of camphor tree become green. Seen from a distance, it looks like a huge green umbrella. From a close look, it looks like a soldier, standing there and watching, with birds chirping on it.

70. The dinosaur came straight up. Many children threw candy on the ground and ran away in a hurry. Only Yuemeng stood there, wearing her rabbit clothes, watching the dinosaur getting closer and closer. The nearby pumpkin lamp was also extinguished by the airflow driven by the dinosaur.

Seventy one. After a while, the weak light of the setting sun gave the earth a cicada like luster. The clouds are covered with golden light, and they walk slowly like girls, gradually approaching the river. There are several white clouds floating in the sky, just like bright and eye-catching colored satin, decorated with red and blue sky.

Seventy two. The sea is blue, and Wuzhizhou Island can be seen not far away. The scenery is very beautiful, but the waves are surging, and the waves are more than one meter high. People love it and fear it. Even adults stand on the beach and dare not approach it for fear of being swept into the sea.

Seventy three, when the snow stopped, the sun peeped out from the cracks in the clouds and gave out a dazzling light. The mountains, woods and fields in the distance were all dressed in silver, looking so clean. The nearby villages, campuses, trees and flagpoles can be seen clearly, but everywhere is a vast expanse of white.

Seventy four. When the illusory fog obscures the soul, the soul struggles to escape from the valley of vulgarity. It was futile to break through the dense fog that covered the green mountains on the horizon. It had to be satisfied with the unattractive hills that could be seen nearby.

Seventy five. In the "Animal World" broadcast on TV, the audience can see the crocodile hiding in the river, and then slowly close to the target. Then, when the time is ripe, they suddenly open their mouths and pounce on the prey. This scene is really bloody.

76. Every time the little goldfish drinks water, it can drink water with a gentle opening of its mouth, and also spit out small bubbles! The little goldfish swam with its tail wagging, like a fairy's hand. It is very smart. When someone approaches it, it seems that a mouse sees a cat and hurries away.

Seventy seven. Fatherly love is wordless. Fatherly love is expressed by actions. Fatherly love is understood by heart. Father's love is a mountain, mother's love is a lamp. The mountain is towering in the distance, and the lamp is warm near. Indeed, in my opinion, my father always has a poker face, and therefore, I never think he has any love for me.

Seventy eight, the rain was thin, like an embroidery needle, inserted into the ground intermittently, and like countless strings of pearls scattered from the sky. The nearby green branches and leaves are verdant, and the houses and trees in the distance are covered with light smoke in the thick rain curtain. The earth is full of fresh earth breath, fresh and pleasant.

Seventy nine, in the morning, I pushed open the window, ah! What a heavy fog! The morning fog shrouded the earth without a crack. The nearby garden looks like a thin layer of white gauze, vaguely, giving people a mysterious feeling of "not knowing the true face of Mount Lushan".

80. Look, the winter is dry and cold, but the wind and snow are irregular. Snow doesn't know where to leave. People still call it cold cotton padded clothes, cotton pants, down jackets, hats, and bibs in such weather as driving away. It's not cold to put hot water bags on electric blankets at night.

Eighty one. Those eyes were like autumn water, cold stars, jewels, and two black mercury in white mercury. Looking from side to side, even those sitting in the far corner felt that Wang Xiaoyu had seen himself; Not to mention the one who sits near. At this sight, the garden is full of wonders and makes people laugh.

82. Some people say that knowledge is power. For me, knowledge is happiness. With knowledge, you can distinguish between truth and falsehood, between nobility and insignificance. When you understand the thoughts and behaviors of people in different periods, you will have sympathy and affinity for today's human beings.

83. Later I learned that I must accept the part of life that is doomed to be incomplete and difficult to achieve. Accept those forbidden things that cannot see the light. In this world. There are some unreachable places, unreachable people, unreachable things, unreachable feelings, and irreparable defects.

Eighty four, my father was a real farmer. He worked at sunrise and rested at sunset, facing the loess and facing the sky for more than 50 years. Apart from farming, my father has hardly made any achievements in his career; Those few acres of land became his closest partner, and farming was all he had worked for most of his life.

Eighty five. Now, due to people's littering, the river has become stinky. Rubbish and grass leaves float all over the water, and no one swims or plays there anymore. Even, no one is close to the river anymore. People throw everything into the river. Seen from a distance, the river seems to be covered with a layer of black gauze.

Eighty six, poplar leaves are initially green, gradually turning yellow, and then wither and fall. From a distance, poplar trees give people the impression of lush green. A closer look shows that the trees are straight and strong. From the bottom to the top, it seems that the tall body is tightly absorbed by the blue sky, piercing the sky.

87. When we arrived at Bashang Grassland, we saw endless green, just like a green ocean. Nearby, flocks of cattle and sheep are eating grass in peace, and several horses are galloping across the prairie; The distant green mountains look greener against the blue sky. The grassland is not only full of animals, but also full of mountains and beautiful scenery.

Eighty eight, I put my nose close to the flowers, and I smelled a delicious fragrance. The newly grown leaves of roses are bright red and zigzag. They don't feel prickly, but the grown leaves are very prickly. In fact, its stem also has thorns. So people often say "roses with thorns"

89. The nearby branches are luxuriant. The grass leaves are fat and beautiful. The small flowers are colorful. In gusts of wind, flowers, grass, trees and trees played the "Forest Symphony" together, and butterflies danced with the "Symphony".

90. Looking far into the distance, I found that the clouds of Mount Tai are no less beautiful than those of Mount Lushan. In the distance, the flowing clouds are flowing, while in the near, the fog is also swirling. The opposite mountain peak is indistinct, and the pedestrians on the Tianjie Street are indistinct. Let the mist gently wind me, get into my hair, get into my eyebrows, and let me breathe freely.

Ninety one. The fragrance of jasmine is more attractive. When smelling from a distance, there is a faint and sweet smell; Smell close, close to it, this is a thick, like the smell of inextricable. The fragrance of flowers is refreshing and makes people feel beautiful when they smell it. It gives people a very pure feeling.

Ninety two. She wanted to go back to the small garden and asked the old woman to send her to the nearby place, but the small garden was gone and the old woman was gone: What should I do? Jenny had planned to cry as she used to, even wrinkling her nose like an accordion, but suddenly she remembered a magical flower.

93. Although plum blossom does not have the delicate branches and leaves of orchids or the delicate flowers of roses, its faint fragrance adds a lot of fun to people. As soon as you get close to the plum blossom, the fragrance will rush towards you, making you feel reluctant to leave. At this time, you take a few deep breaths, and immediately feel refreshed and happy.

Ninety four. Understanding you is a kind of inexplicable soul. When you talk, you know this and that, and you have no words and tacit understanding; Understanding you is an unspeakable distance, close to two dependencies, distant knot heart; Understanding you is an unforgettable diary, recording the hardships and bearing the wind and rain; Understanding you is a warm message. Good night to you and pass on the truth!

95. It is possible for educated people to get a happy marriage, but in order to do so, the following conditions must be met: that is, both parties must have completely equal feelings; Must not interfere with the freedom of both sides; It is necessary to maintain the most perfect physical and spiritual close friendship between the two sides; There must be similar views on value standards.

Ninety six, I love spring. In spring, everything revives, and the grass becomes more green, showing a thriving and vibrant scene everywhere. I feel green when I see it from a distance, but I can't see a little green when I go near. This is probably what Han Yu said: "The grass color is far away but not near"!

97. Autumn in my hometown is "hot". Gold waves roll in the nearby wheat fields, countless torches are lit in the distant sorghum fields, and lanterns are hung on the tall persimmon trees. The excitement and joy of harvest are everywhere. At this time, visitors from afar must not miss the warm hospitality of the villagers.

Ninety eight, when I came to Liangtangtang Lighting City, I saw a small table lamp at a glance. It was very beautiful. From a distance, it looked like a big mushroom picked by a little white rabbit. Near the top was a small umbrella shaped lampshade. There were many colorful, small and exquisite bells around. When the wind blew, it would make a sound of "ding ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling ling"!

99. It's more beautiful under the blue sky. Seen from afar, there are many towering mountains, standing on the prairie like a group of soldiers defending the country hand in hand. The nearby trees are like green giants standing on the earth enjoying the scenery here. Colorful flowers compete to open, dotted with green lawn, how beautiful it is.