Bar sentences Talk about mood phrases (50 selected sentences)
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2023-02-22 15:40:37
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. My childhood is sometimes happy, sometimes unforgettable, sometimes angry, but no matter how my mood changes, my childhood is still colorful.

2. The lonely angry person is no longer lonely, the broad sad lonely person is no longer broad, and the noble despairing person is no longer noble.

3. Give me an invitation when you get married. Happy, sad, angry, gentle, I've seen all your faces, and I just want to see how you don't belong to me.

4. The more you gain, the gentler you will be. You will not be angry at a little loss, nor will you become angry and negative because of others' negation. Good growth should make people become more and more gentle.

5. Anger seemed like a flash of lightning tearing up clouds.

6. Anger is the wind that blows out the light of the soul.

7. It is useless to complain, worry, or be helpless when you are not good at yourself. It is useless to be angry, angry, or hate. It is only useful to make yourself stronger than your opponent and defeat him.

8. As long as we look at everything lightly, there is nothing to worry about; As long as you don't exaggerate the situation because of anger, there is nothing worth getting angry about.

9. In this bullshit world, the only thing you can rely on is yourself. Life is like an angry bird. When you fail, there are always a few pigs laughing.

10. Oh, my God, what made you grow into a face that can make people angry and vomit?

11. Only through the most painful persistence can you deserve to have the longest happiness. It is not your opponent that can really bring you down, but your desperate heart. All human suffering is, in essence, anger at one's own incompetence.

12. I was the only one singing solo all the time. It was I who laughed, it was I who cried, it was I who was angry, it was I who was disappointed, and he smiled coldly and looked on from the wall.

13. Whether you like it or not, sadness, stress, pain or anger are all there.

14. Only those who can see the sadness behind your smile, hear the call behind your silence, and feel the love behind your anger can hold their hands forever.

15. Experts say that hunger makes people angry, so when I get angry with you, you just need to treat me to a big meal.

16. The brave are angry, and draw the blade to the stronger; The coward is angry, but he draws his sword at the weaker one. There must be many heroes among the incurable nations who stare at children. These weaklings.

17. When I am disappointed or angry, those who love me will hold me tightly, while those who do not love me will only think that I am nervous!

18. People are stunned because they are fat, while I am angry because I am thin.

19. Be angry, adjust your state, and imagine it as your rival in love.

20. Who knows where we should go, who knows what life has become, whether to find an excuse to continue to live, or to fly high to remain angry.

21. People always overestimate themselves when they are angry, and mistakenly think they are particularly powerful.

22. If someone hurts you, there is no need to be angry. You just need to be twice as good to treat people who don't hurt you. Killing to stop killing will only deter people. And let others regret, is the biggest torture to them.

23. A person's open-minded is reflected in the time when he is down and out. A person's self-restraint is reflected in anger.

24. Anger cannot coexist peacefully with justice, just as an eagle cannot coexist peacefully with a dove.

25. Anger and hatred hurt you more than the people you hate.