96 beautiful sentences describing morality
Pure old man
2023-02-22 14:11:22
Complete sentences

1. Those who cannot tolerate others are not worthy of being tolerated by others.

2. Be kind to others, like brothers; The evil spirit welcomes people and harms the soldiers.

3. If I see far, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.

4. Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the most precious thing.

5. Conscience is determined by human knowledge and all life styles.

6. Hypocrisy can never become true by virtue of its growth in power.

7. Moral activities are both dominated by officials and restricted by conscience.

8. A gentleman should be careful not to deceive himself, others and heaven.

9. We should be zealously committed to acting ethically rather than talking about morality.

10. Learning without morality is like an evil man; Morality without learning is like my husband.

11. Only moral citizens can pay an acceptable salute to the motherland.

12. A sound judgment of facts is the real foundation of all virtues.

13. Labor is respected. Serving the society is a highly appreciated moral ideal.

14. Moral beauty contains two factors that are different from each other, namely justice and kindness.

15. For moral practice, the best audience is people's conscience.

16. In a people's country, there is also a hub for promotion, which is virtue.

17. Morality is the standard of knowing a person and the guarantee of success.

18. Modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind. We should always remember this truth.

19. He who does not suffer from position does not respect, but suffers from virtue does not respect; Don't be ashamed of your salary, but not of your wisdom.

20. Labor is the source of all power, all morality and all happiness.

21. Morality is like a person's soul. A person without a soul has no life.

22. Don't accept all the gold and jade in the hall. The ancients were so ugly. Morality alone as a friend, it can delay immortality.

23. The morality of asking the heart is better than the morality of asking the reason, so the emotional life is better than the rational life.

24. The essence of self-cultivation is like the character of the same person, which ultimately comes down to the issue of moral sentiment.

25. If one does not cultivate one's moral character, one will not stand up for virtue. If one does not stand up for virtue, one will be able to become a family member.

26. Morality can often fill the defects of wisdom, but wisdom cannot fill the defects of morality.

27. Morality is generally regarded as the highest goal of mankind, and therefore the highest goal of education.

28. One of the most beautiful things in life is maternal love, which is selfless love, and morality is inferior to it.

29. Morality is the most beautiful flower and the most holy soul. It makes people feel clear and open.

30. The greatness of morality lies in unswerving love for friends and indelible hatred for enemies.

31. A gentleman's journey is to cultivate his moral integrity and cultivate his morality through thrift. It is not to be indifferent, not to be ambitious, and not to be quiet, not to be far sighted.

32. Consciousness is the mother of progress, and self abasement is the source of degeneration. Therefore, self abasement is indispensable.

33. The most advanced stage of human morality and culture is when we realize that reason should be used to control thought.

34. Because morality is the foundation of being a man. Even if you have some knowledge and skills, it is useless.

35. Luxury means taking in vain, and ambition is humbled; If you are frugal, you will have no need for others and no shame for yourself. You can nourish your spirit.

36. Without great character, there would be no great people, not even great artists or great actors.

37. Beauty is a powerful source of moral purity, rich spirit and sound physique.

38. Bees sip honey from flowers and give thanks when they leave. The flamboyant butterfly believes that the flower should thank him.

39. It is immoral to live in peace and contentment. The man who automatically withdraws from the battle is a coward.

40. Conscience is a kind of instinct to judge oneself according to moral standards, it is not just a kind of ability; It is an instinct.

41. Virtue is the foundation of a person's foothold. It is all about integrity. It cannot be bought with money or exchanged with gold.

42. A person with unsound knowledge can make up with morality, but a person with unsound morality is difficult to make up with knowledge.

43. Morality is the basic quality of a person. We should protect morality, publicize morality, practice morality, and be a moral person!

44. All achievements should be based on the establishment of products. Those who have never learned and are capable of undertaking great undertakings will first set their feet on the moral character.

45. Virtue is like a famous incense. The incense becomes stronger after burning or pressing. Luck reveals evil virtue most and misfortune reveals virtue most.

46. A man must devote all his strength to improving himself, and cannot waste his strength on anything else.

47. The greatest happiness of human beings is that they can talk about moral matters every day. Life without soul loses the value of human life.

48. Our strong morality is to achieve material success through struggle; This kind of morality applies to both countries and individuals.

49. The only work and the whole work of education can be summarized in this concept - morality.

50. If good habits are moral capital, then, to the same extent, bad habits are moral debts that cannot be paid off.

51. I believe that the freedom combined with the system is the only freedom. Freedom should not only coexist with system and morality, but also be indispensable for a moment.

52. Be careful, even when you are alone, don't say bad words or do bad things, but learn to be more ashamed of yourself than others.

53. The heroes we call are not those who win with thought or strength. The heroes I call are only those who have lofty virtues.

54. Morality needs to be observed and implemented together. If everyone is a moral person, the world will become infinitely beautiful!

55. The bud of a virtue, which is the most valuable virtue, is the mother of all morality, which is humility; With this virtue, we will have a lot of fun.

56. To be a man, we should be moral. We should not do anything harmful to nature and reason. We should be a person who returns the money, stands up to the heaven, is honest and upright, and has a clear conscience.

57. The code of ethics says that morality is a bridge to build a good relationship between people. If you have no morality, you can only attract others' disgust.

58. Moral behavior training is not through language influence, but to let children practice good moral behavior and overcome such bad behaviors as laziness, thoughtlessness, undisciplined decadence.

59. History is the reflection of the Pantheon, whose activities are neither moral nor immoral. It neither punishes evil nor rewards good. Because it is based not on justice but on power.

60. Moral core, health, purity and power! This means that you should contribute your own spiritual strength to the people around you to make them better, richer and more perfect in spirit.

61. Morality is a stone, knocking out the fire of hope; Morality is fire, lighting the lamp of hope; Morality is a lamp, illuminating the way of life; Morality is the way to lead people to brilliant glory!

62. Collective habits are more powerful than individual habits. Therefore, if there is a social environment with good morality, it is most conducive to the training of good social citizens.

63. Ah, how happy a cultured person is! He will feel satisfied and happy even when others think it is sacrifice and pain; His heart is always jumping, and he has endless joy!

64. Only by holding a moral ID card can we gain respect from others; Only by holding a moral ID card can we achieve success; Holding a moral ID card can get social praise.

65. Cultivate their stamina to work, pure and noble morality, broad and free spirit to accommodate new trends, that is, the power to swim in the new world trends without being submerged.

66. History makes people wise, poetry makes people elegant, mathematics makes people noble, natural philosophy makes people deep, morality makes people stable, and ethics and rhetoric make people good at arguing.

67. Nothing is more intelligent and complex than human love. It is the most delicate, simple, beautiful and ordinary flower in the flower cluster. The name of this flower cluster is Moral.

68. Morality does not fall from the sky. It is developed and consolidated from daily unremitting struggle and exercise, just as jade becomes brighter and gold becomes more refined.

69. Everyone can notice that people living an immoral life are more likely to lack drugs to make them unconscious than others; Robbers or thieves, gamblers and prostitutes - women cannot live without narcotics.

70. By virtue in the republic, I mean to love the motherland, that is, to love equality. This is not a moral virtue, nor a Christian virtue, but a moral virtue.

71. When morality is forgotten by people, how vast the society is, but behind morality, there is darkness everywhere. When human beings forget morality, the dark side will be enlarged.

72. Emotion has great inspiring power. Therefore, it is an important prerequisite for all moral behaviors. Anyone who does not have a strong ambition cannot enthusiastically reflect this ambition in his career.

73. If a person can fill his heart with universal love for mankind, act in accordance with lofty morality, and always revolve around the pivot of truth, then he will live in heaven even though he is on earth.

74. Virtues and excesses, moral good and evil, are all acts of interest to the society; In any place, in any era, people who make the greatest sacrifice for public welfare are called the most moral people.

75. Moral principles can become students' spiritual wealth only when they are pursued and experienced by students themselves, and only when they become students' independent personal beliefs.

76. The simplest element of moral education is that "love" refers to children's love for their mothers and positive love for people. The foundation of this kind of moral education for children should be laid in the family.

77. Morality is a person's self-cultivation, a mirror that reflects a person's character and reflects a person's true face; Morality is the basis for human beings to build a better life. Without morality, human beings will have no core.

78. Ever since I learned to speak, I have often seen my mother's moral behavior; From school to school, I often hear the moral words of teachers; When I grow up, I often learn the moral methods of life. Morality is always in my heart.

79. The so-called villain, no matter how kind he has been in the past, has slipped down the path of degeneration and lost his goodness; The so-called good man, even though he has a past that cannot be mentioned morally, is still a person who moves towards good.

80. The greatest benefit of labor lies in moral and spiritual development. This kind of spiritual development is produced by harmonious labor, which should constitute the human characteristics of proletarian social citizens different from bourgeois social citizens.

81. It takes a long time to be a moral person. You must always pay attention to every little thing around you. You need to practice in real life. You need to start from yourself and from small things to achieve the unity of love, intention and action.

82. Morality is an identity card based on society, and no one should lose this precious thing. Morality is the root of life and the noble concept in everyone's heart. People who have no morality will never (never) have a foothold in society.

83. If children's personal self-esteem is not strengthened and developed, their moral outlook cannot be formed The whole trick of educational skills lies in grasping children's ambition and moral encouragement.

84. Teach your children "virtue": it is virtue, not money, that makes people happy. This is my experience. It is morality that supports me in adversity. What I have never done is morality besides art.

85. Morality is a manifestation of civilization, a code of conduct naturally formed in society, and a standard for gaining the trust of others. In society, only when people's moral awareness is improved can society become better.

86. Labor makes a person's morality noble, making him accustomed to carefully treating the tools, equipment and products of labor, attaching importance to books and other spiritual and material cultural objects, respecting workers of any profession, and hating those parasites and exploiters, cowards and lazy people.

87. People who enjoy privileges but have no power are waste. Educated people without influence are worthless rubbish. Some people have been educated in knowledge, morality, religion and belief, but they have not become a positive force for doing good in society. These people are sorry for the cost of cultivating and supporting them.

88. Anyone who does not immediately feel disgust when encountering immoral things and joy when encountering beautiful things will have no sense of morality, and such people will have no conscience. Who has done immoral things and is only afraid of being sentenced, does not blame himself for his misconduct, but is frightened by the thought of painful consequences.

89. Everyone I know has morality, although I don't like to ask. I know I have. But I would rather teach others morality every day than practice morality myself. "Leave morality to others" is my motto. Send the morality to the end. You'll never need it.

90. Moral constraints on people should vary according to the different social strata they belong to. The sun shines on different places in different situations, so there are four seasons that we admire more than ever. Similarly, morality also makes social obligations coincide with everyone's hierarchical status. If a soldier commits a minor mistake on the general, it is a major crime.

91. All moral family morality and social morality advocated by people are beautiful only when egoism is lost. It is beautiful only when you sacrifice your own sacred thoughts for the sake of the over humane beloved - good children or good spouse!

92. Good cultivation is the moral capital that people store in their nerves. This capital continuously increases in value, and people enjoy its interest throughout their life. Sowing a thought, you will reap an action; Sow a habit, you will reap a moral, a most noble person can also become ignorant and rude because of habits.

93. Morality is crucial in the journey of life: life is like a boat, morality is the oar. As long as people with morality, the boat will have the momentum to move forward, step by step to reach the other shore of success, to reach the peak of life; If a person has no morality, the ship will have no power to move forward. It will slowly slide backward, faster and faster, and finally return to the origin.

94. Modern values cannot be excavated in the personality liberation of the Renaissance, cannot be picked from Sartre's existentialism, cannot be cut from Kafka's human alienation, and must be based on the broad background of socialism and absorb the moral essence of five thousand years. Let us see the virtue of tomorrow everywhere, and let those who see others' difficulties but walk away take the responsibility of helping others again!

95. Society is like an invisible net, which interweaves good and bad, making people confused. When "morality" is cut off, maybe people's life will face darkness. And we should take action to carry forward the good side, and let morality always be remembered in everyone's heart.

96. I have seen countless good people, and I have some insights. Morality is very important for being a man. Businessmen must be trustworthy, and do what they say. They must set a moral standard for themselves. Students should be civilized, observe discipline, and be good students. They should never be hooligans, ruffians, robbers or murderers. Farmers should not only plant the land well, but also do not need some chemicals to put into the agricultural products. What's the use of making money? It's cheating and illegal.