Impressions of Swan Lake Ballet
Youth is used to waste
2023-11-11 17:10:16

When the conductor came to us and waved his magic wand, a stream of music flowed out of the band. The prelude of the swan was injected into my heart, which made my eyes moist. When the dark purple velvet curtain slowly opened, a gorgeous palace scene several centuries ago unfolded in front of us. The modern LED technology was not selected as the background, and the technology of that year was still used, just like returning to the era of the czar. I was imagining how many candles would be lit on the branch shaped crystal lamp in the theater in the era of no electric lighting? The performance of the hero prince and his friend the clown was very wonderful. The prince's noble temperament was elegant and gentleman, and his friend's performance was witty and royal. The strength and expressiveness of dance can be relaxed and relaxed with ease. Tchaikovsky's symphony constantly changes the theme, leading people into the plot and art territory.

When the harp on the left side of the band rings and the second act opens, a beautiful and fantastic scene of Swan Lake appears on the stage. A group of beautiful white swans danced in the moonlight. The oboe played the pathetic theme of the white swan, and our hero appeared on the stage. Her beautiful dance made all people intoxicated. With romantic lyric strokes, she expressed a poetic mood and depicted the beautiful and pure character and loyal love of the hero. She used the unique and exquisite solo and duet of ballet to make people feel that she and the prince gradually changed from fear and vigilance to confidence and trust in the prince, and then burst into love, and even passionate love. Ojita's solo dance highlighted her tragic color. The more beautiful and weak her dancing posture was, the more she highlighted her loneliness and moving. Her arms are really like the wings of a swan, flapping and crying. In the New Saint's Cemetery, the tombstone of Ulanova, a meritorious ballet dancer of the former Soviet Union, is precisely set with this typical dance.

When the trumpet sounded, the familiar tune of Four Little Swans played. The cheerful and active music, relaxed and lively, with clean rhythm, depicts the scene of the little swan playing by the lake, which is simple, moving and full of pastoral poetry. The neat and consistent dance movements of the four little swans, including the movements of "beating feet" and "walking with light steps", and the rotation of the head, vividly represent the image of the little swans. It is never tiring to see triple dance, quadruple dance, group dance and so on. The duet is of course the most important part of the play. The oboe theme I just heard was changed to flute solo, which was a slow dance performed by the white swan with the support of the prince and the guards of his companions.

In the third act of Swan Lake, in the famous solo variation of the black swan, the black swan needs to do 32 single leg standing rotations called "whip turns" at one go. This stunt was created by Italian ballet actors and appeared in the St. Petersburg version of the performance. The dancers interpreted the completely different spiritual world of the white swan and the black swan with exquisite feeling, lightsome dancing posture, tenacious endurance and perfect skills. This unique skill has been retained in Swan Lake until now, and has become a touchstone to measure the strength of ballet actors and dance troupes. Of course, we also appreciated this stunt.

It should be said that because it is a live accompaniment, whenever the dancers come on the stage, the conductor of the band sees that they are ready to swing his stick and start playing the music. At the end of each wonderful movement and dance segment, the audience applauded warmly, and the actors took a curtain call, not just at the end. The conductor also thanked the first violinist from time to time.

The end, of course, is a happy ending. Beautiful stories, beautiful music, stories with music, become more exciting; With stories, music becomes more imaginative. As an eternal classic, people will never forget Tchaikovsky even after a hundred years or a thousand years. The spiritual shock brought by this work is unforgettable. The art feast we enjoyed in the Winter Palace Royal Theater in St. Petersburg, Russia is also unforgettable.

The beautiful swans are always flying and dancing in my heart, and the beautiful and magnificent symphonic poetry of Tchaikovsky, a Russian musician, will always echo in my mind, just like Peter the Great's magnificent winter palace will always stand on the Neva River.