2022 New Folk Sayings and Old Sayings Chinese Folk Sayings and Old Sayings (70 selected sentences)
The faint fragrance assails people
2023-07-03 22:10:10
Complete sentences

1. Lanes - winding; Go round and round

2. On Sunday, my father taught me to cook. When I cut vegetables, I was afraid of being cut by a kitchen knife, so I didn't dare to cut. The grandmother on the side said, "If you touch the knife often, you must cut your hands; if you walk by the river often, you must wet your shoes." (Laiyang, Shandong)

3. Climb the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and sit at the bridge head to watch the water flow] Definition: It means watching others fight on the side. Example: The more he wanted to look beautiful, the more itchy his hands were. I really climbed the mountain to watch the tiger fight and sat at the bridge to watch the current.

4. A needle fell on the ground. Idiom: All sounds are silent. Gu Hua's "Kui Men Ahead": "At this moment, the room is extremely quiet. You can hear the sound even if a needle drops to the ground."

5. One night, my grandma asked me to go shopping. I was afraid to go. Grandma said, "You have the courage to live in a tile roofed house. Don't be afraid to go." (Henan Weishi)

6. Ya. he: cry loudly when you sell something. When you sell something, you will shout at it. It means to talk about whatever you do.

7. Jump off the wall when you are young. The original point is to strengthen education for children, and also to prevent learning from failing at the beginning. Li Zhun, Li Shuangshuang: "It's for your own good to expose you. As the saying goes, when you are young, you can jump off the wall."

8. When I saw my father mopping the floor, I told my mother. His mother said, "He is washing his face but not his ears, and mopping the floor without dragging a corner." (You County, Hunan Province)

9. The big rivers and the sea are rushing over -- the small river ditch can also overturn the boat

10. A small amount is not a gentleman. Poison: vicious. It refers to those who are small and can't accommodate people and things, and can't be regarded as true gentlemen with noble morality; He who has no vicious means against the enemy is not a brave man.

11. People die and animals die and leave their skins.] See "leopards die and leave their skins and people die and leave their names".

12. Pull the bow, not the arrow] See "Draw the bow, not the arrow".

13. The crescent moon on the fourth day of the first lunar month] Definition: crescent eyebrows: female eyebrows. The moon on the third and fourth day of the lunar calendar looks like a female moth eyebrow. For example, in the month of birth, women knew that the date of the book writer was "the crescent moon in the third and fourth days of the lunar calendar", and Yu Zeri was "the crescent moon".

14. The mule driving the shaft pulls back - backward

15. The heart does not compete, and there is no fear of illness. Fear: fear, people are afraid of their physical and mental health is not strong; I'm strong, but I'm afraid of something. It means that if you are strong, you will not be afraid of foreign aggression.

16. Knock the opening gongs and drums] See "Open the opening gongs and drums".

17. Don't be afraid of thieves to steal, just be afraid of thieves to think about] If you are advised by thieves, it is impossible to prevent. TV skit: "My father said that he was not afraid of thieves to steal, but he was afraid that thieves would think about us. You are eyeing us now."

18. The wool comes from the sheep - it's all yours; Don't lose; An account

19. Lanterns made of white paper - see

20. It is used to saying that those who are far away will not be ignored.

21. Broken jars and broken tumbles] (used to) means making mistakes and not wanting to correct them, let them develop.

22. Heart Striking Deer] See "Heart Striking Deer".

23. Exerting prestige on the kang head] (used to) means to be arrogant or angry in front of one's own people.

24. Guests should follow the host's instructions and respect the host's wishes. I also came to listen to the Lord. The guest listens to the arrangement of the host.

25. When the King of Hell is not at home, the industrial ghost will be made by him. It means that when the person in charge is absent, the villain takes the opportunity to make trouble.

26. Grandmother once came to my house to play, and her mother complained: "I do housework all day, which is very tiring!" Grandmother said sympathetically: "It's useless to do chores, which is very tiring." (Xuancheng, Anhui)

27. A donkey rider does not know the pain of driving his feet. Those who ride on the back of donkeys do not experience the hardships of running with those who follow behind them. It means that lucky people can hardly feel the sadness of unlucky people.

28. Dog skin plaster fishing net - dry holes and hundred sores

29. Grandma's family is fertilizing the apple tree. My brother-in-law always works slower than others. Grandfather disliked him and said, "You can be stingy with everything, but you can't be stingy with your strength. If you run out of things, you will have a long time to run out of strength." (Shangqiu, Henan)

30. Cover the sieve and steam the rice - the outlet is not at the same place

31. Head down but not head up] Definition: it means to meet often. It is often used to refer to handling affairs. Speaking depends on your feelings. Example: My mother advised him to go and said: "When you live in a village, you can't look up. When everyone asks for someone, don't walk on the narrow road."

32. Wang was caught and sentenced by the Public Security Bureau for his lawlessness in the countryside. Uncle Li said, "If a horse has a rein and a man has a law, he will not run wild for long." (Funing, Hebei)

33. When a dragon fights a tiger, it hurts the little roe.] See "fighting against a tiger and fighting against a wolf, it kills the little roe.".

34. Take an umbrella in sunny days - be prepared

35. It can't turn around] (used to) The analogy is that you can't think of anything and you can't change your mind. It can't turn a millstone. It can't rotate the shaft.