Reflections on The Scream
Happy life
2023-09-15 19:21:44
Junior two
reaction to a book or an article

The Scream, as the title of the book, is Lu Xun's deepest cry for the nation and the people in that dark era.
The author uses realism to describe the paranoia, sensitivity and delusion of maniacs, which are in line with the pathological characteristics of persecution maniacs, and uses symbolism to write puns on the meaning of maniacs. Among them, The Diary of a Madman is a symbolic depiction of feudal forces, combining realistic and symbolic techniques seamlessly. This has produced a strong artistic appeal, followed by the language personality. The Madman's Diary uses modern literary language. The author meticulously conceived a maniac with "incoherent language". The language seems to be messy and sharp, which is in line with the characteristics of the mentally ill and speaks out the voice of the oppressed. The personalized language has successfully shaped the image of a soldier who looks like a madman but has symbolic significance.
Tomorrow is one of Lu Xun's novels that focuses on the tragic fate of women. Through the description of the widowed sister-in-law Shan's painful loss of her only son, the work presents a thrilling picture of Chinese women's isolation and helplessness, and attacks the cannibalism nature of the dark society and the ruthlessness and indifference of people in the declining society. The author's cold writing style shows his hatred for the dark society. The refined and realistic art shows the author's proficiency in writing. The concise and simple pen brilliantly outlines a small town custom painting, while the characterization and dialogue description are more difficult to change a word, which is really the best of the best.
"A Little Thing" is characterized by its short, pithy and profound content. The full text is only about one thousand words, and the work describes a small matter in daily life. While eulogizing the noble quality of the lower working people, it also reflects the self-examination of the intellectuals and shows a new idea of sincerely learning from the working people. In the period of the May 4th Movement, it is very unusual to have such an understanding, which has far-reaching social significance. One of the writing characteristics of this article is to compare the different attitudes of the coachman and "I" towards the same thing by means of comparison, revealing the insignificance of "I"'s selfishness, reflecting the high image of the coachman who is open and aboveboard, bold and responsible, and caring for others.
There are many thought-provoking articles in the book "Cry". Mr. Lu Xun used humorous and ironic language, angry and encouraging tone to encourage the Chinese people who were half asleep at that time, used language with criticism and criticism to explain the darkness of the society at that time, and expressed Mr. Lu Xun's eager hope for the sleeping dragon, China, Wake up as soon as possible and reorganize my Chinese power!