2023 epidemic prevention and control slogan slogan (42 selected sentences)
Rain in early summer
2023-07-26 23:15:59
A complete set of slogans

1. After 300 times of galloping on the battlefield, you will never regret your sacrifice to fight "pestilence"! Although the virus is merciless, the great love in the world is a flower! You, me and him, drunk flowers, work together to protect everyone!

2. Teachers and students should be safe, and prevention and control measures must be taken.

3. Strengthen joint prevention and control, and build a strict line of defense against the epidemic.

4. There is no way to avoid the epidemic; To overcome the epidemic, responsibility cannot be absent.

5. Thanks to the uncles and aunts who are fighting in the front line. It is because of your fearlessness and hard work that we have peace and health. I hope you can return safely as soon as possible. We are waiting for you here!

6. I feel honored and heavy for my career.

7. Prevent pneumonia, start from yourself; Unite to overcome difficulties; Hebei refueling, China refueling!

8. Hope is ahead, victory will belong to us! After the epidemic, the land of China will be full of vitality, and the Chinese people will learn from it, work hard, and create brilliance! Come on Hebei, come on China!

9. If we are not afraid in the face of difficulties and move towards danger, we will firmly build the Great Wall of Steel against the epidemic and usher in the final victory!

10. Do a good job of personal hygiene protection, wash hands frequently, ventilate more, and rub eyes less.

11. Epidemics are orders, prevention and control are responsibilities, and life is more important than Mount Tai.

12. Come on Hebei! Come on! Love can break down all obstacles. Similarly, love can help us overcome difficulties with one heart. Hebei, we are with you!

13. Put people's safety and health first.

14. Nothing is more important than life, nothing is better than living.

15. Come on, Hebei! Come on, China! May we all welcome the wonderful moment of victory in the fight against the epidemic!

16. We will work together to prevent and control the epidemic.

17. We are sure to overcome the epidemic. Let's join hands to overcome the epidemic and enter a well-off society in an all-round way.

18. Thanks to every doctor who fought on the front line and everyone who still sticks to his position. I hope everyone can take good care of himself and everything will be better!

19. When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, I would like to ask for everything. The mountains and rivers are safe and the years are healthy.

20. Everyone is looking forward to the early elimination of the virus, the early recovery of patients, and the early return of medical staff! I think so too. I hope the virus will be eliminated as soon as possible and the Year of the Rat will be safe!

21. Scientific prevention and control according to law, timely diagnosis and treatment, and ensure the life, health and safety of the people.