Father's blessing for his daughter's first birthday (65 selected sentences)
Cherish each other at sunset
2023-06-16 16:08:23
Blessing words

1. Today is the baby's lunar birthday. 1 year old, happy birthday, my girl, healthy growth.

2. May happiness be with you forever. Happy birthday, my child, and my mother will always love you.

3. Always remember to grow in the direction of the sun, baby happy one year old.

4. Thank God and Bodhisattva for giving me a healthy, smart and lovely baby. Baby, you will be one year old tomorrow!

5. Happy birthday to your baby. Thank you for coming to Ma Ma and Baba. Be happy, healthy and healthy.

6. Baby, happy birthday to you! May the joy that your birthday brings to you contain everything beautiful!

7. But remember, child, when you cry, your mother is here waiting for you.

8. Every time you live in John Young, your parents will escort you. Happy birthday, baby!

9. The baby is 1 year old today! The cutest in the world! Happy birthday!

10. My child, I am one year older. May your birthday be full of joy and everything go smoothly!

11. In the twinkling of an eye, the baby will be one year old. I hope she will always be loved and loved, happy and happy.

12. The baby is one year old in the lunar calendar today. He is more and more lovely. I hope he can grow up healthily and happily.

13. My child, my mother didn't leave you, she hid in your dark eyes. I wish you a happy birthday and happy growth!

14. Growing up carefree, being strong in a leisurely way, baby, happy birthday!

15. Today, baby, you are two years old! I wish you a happy birthday and healthy growth!

16. Baby. Happy birthday! Remember, every time you set sail in your life. My best wishes will accompany you!

17. My child, don't be timid, don't turn back, and go forward bravely!

18. Happy birthday to your baby, happy growth! I wish all babies happy growth on this birthday.

19. Youth, sunshine, laughter, for this day belongs to you, dance out a happy beat. Happy birthday to baby!

20. My child will be one year old tomorrow. I wish my baby a healthy and happy growth, and my parents will always love you.

21. Dear baby, the new year has come, and we should be healthy in this year!

22. Baby, I wish you a happy birthday, healthy and safe, and become a kind, intelligent, brave and optimistic child.

23. Children, I wish you health, happiness, and early success!

24. May your baby grow up healthily, be loved, smart and lively, and have a bright future as a famous university!

25. Happy birthday, baby. Remember, every time you set sail in your life, my blessing will accompany you!

26. Child, do you know? When you were born, your mother felt that she was the happiest person in the world!

27. Baby, because of your arrival, this day has become a beautiful day. Since then, the world has become more attractive.

28. Happy birthday. The baby is one year old today. Mom hopes you can grow up healthily and happily.

29. The baby is one year old. I hope the baby will grow up healthily, happily and quickly. You are Baba's gift. Baba loves you all the time.

30. Baby, because of your arrival, this day has become a beautiful day. Since then, there has been a fascinating color in the world.

31. Baby, your birthday is today. I hope you are still lovely and happy!

32. The baby is 1 year old today. Happy birthday! Mom wishes you happy every day, eat well and sleep well, be healthy and love you forever.