Impressions of Chenxiang Saving Mother
I have looked back
2023-11-29 13:23:33
primary school
impressions of after reading

After reading the story of the myth "Chen Xiang Saves Mother", I was deeply moved and encouraged by Chen Xiang's filial piety. Filial piety is a fine tradition of our Chinese nation. We should not only praise it, but also inherit it. Let the story of filial piety be handed down from generation to generation and unforgettable from generation to generation. At the same time, she was also shocked by the great maternal love that Chenxiang's mother loved her son, violated the rules of heaven in order to protect her children from casting spells, and was buried underground in Huashan Mountain for many years. It is said that maternal love is great, but we, a group of babies held in the hands of their parents, do not feel this way. We only know that clothes are available for food, but we have never experienced the difficulty of parents working hard for their children in New Year. After watching this children's play, I also understand the pains of my parents.
When I saw Chen Xiang and learned that his mother was under the pressure of Huashan Mountain, he made desperate efforts and determination. I also admire it very much. On second thought, she was really determined, and a big mountain fell on her. He needs to be prepared in two aspects. One is to defeat Erlang God Yang Jian, and the other is to find the magic weapon for breaking the mountain. What courage and determination should he have in order to save his mother at a young age? That is to say, if we want to achieve our goals, we must have courage and wisdom, and more importantly, we must have unremitting determination and efforts. When Huashan was split in two by the divine axe, I gently let go of my heart. I let out a long breath and applauded with my classmates!
We cheered for the success of Chen Xiang's efforts, and applauded for the happy ending of their mother and son's reunion. Children should be with their mothers, which is the best gift. Those of us who have always had these gifts should cherish the good time with our parents. In order to gain the ability after growing up independently, we should bear the mountain and catch up with the sun, study hard, and strive for an early return. We should also be grateful to our parents who have accompanied us all the way through difficulties, and also to our good teachers and friends!