Blessing words for married couples Congratulations on marriage (65 selected sentences)
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2023-02-07 07:37:06
Blessing words

1. The bridal chamber is illuminated by candles, and the newlyweds join hands to get married. They love each other and make good friends. They are united in virtue and beauty. In this beautiful day, I sincerely wish a couple a true love and a lasting engagement.

2. The branches of red apricots are busy in spring. The lady from the Yulan Bridge is wearing a white wedding dress and beautiful flowers on her head. Today you are the most beautiful bride. I wish you a happy and sweet marriage forever!

3. Red festivities float thousands of miles, and the Double Happiness Lanterns are jubilant; The perfect combination of heaven and beauty, hand in hand into the mandarin duck tent; Snuggle up with each other, never abandon, and stay together forever. May you be together and hand in hand forever!

4. More money, less money, often have good; If you are ugly and handsome, you will look good; Few old people, good health; If your family is poor and your family is rich, be kind; All troubles, just understand; It is good to have peace in one's life.

5. With the sunshine as a pen, I will give you a sunny and sunny look! May you always live in the dense of happiness, in the beautiful blessings of all people, and in the embrace of love! Happy newlyweds, good luck for a long time!

6. Happy gongs and drums with double sticks, red plum blossoms to celebrate the wedding. Rolls Royce red carpet, salute sound happy.

7. Marriage is just a kind of bondage, a reassuring pill, which makes men stop being romantic outside and women stay at home with peace of mind

8. Marriage is like the string holding a kite. With this string, a kite can fly higher. If the string is broken, even the kite flying higher will fall with the wind; Marriage can make stable feelings more stable and make beautiful love always beautiful.

9. You two live together in harmony, just like the precious oil poured on Aaron's head and spilled all over his body; Like the dew of Hermon on Mount Zion; Love each other, care for each other, understand each other, work together and move forward to build a happy Christianized home!

10. Wine and cup are inseparable from now on! Bless you! Wine and cup love! After ten years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat, and after a hundred years of cultivation, you can sleep together. Finding her in the vast crowd is clearly a predestined relationship thousands of years ago. I wish you both happiness and harmony.

11. The sea is dry, the stone is rotten, and the heart is tied together forever. The earth is wide and the sky is high. I wish you a long and happy marriage! Happy newlyweds, sweet! The husband and wife love each other forever!

12. I always think that life is beautiful, love is sweet, marriage is happy, and life is good. When I enter the marriage hall, I find that I have dim desire, lost imagination, lost company, and brought sadness. Heaven is still heaven, just closed the window.

13. Let the star light up your starry sky, let the spring breeze bathe happiness for you, and your life will be different from others. Only happiness will accompany you from left to right, and only smooth and bright prospects, girlfriends, and happy newlyweds.

14. Although the wedding is only temporary, love is a lifetime; The spring of the bridal chamber is always here, and the surrounding scenery will last forever; It is each other's face that grows old slowly; What never decreases is the mutual truth.

15. The petal rain is falling, leaving the flower heart to you, the four seasons wind is blowing, leaving the maple leaf to you, the tide of the month is surging, leaving the joy to you, and deep blessing to you in the dead of night, the weather is changeable, and pay attention to your body!

16. Double winged birds roam in unison, and love couples form a pair. Join hands to worship parents and thank guests together. Don't ask each other to be rich, just wish happiness with one heart. It's a long, long, and happy day after day. I wish you a happy marriage and a hundred years of love.

17. After years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat and sleep together. Today, you two hold hands, which is clearly a fate thousands of years ago. May your love last forever, and only envy mandarin ducks instead of immortals!

18. The bridal chamber is a perfect combination of beautiful flowers and beautiful moon.

19. The gongs and drums roared to the sky and the suona cheered, and the salute was passed on with bursts of laughter. The flowers are beautiful and colorful, and the guests speak loudly in the hall. The beauty of a beautiful woman is matched by marriage. Work together with one heart and one mind, and achieve harmony between family and business. Happy wedding!

20. Red balloons on diamond rings, a bunch of roses to drink wine. Love years hand in hand, happy days every day. Accompanied by each passing year, love to the white head. Best wishes for a long and happy marriage!

21. Your road will be more wonderful and your love for each other will be stronger. Please enjoy your new marriage and wish you all the best!

22. All relatives and friends gather like a tide to pray for the new couple to carry on the happiness. I wish you a happy life!

23. Marry a daughter-in-law today and become an entry-level husband; In the new year, jewelry will belong to the body.

24. Like chicken or egg, the purpose of love is to get married? If so, is marriage worth looking forward to? If love is not for marriage? If so, why love?

25. In a thousand Xi years, we will become friends with each other for a thousand years. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.

26. Under the lamp, a happy couple's wedding room, two love flowers, the golden house, the singing song, the colorful phoenix, the wedding candle, the joy of riding the dragon. The sincere love combination is the purest of all combinations. Bless you.

27. Two glorious flowers in the bridal chamber, a pair of happy people under the lamp. The wedding night, congratulations!

28. The red lotus opens its flowers, the rising sun and the colorful phoenixes welcome the door, the greeting guests are all over the door to celebrate their new marriage, the red candles are shining high, the marriage is made, the love for a hundred years is harmonious, the phoenix wind is harmonious, and the feeling is strong. I wish you love your heart and your heart, love your body and your body, and happy marriage.

29. After years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat and sleep together! Congratulations on the red thread tying you together, and the thousand year fate today! True love will always be with you, and the bright sunshine is especially warm! One hundred years of body with one hundred years of sleep, love each other forever! Wish you both happiness and happiness forever!

30. The sound of the flute boils, and the fairy goes down to Qin to meet him. The stork and the magpie once invited the bright moon, and the dove began to sing the wind and eulogize the music of Confucius.

31. What never fades is mutual care and endless deep love! Love is also more warm and beautiful because of the integration of this moment! I wish you a long life together!

32. Love is honey, a garland, a spring, a snow lotus, an eternal hymn, and a source of life; Love is caring, dedication, pain of missing, sweetness of memory, inseparable, and expectation of heart trembling.

33. The clear water is full of lotus and green, like lotus in the water. The white clouds are thousands of miles long, like birds in the sky. Spring is full of fragrance in the courtyard, and I wish to rise like butterflies among flowers. It's a hundred years of good will, like a mandarin duck play in the water.