109 beautiful sentences of friendship
Mountains and rivers are affectionate
2023-03-03 04:13:50
Complete sentences

1. People know each other well. Those who pity you are not friends, but those who help you may be friends.

2. Hello, friend! I will never erase my memory and missing for you. Please also think about me once in a while to see me.

3. Nothing is more precious than what you get through difficulties and hardships. The friendship you have forged through sharing weal and woe will surely stay in your heart and mine.

4. I have three wishes: first, may friendship warm our hearts; second, may joy stay between us forever; third, may we meet often.

5. Old trees are best burned, old horses are best ridden, old books are best read, old wine is best drunk, and old friends are most trustworthy.

6. If one person wants to talk to the fullest, another person must listen to him attentively. Good words can win listeners, good listening ability can win friends.

7. No matter how many years I have gone through, no matter how far I have traveled, I always miss that road, which once led me to meet you.

8. Friendship is a rainbow, extremely beautiful; Friendship is a river that never stops; Friendship is a green pine, evergreen all the year round!

9. Your concern and greetings at work, your blessings and smiles on the way to travel, and I am grateful that you travel in the world of mortals.

10. If the stream stops moving forward, it will lose its singing voice; Without understanding, friendship will not be vigorous.

11. We had to separate and say goodbye quietly. We kept gratitude in our hearts for the profound friendship you gave me.

12. When we meet, we don't know the value of friendship; Only then did we know that it was the most needed thing in life, just like salt. What would it be like without it?

13. Don't get friends by gifts. You must contribute your sincere love and learn how to win a person's heart in a proper way.

14. Friendship is a light, the more you dial it, the brighter it is; Friendship is a river, which flows deeper and deeper; Friendship is a flower, which grows more beautiful; Friendship is wine, the more old, the more fragrant.

15. When you encounter difficulties in your work, your friends can't help you too much. A pair of caring eyes will also help you reduce a lot of pressure.

16. Anything I ever said or made was just spitting in the air, and no one would take it seriously.

17. A trace of sincerity is better than a thousand ounces of gold. A trace of warmth can reach a thousand miles of frost. A warm and sweet message can send me a warm greeting

18. Friendship can promote competition: when there is competition between friends, they should help each other and make common progress, which is the true embodiment of friendship.

19. In our life, how many strange lives have we ever missed, even without the chance to look at each other.

20. My life is integrated into you, and your life also contains me; When we meet again, you and I are still a whole.

21. When I think of parting, the air will always be filled with reluctance, and then I will return alone. It seems that there is only one person left in this world.

22. Please remember, the definition of a good friend is: if you mix well, she will be happy for you from the bottom of her heart; You are not doing well. She is sincerely worried about you.

23. Your greeting is to send a spring in the deep mountain. Your smile makes me intoxicated in this life. A friend from afar asks me to greet you. Is it OK.

24. Let the underprivileged hold hands and pass on all joy and happiness to each other! I pray that God will fill our time and space with joy.

25. True friends don't talk about friendship or ask for anything because of friendship, but they will do everything for each other.

26. It is often said that the friendship between comrades in arms and classmates is the most sincere and eternal friendship in the world. Should we not feel happy with one of them?

27. Friendship is the purest, noblest, simplest and most ordinary emotion, as well as the most romantic, moving, solid and eternal emotion.

28. Friends are transparent when they see friends. They exchange lives with each other. The voices, sounds and smiles of both sides imitate each other there, and the hearts also imitate each other there.

29. Friendship is the most precious thing in the world; The most romantic is love; The most touching thing is love; What I want most is the truth; What I want to see most is that you are in a good mood!

30. Don't treat that person as a friend if he likes you when you are lucky. Only that kind of person is a friend, if he can save your distress.

31. Friends are the most beautiful scenery on the road of life, and friendship is the heartstrings that connect with each other. Let us use the pen and ink of our hearts to decorate the scenery on the road of life.

32. True friendship does not contain any impurities and has no price to talk about. Friends are invited when they need them, and they are desperate when they are in trouble.

33. Finally, you have to go, saying that you want to go to a far, far place to read a book about far, far. I'm not surprised, because you should be.

34. In the face of all this, how can you sit back and ignore as a magic envoy of Kulos? But when she understood the power of this card, she was sad and confused.

35. A friend, like a light green tea, asks you to taste it carefully and drink its sweetness slowly. He will inadvertently walk into your heart and care about you.

36. If you want to attract friends, you must have various qualities. Those who are selfish, petty, jealous, do not like to be beautiful, and do not enjoy the reputation of others cannot obtain friends.

37. The more you want to retain something, the easier it is to lose something; When you really wait for someone, that person will never appear.

38. True friends don't talk about friendship. They don't ask each other for friendship, but do everything they can for each other.

39. A true friendship must stand the test. If Lin Xiangru, Lianpo, had not been generous enough to take the country first and then take personal revenge, there would not have been moving scenes of pleading guilty.

40. Beautiful friendship, like a wisp of fragrance, will lead you to a fresh world; As long as there is a little memory, a little chance, a story will be forever.

41. The icing on the cake is that the brothers are friends in time of need, brothers who share weal and woe, and bosom friends who know each other well. They are bosom friends who have few friends in their life.

42. It was a clear morning. She, a fourth grader, came to the aquarium. The calm was soon broken, and the invisible water began to commit violent acts.

43. Happiness is a persistent bird. He doesn't stop at others' window and doesn't smile easily. As long as you can open your heart, happiness will surround you.

44. Happiness is a persistent bird. He doesn't stop at other people's window or smile easily. As long as you can open your heart, happiness will surround you!

45. Friendship is a kind of gentle and calm love. It is guided by reason and formed by habit. It comes from long-term understanding and common agreement. There is no jealousy or fear.

46. Whether you are far or near, whether you are in the rainy season, your scenery will always fall in my heart! Bless you happy, pray you happy, peace and happiness will always accompany!

47. Every warmth and friendship in the world, every concern and blessing among friends, is the integration of soul and spirit! I cherish every friend in my life who has predestined relationship with me!

48. I cherish every acquaintance in my life, every warmth between heaven and earth, and the tacit understanding of every bosom friend; Even if it is parting, we also regard it as the double joy of reunion.

49. When you are lonely, the wind is my song. May it comfort you for a moment; When you are proud, the raindrop is my alarm bell. May it enable you to obtain eternal humility.

50. The rosy ideal is calling to us. My classmate, parting is imminent. Don't ask when we will meet. We are drop by drop of water and will be active in the sea of our motherland!

51. Only those who make friends with heart can gain true friendship. Seeing friendship as a trader can neither produce true friendship, nor stand the test of time. It harms others and itself.

52. With friendship in life, we will not feel lonely, and our days will become colorful. Because friendship is the editor of dreams, it blooms bright youth and releases charming fragrance in life.

53. People need to contact many people in their life, so there are two levels of friendship. Friendship in a broad sense and friendship in a strict sense are not free from formality without the former, and it is difficult to be profound without the latter.

54. Let the writing of life always remember the warm sunshine that ignited the soul. There are always some happy scenes, hidden in the corner of memory, inadvertently gently opened, shaking off the bleakness of the room.

55. Friendship can help people in the same boat. Friendship can enrich people's lives and make them colorful. If friendship is lost, it is like a ship losing its direction in the sea, like a safflower losing its green leaves and unable to survive.

56. Compared with time, I lost because I lost. Let's break up! The greater the stake in life, the greater the loss. I hope that we will never forget each other, and that we can meet and meet each other in this life!

57. Face, not necessarily the most sad. Loneliness is not necessarily unhappy. Get, not necessarily long. Lose, not necessarily no longer have. No matter how beautiful it is, it can't stand forgetting, and no matter how sad it is, it can't stand time.

58. If I have to part, I should also say goodbye and keep a gratitude in my heart for giving me that sweet memory I will never forget.

59. Looking back on the past, I feel sad. My depravity was caused by my youth and ambition, and the escape made my whole life gray, sliding deeper and deeper in the mire of crime, unable to extricate myself.

60. How many laughter are aroused by friendship, and how many tears are wiped away by friendship. The harbor of friendship is warm, and the breeze of friendship fills the sails. Friendship is not an emotional investment, it does not need dividends and dividends.

61. Come from all over the world and go to the south and north. No matter where we go, no matter where we are, let's continue to fill in the resume of life, hand in the excellent answer sheet of our career, and add luster to the banner of our alma mater.

62. In one's life, the most indispensable thing is love. Parents give you life, always take care of you meticulously, that is kinship; Friends give you happiness and always share your emotions. That is friendship.

63. Everyone has weaknesses. Anyone who wants to find a friend without shortcomings will never find what he is looking for. Although we are wrong, we still love ourselves, so we should love our friends in the same way.

64. Friendship is an endless book, and friendship is an endless road; Friendship is a beautiful and moving waltz, friendship is a cup of deep green tea. It was that summer that made me understand the true meaning of friendship.

65. You are the cloud in the sky, and I am the wind that blows you. We depend on each other, trust each other, and care for each other. Let's keep this friendship between friends forever! Just like the water source in a small river flows continuously!

66. Friendship, like a rainbow, has colored our life; Friendship is like a bright lamp, illuminating our soul; Friendship, like a clear spring, moistens our life; Friendship is like a furnace, which warms our life!

67. A friend is the pleasure of meeting and laughing, the support of each other, the leisure of cutting candles, the enrichment of busy travel, the concern that has never been forgotten, the number you can't help but dial, and the deepest attachment in your heart.

68. Sincere and rational friendship is the priceless treasure of life. Whether you can keep your promise to your friend and always be worthy of him is the best test of your soul, character, psychology and even morality.

69. Don't rely on a person easily. It will become your habit. When separation comes, what you lose is not someone, but the pillar of your spirit. No matter when and where, learn to walk independently. It will make you walk more calmly.

70. Friendship is a kind of thing that can only be obtained by paying the same share of it. Like family love, it is an abstract and unpredictable thing, but it is worth cherishing more than them.

71. Friend, no matter whether you are sitting in the office or walking on a certain road, the road may be bumpy. I hope you will be happy to face it, and the sun will shine on your face. Life will be so bright and colorful after all.

72. He tried hard to hold back, closed his lips and choked up his sobs like a child, but tears still came up and squeezed brightly around his eyes. Suddenly, two big tears left his eyes and slowly ran down his cheeks.

73. I am used to the warm care and simple greetings from friends here. It was the enthusiasm of my friends that kept me from leaving. How come so many friends have left here recently, and I can only choose to face them wordlessly.

74. Facing the confused road ahead, we look forward to the happy side. However, there is a long way to go, and we cannot live without despair. At this moment, we always think about our weight. So facing the dark night, we searched helplessly for the Morning Star.

75. Friendship is a very subtle thing. I once heard the saying "friends are sold out". I think the person who said this must have been hit and hurt by friends.

76. Friendship is two figures under an umbrella and two pairs of bright eyes on a table; Friendship is like a warm harbor, quietly soothing the tired sailboat; Friendship is the tacit understanding of crossing the sea of people and looking at each other's eyes. It is an unexpected fate.

77. On the way of life, there are always some people who will smile at me. It is these people who enrich life and fill the gaps in life. When I looked back again for a hundred years, I found that these people had been carved into the bone marrow, mixed into the blood, and could not disappear any more.

78. The sunrise and sunset, the full moon and the short moon are always expected to be a surprise call, an unexpected letter, the joy of meeting in a moment, a long conversation overnight, and the fragrance of a bunch of flowers. Friend, I only expect a little joy from you.

79. Dream; It's not long enough but I need dreams. Emotion; It always hurts people, but I can't forget it. Rain; It's beautiful, but I also like sunshine. Although not around, I never forget you... Dear friend, how are you recently?

80. Friendship is a small umbrella in the rainy season, holding up a sunny day; Friendship is a lamp in the cold night, burning the flame of passion; Friendship is a warm wind, which comforts the injured soul; Friendship is a white handkerchief that wipes away the tears on your cheeks.

81. With understanding, friendship can last forever; With friendship, life is valuable. Let us shine with understanding. We plough this land, and taste half the sweet and astringent fruits. In order to enjoy the sweet life together, we need struggle and friendship.

82. Friendship can add interest to your life and let you have more insight into the outside world. When you are sad, if you have friends who share the pain with you, you will lose some points; When you are happy, having friends to share happiness with you will be more intense. Friendship is an invaluable asset in life.

83. Heart, finally tired. So many long days, these long years, beautiful and graceful. The passing years are like a fading landscape, and we are all the same. No matter how tired we are, we will continue to walk on the road of life.

84. I hold a glass of the clearest moonlight; Falling afterglow, I hold a ray of the warmest; Burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest; Luxuriant grass, I pick a bunch of the most brilliant; Long life, I want to pick the most important thing in the world - friendship

85. You were a tear in my eyes, so I chose never to cry; Don't cry, that's because I'm afraid of losing you! But now, you have become tired from tears, and you have become a drop of tired in my heart. Although I will never cry, my heart will always hurt!

86. Having friends is a good thing. When you are lonely, a friend sends a message. A few words of blessing will make you smile. A simple joke will forget many worries and troubles. A simple scene of laughter will make people feel happy.

87. I hold a cup of the clearest moonlight; Falling afterglow, I hold a ray of the warmest; Burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest; Luxuriant grass, I pick a bunch of the most brilliant; Long life, I want to pick the world's most important - friendship.

88. A friend said that I feel free and comfortable when I am not in love. Another friend said that because you are nourished by friendship, you will not feel lonely naturally! In a word, friendship is no less than love. In essence, friendship is more stable, and there is no conflict of interest.

89. Holding the right hand with the left hand, uneasy; Hold your left hand in your right hand for warmth; Holding the right hand with the left hand, friendship; Hold your left hand in your right hand. Love thought that when I left, I could not take away a cloud, but still found that when I was in despair, my hand was still tightly holding the tail of the cloud.

90. We will never know who we are dealing with; Even if you want to know your friends, you have to wait for the big moment, that is to say, you can't wait for more moments; Because only at this juncture will it become the most important thing to know friends.

91. The wisdom, knowledge and ability of friends are the magnetic force and strength that attract you. At the same time, everything about you is also a process of friends' understanding and perception. The most important thing between friends is to treat each other sincerely. If you are sincere, you can make friends. If you are suspicious, you can leave them. If you are selfish and dishonest, you might as well give them up.

92. A friend is like a lamp in your life. It gives you warmth when you need it most. Yes, we met friends in adversity and their greatness. Friendship is felt and transmitted by heart. Only through personal experience can we know the preciousness of friendship.

93. There is no trace of wings in the sky, but the birds have flown; My heart was not cut by a knife, but the pain was so clear. These softest places in the chest, the wounds that have been hurt by the lover, are far more sharp than those hurt by the limbs, and only time can heal them.

94. Living in this colorful world, no one is isolated. Everyone has friends. Because they are friends, there are also differences in gender, age, education background and occupation, which are real and can not be changed. Since they are friends, they should respect each other equally.

95. Friendship is a piece of sunshine that shines in winter, making the poor and sick feel the warmth of the world; Friendship is a spring that appears in the desert, making people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life again; Friendship is a song floating in the night sky, which makes the lonely and helpless people get spiritual comfort.

96. The most precious thing in life is life, and the most important thing in life is friendship. Every warmth and friendship in the human world, and every concern and blessing among friends are the integration of soul and spirit. I cherish every friend in my life who is destined to me, and sincerely wish my friends health, happiness, and happiness!

97. Friendship needs, a little mutual help, a little sincerity and a little trust; Love needs a little, a little romantic, a little plain; Family needs, a little selflessness, a little filial piety, a little reunion. Life and life are pieced together bit by bit! If you choose good materials, you can spell out a good life.

98. Some friends can only be made temporarily, while others can be made forever; Making friends for a while may be a misunderstanding. You don't have to complain about the misunderstanding you have had. Just say goodbye. You don't need to make any vows to make friends forever. When you pass through the tunnel of time, that sincerity and persistence is enough to feel the earth moving.

99. No matter family, love, or friendship, you should have a proper way to get along with others. In this world, only our parents and relatives are truly unrequited. Therefore, we should always remember the gifts from our parents. When we become parents in the future, we can understand the difficulties of our parents. Some people are lucky

100. In our life, kinship, friendship and love are the main themes of life, and none of them is dispensable. Among the three emotions, only friendship is an ideal embankment that is grand and can be safely perched at any time. Perhaps, deep in our hearts, everyone is eager to have a friend who is close to our heart

101. I hate you most, because you are the "enemy" of my study competition. I love you most, because you are my friend to learn from when I grow up. Today's departure is like Guan Zhong's loss, Bao Shuya, and the vast expanse of the world. Where did I go to find my favorite "best friend"

102. I can't bear to look back on the past. My regret and pain in my life began with escape. I can't recover my past, but I am willing to reveal this sad 'tear', hoping to give some enlightenment and light to the prisoners who are on the wrong path. I regret it

103. We often say: "With good friends to share, happiness will double." We also say: "With good friends to share, pain will be reduced by half." On the way to realize the ideal, with friends, happiness will become easier, and pain will be reduced.

104. Friendship is the sun in winter, the breeze in summer, the bright moon in the night sky, and the companion on the journey; Friendship is the open heart, the crystal of sincere meeting; Friendship is an invincible flower, a rain that moistens the heart, a selfless bee; Friendship is a sharp sword to break through the harsh winter and cold, and it is a new channel to communicate two hot feelings!

105. Let the underprivileged children hold hands and pass on all the joy and happiness to each other! I pray that God will let happiness fill our time and space all the time. If we have to leave, we should also say "goodbye" and keep a gratitude in our hearts. Thank you for giving me that sweet memory that I will never forget.

106. I will have you, the most intimate friend, in a gentle mood all my life. Like every day in the past, I wish you a life full of youth, hope and poetry. There is always a concern in the heart. I wonder if you are safe and happy in the distance. On a happy day, may our friendship be renewed as it grows older.

107. A friend is a person who supports, inherits, accompanies, and assists each other on the long road of life. She is a continuous heart talk or shout when you are upset, a joyful song or laugh or a generous affection when you are lonely, a basin of cold water when you are happy, and a basin of good will when you are happy. Feel the deep feelings of friends in talking and listening, and shake hands and appreciate constantly in communication and contact.

108. The most important thing between friends is to forgive each other. "People who are kind are also kind." For the advantages of friends, we should not avoid them without learning; We should not turn a blind eye to our friends' shortcomings; Don't ignore your friends' advice; Even some extreme words or biased views, as long as they are good words to themselves, can not be angry and retorted.

109. Friendship begins with a word of predestination. Friendship continues with a word of faith, and friends last with a word of heart! Friendship deepens in the exchange of space, friendship seeks truth in the passage of time, mind is frank in the exchange of space, distance is close in mutual greetings, and wishes are verified in each other's blessings. I sincerely wish my friends happiness and happiness every day