Classic Quotes of Love Concept (Selected 110 sentences)
Beauty after dusk
2023-02-16 21:07:47

1. I became very low when I met you, and went down to the dust, but my heart was happy. And a flower blooms there.

2. Life is a beautiful robe, covered with fleas.

3. Do something for others, and have some complaints. It's interesting to live, otherwise the space will be empty.

4. You ask me that love is worth more than love. In fact, you should know that love is not worth asking.

5. For those who cannot speak, clothes are a language, and they carry pocket dramas with them.

6. There is always time and opportunity to do things; Don't do things always find excuses.

7. They told me that it would be a happy thing to have several sincere friends in my life.

8. Of course, the bread here refers to rich materials (such as the life Yang Zixi got from Andy and the mansion Xiaomeng lived in that only the sofa was worth 120000 yuan), rather than the plain life of daily necessities.

9. The condition of life and love is courage and commitment.

10. Xiaomeng said that the rotten world should be blamed.

11. Adolescence itself is unstable, like a bad bath water, hot and cold, hot spring is cold and cold, and the dark world is bright. And the warmth of adults is often stirred by even warm water.

12. If you always focus on your great past, you will not have a great future.

13. Don't forget to blossom, it is your dream born when you were a seed.

14. Four: In this world, love that can survive without bread exists forever, and we can also succeed like fat four.

15. The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also loves you.

16. Short is life, long is suffering.

17. In the years of youth, we should leave more memories. In the future, we can often look at things that can be missed and people that can be missed together.

18. After a man thoroughly understands a woman, he will not love her.

19. You have to figure out what you really want.

20. If you don't flirt with women, she says you are not a man; If you molest her, she says you are not a gentleman.

21. Wu Di, an idealist who believes that love should be Platonic, deeply loves Yang Zixi, and gradually likes this woman in the process of getting along with Wu Mei.

22. Laugh, and the world will laugh with you; cry, and you will cry alone.

23. Women...... Women talk about men all their lives, read about men, and complain about men forever.

24. So, in fact, there are many times when you can't forget, only you want to forget. Time is a magic thing.

25. The useless woman is the most powerful woman.

26. When men look forward to a woman's body, they care about her soul, and lie to themselves that they are in love with her soul. Only after occupying her body can he forget her soul.

27. In the years of youth, we should have dreams and strive hard.

28. She won't. Shen Bing is actually very simple. When she loves someone, she really loves him. When she doesn't love someone, she also doesn't love him.

29. Memory is always melancholy. Happily, people feel that it is a pity that it is over, and they are still sad when they think about it unhappily.

30. There is a feeling called "brother" in the world.

31. Born in this world, there is no feeling that is not full of holes.

32. It is a strict test to be able to love a person to the extent of asking him to take his pocket money.

33. There is a gap between reality and dream. Sometimes, reality may shatter dreams. But, just ask for a clear conscience.

34. Your heart and eyes will always be a clean, warm and dry hut with a bright bookcase for me. No matter how discouraged I was before, once I entered this room, I felt at ease and at ease.

35. If you really commit suicide, death will be the end. Life is more terrible than death. Life can go on indefinitely and become worse, worse, worse than the worst state in the original imagination.

36. I think he is wrong. Don't blame this life, don't blame this world. You can only blame your heart. It controls everything, including your attitude towards life.

37. The final breakup of a long-distance love may not be due to distance, but not enough love.

38. Only one person is willing to wait, and another person is willing to appear.

39. Deepness is a burden that I cannot bear, but a lie that is realized accidentally.

40. I want you to know that there is always someone waiting for you in this world, no matter when or where, you know, there is always such a person.

41. -- Shen Bing, who was so deeply in love with Shi Xiaomeng, once made many beautiful vows, but in the end? She slowly fell in love with crazy people.

42. Growth is a painful process and a necessary path for everyone. Growth is a disaster that we cannot escape.

43. Life is really fast. Especially for people after middle age, ten or eight years seems to be a matter of time. But for young people, three years and five years can be a lifetime

44. Be merciful because you have loved; Because I understand, I am tolerant.

45. Love is not complicated at first. It can only come and go in three words, not "I love you, I hate you," or "Forget it. How are you? Sorry.

46. Be strong when you are alone, hold your head up when you have no shoulder to cry on, and no one loves you more than yourself; A person's day we smile, smile walk, smile face.

47. Sometimes, love can really make us lose our reason and be desperate.

48. Once a woman falls in love with a man, it is like giving a woman a cup of poisoned wine, and she is willing to drink it in one of the most beautiful positions. All her heart has been handed over, and life and death are beyond the reach of her!

49. "Life and death are rich, and you can become happy with your son. Hold your hand and grow old with your son."

50. There is no big ideal. I just hope that my family will be neat, healthy, happy, and happy together.

51. Memory is always melancholy! It is pleasant to feel that it is over; Unhappy, still sad to remember.

52. But the wine is in the stomach and the matter is in the heart. There is always a layer between them. No matter how much wine you drink, you can't drown your heart

53. - After so many experiences, the hero in the story gradually becomes mature and finds his own direction. Although the process is very painful.

54. Women have not yet got their own share of family property, and their own share of sorrow, burden and joy are often guarded.

55. Disappointment is sometimes a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, so we will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this happiness is a little painful