Classic short emotional sentences
Charming posture
2023-04-18 07:45:57
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1. Your name is the warmth of my life.

2. Pisces lives in the water and never leaves each other at night.

3. I just hope you are here every tomorrow.

4. What you are thinking of is a lifetime.

5. Don't talk about joys and sorrows, just talk about you.

6. I will never forget you, that faded figure.

7. The spring breeze is ten li, it's better to have you again.

8. The sea is deep, I think you are true!

9. Wolves fall in love with sheep and roam happily together.

10. Eggplant is so purple, I love you to death.

11. The road is still far away. Let's go together.

12. I don't miss you very much.

13. My son, the wind between fingers, sweetheart.

14. In the peach blossom, boil a cup of peach blossom tears.

15. Don't you think I am so scared that you are excited.

16. Don't linger on the earthly prosperity, just fall for your face.

17. What kind of fairy are you? You fly down to my heart.

18. I'm still working hard. Don't like others first.

19. It's no good to miss each other straight. It's pure madness to be disconsolate.

20. Because I just feel that I owe you several lives.

21. If you deal with me, you will not lose, and you will be fat again.

22. It is clear that only you are removed, but the whole group is empty.

23. I love you in this life, and I wish I could only hold your hand in this life!

24. As soon as you look up, you see me, not Jupiter, but my star.

25. You can see how beautiful the mountains are and how gentle the stars are, just like your eyes.

26. Become a fish and keep your eyes open all your life.

27. Maybe love is like this. It turned red at first, then red eyes.

28. As long as there is, you are not going far anywhere, just belonging.

29. Guilin's landscape is the best in the world. The beauty of mountains and waters is far less than your beauty.

30. From now on, let's go together and have exquisite thoughts together.

31. There is infinite gentleness and infinity in my heart. All for you, all for you.

32. Green plum trees accompany each other and bamboo horses depend on each other. How can the glitz of the world rival your loving kiss.

33. I always thought I had forgotten the past, but I just escaped from the past.

34. I don't want to like you 100%. I want to like you 300%.

35. A man who cheats is like money falling on the shit. It's a pity that he doesn't pick it up. It's disgusting to pick it up.

36. We seem to be at the bottom of a pond, moving from one moon to another.

37. I didn't think about the future before I met you, and I didn't think about parting after I met you.