Summary of Sentences Expressing the Difficulties of Life
Pine of Fog Island
2023-04-01 00:39:56
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1. If you give up, you should not regret it. Lost should not be recalled. Let go, let go, and quit the play that has no ending.

2. The reason is deep, the reason is shallow, the reason is reunion, it's time to break up when it's time to break up, and it's time to meet again when it's time to meet again. You are my ordinary friend. I don't expect our relationship to be more indifferent than water and more fragrant than wine. It's OK to be reluctant to climb.

3. Reading should be practiced. Don't believe in books, but it doesn't prevent you from reading more. Remember to practice.

4. Who is not fond of young men? Who is a young woman not good at nostalgia? This is the most holy God in our human nature.

5. In life, some people come and go, some go and return, some are near, some are far away, some pass by, and some travel together.

6. You can't keep the person who wants to leave, you can't wake the person who pretends to sleep, and you can't move the person who doesn't love you.

7. There is always nothing wrong in the world. What is wrong is the vulnerability of the soul. We cannot be immune from the harm of the world, so we will suffer from the disease of the soul for a long time.

8. Many contradictions between people come from arrogance; They all feel that they are smarter, wiser, and more correct than others, so they despise each other, and contradictions gradually arise.

9. If complaint becomes a habit, the mind is like a shackle, never free. Only by letting go of complaining can we realize the freedom and happiness of life.

10. People can never mind anything when they can't get it. After they get it, they will slightly mind everything. This is love, please don't mind.

11. It is mortals who obey fate; It is the strong who dominate their own destiny; Those who have no ideas follow blindly, and those who think twice before acting are wise.

12. Some people look at the shadow in the light, others look at the light in the shadow.

13. When you really love someone, you will care about everything about her. When she is unhappy, you will also be unhappy.

14. Use every second of your life to give yourself a future that you won't regret.

15. It broke my heart in this world, although it may never know who I am.

16. The most important thing for people to live in the world is not to accept being loved, but to have the ability to love. How can we understand the taste of being loved if we don't know how to love?

17. Don't stand on tiptoe to love someone because your weight is unstable and you can't support it for long. True happiness can only be met with a calm heart.

18. On the road of life, there are many difficulties that cannot be solved, but as long as we divide them into small problems, we will succeed in the end.

19. Maybe you will understand in a long time that a stubborn person like me has to muster up much courage to ask you not to leave me, and how hard you have to hold back to drive you out of my life.

20. If the cup is full, it can't hold anything; It is the great wisdom of life to know when to clear yourself.

21. Some people will never be together in their whole life. But there is a feeling that you can hide in your heart for a lifetime.

22. Believe in yourself. The beauty of life lies here.

23. Goodbye, friend! Take care, friend! The running water is in a hurry, the years are in a hurry, and only the love will remain in my heart forever.

24. If the world is yours, then I can only act as a passer-by; If the world is mine, then you have become an envoy; If the world is everyone's, then we have to play for the role.

25. Sports make people full of vitality, music makes people full of romance and happiness, and thinking makes people full of wisdom and reason.

26. The noble element in love is no less than the gentle element, and the power to make people upward is no less than the power to make people depressed. Sometimes it can also stimulate other virtues.

27. A person whose soul has awakened, you will not laugh at or hurt others, because you know that others are just the most sensitive you attached to another body.

28. Life is made up of little things. Every little thing is a whole life. When many people always want to achieve earth shaking events, they often ignore the sub points of interest, so that they can do nothing without success.

29. If you find yourself unable to let the other person go, don't force yourself to forget, because it will only make you more painful and let everything go as it should be.

30. It is difficult to be a man without poverty, and you will be naive without a blow. Maturity is just good at hiding, and vicissitudes are just no tears.

31. Suffering will not last forever, and of course, luck will not last forever. It is more important than anything that you should not lose your mind when you are proud and not lose your heart when you are frustrated.

32. Two determined people hope to warm each other when they are together, but because of each other's cold, they only feel colder and colder.

33. Real love is often shown in the implicit, modest and even shy attitude of the lover towards his idol, rather than in the casual enthusiasm and premature intimacy.

34. Every kind person is a hardworking farmer who sows love on fertile or barren land. Although their efforts are different, they all have one goal: to harvest love.

35. What we lack is not opportunities, but opportunities; What we lack is not wealth, but the ability to create wealth; What we lack is not knowledge, but the attitude of never getting tired of learning; What we lack is not ideal, but practice.

36. Where there is no water, there is a desert; where there is no sound, there is loneliness.

37. Life never stops moving forward. Stay focused. Don't slow down because of regret.

38. Behind everything that is pleasing to the eye, there is always a sad secret. Even the most inconspicuous flowers will open, and the world will have to experience pain.