Scream self preface
Girl does not cry when suffering
2023-07-11 02:13:37

"Who has fallen into trouble from a well-off family? I think we can probably see the true face of the world in this way..."

Lu Xun recalled: "I have been in and out of quality stores and pharmacies for more than four years, and I used to, almost every day, forget my age. In short, the counter of the pharmacy is just as high as me, and the quality store is twice as high as me. I sent clothes or jewelry from the counter twice as high, and took money from the insult Go to the counter at the same height to buy medicine for my long sick father. After returning home, I have to do something else, because the doctor who prescribes the prescription is the most famous, so the guiding drug used is also strange: reed roots in winter, sugar cane after three years of frost, crickets should be original, flat trees with seeds, (satire on quacks)... It's not easy to do. However, my father finally died day by day. "

This was his childhood experience. His family declined from rich to poor, and his painful memory forced him to learn knowledge. He naively thought that when he grew up, he would become a doctor, seek treatment for diseases like his father's, and become a military doctor during the war. Traditional Chinese medicine cannot be widely used, so I chose to go to Japan to learn advanced western medicine. An accidental opportunity to watch a movie, the main content of which is that the Japanese army captured a Chinese man who was a spy for Russia (the tsar) alive, and the crazy Japanese shouted "Ura!" when killing his head, while the Chinese students standing there were stunned and wooden without any response! "Many people stand on the left and right, with strong physique and numb expression." This greatly hurt his patriotic enthusiasm. It is believed that the urgent task is not to cure the disease, but to fundamentally solve the problem of Chinese people's consciousness first. How to solve it? Lu Xun thought that it depended on the influence of literature and art, so he changed his study of literature and art, thinking that literature and art could awaken the masses, which was the reason why Lu Xun abandoned medical literature.

Lu Xun's early writing style is mostly novels, essays and other literary styles. "Cry", "Wandering" and "New Stories" all have a clear tendency to satirize the current politics. They have successfully shaped the images of farmers such as Ah Q, Xianglin sister-in-law, Runtu, etc., as well as their deep concern for farmers' education and women's issues. "Grievance over the misfortune of the" gawking onlooker ", and be angry with him. Later, Jiang betrayed the revolution in the April 12 Massacre in Shanghai and turned his gun on the people, which once again prompted Lu Xun to realize that the function of literature and art was exaggerated in the past, and literature alone was not enough. Politics was the first. So I rewrote the essay. Because essays come quickly, criticizing the evils of the times, sneering, laughing and scolding all become articles. It is a headache for the Kuomintang reactionaries. His works have been banned many times. Lu Xun's essays represent the highest achievement of his creation. His sharp vision, hatred of evil, and close connection with the public are the main reasons why he is respected. The formation of Lu Xun's world outlook is closely linked with the surging times, which is not accidental, but the inevitable choice of patriotic intellectuals who love the people and have a sense of responsibility.

The development and change of Lu Xun's thought shows that he is not a foreknowledge, but also has a process of understanding, distinguishing and changing.