Literary and artistic sentences about youth, small and fresh sentences, youth, literary and artistic beauty (55 selected sentences)
How many times will it take to understand
2023-06-14 18:38:56
Complete sentences

1. Life gives us a huge and infinitely noble gift, which is youth: full of strength, full of expectations, full of ambition to seek knowledge and struggle, full of hope and confidence.

2. Youth is like a roll of toilet paper. Youth is like a match. It will be over if you burn it. Youth is like a meteor, flickering and disappearing.

3. Youth is like a cup of tea, bitter with a trace of sweet; Youth is like a book, with endless stories and philosophies; Youth is like a song, singing joy and sorrow.

4. Youth is like a symphony, playing the colorful life; Youth is like a script, which shows the colorful life; Youth is like life, let us flourish.

5. Youth is a melodious section of the movement, an aesthetical scene of the film, a relaxed part of the journey, an ignorance of a heart, the initiation of love, the passing of innocence, and the season of ideal establishment.

6. Youth is a tree, she is full of vitality; Youth is a river, which is surging and passionate; Youth is the sky, clear and bright; Youth is a song, which is melodious and graceful; Youth is a dance, she is cheerful and comfortable.

7. Youth is a blooming flower, which paves the way of life with its beautiful petals; Youth is a wonderful movement, with its jumping notes to write the melody of life; Youth is a colorful rainbow, with its beautiful colors to outline the beauty of life.

8. Youth is an algorithm. Be determined to add industriously, subtract if you are lazy, multiply if you are struggling, and divide if you go astray. Over time, life grows according to geometric coefficient; Wrong direction, return to zero and start again.

9. Youth is like a song, intoxicating like a song; Youth is like waves, like waves, ups and downs; Youth is like fire, like fire in all directions; Youth is as graceful as dance; Youth is like the wind, like the wind, free and unrestrained!

10. Youth is the rising sun, full of infinite vitality; Youth is a lush tree, full of vitality; Youth is a colorful flower, full of? Beautiful colors.

11. Youth has two sides. Use your heart to exchange for angel love, and your voice will echo forever.

12. Youth is a pyramid, is enterprising; Youth is two hearts linked together and friendship; Youth is a crescent moon, a regret; Youth is a harp and happiness; Youth is a single person and independent.

13. A person always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery, listens to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

14. Youth is like a candy bar with sweet appearance. And its surface is really sweet, very desirable, very longing, but the inner layer is not so sweet, it also has its own acid, belongs to its bitter.

15. Why do you put poison in the same bottle? With the same psychology, why should you be full of troubles?

16. Many things that we thought we would never forget in our whole life are forgotten by us in the days that we never forget.

17. Youth is a pagoda of knowledge, shedding thousands of young people's sweat; Youth is a growing tree, tested by wind and rain; Youth is a bud in bud, which wants to show the world its own style.

18. Youth is the most beautiful melody of life, and the most colorful flower of life. Youth needs hard work and sweat to irrigate.

19. I believe that life is beautiful, that life is full of hope, that people are more important than money, and that problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

20. Youth is not a painted scroll, but a piece of white paper that needs us to paint; Youth is not a ready grain, but a seed that we need to sow; Youth is not a verdant green state, but a desert that needs us to cultivate.

21. Youth has passed away in silence. Yesterday's prosperity and bitterness have been drowned in the deep sea. Walking on the soft beach, I turned around and found that the footprints had already been submerged by the sea water, and disappeared. There are countless sorrows in the tiny sand, but no one understands.

22. When youth is mentioned, people will think of the rising sun; Speaking of youth, people will see buds in bud; When talking about youth, people will hear the sound of rain in early spring.

23. Youth is a blue song, which is the breath of the sky. Youth, we are always positive, with unlimited reverie and expectations. In the blue youth songs, we fly to the blue sky on the ideal wings.

24. Facing dangerous shoals and torrents, the weak will choose to escape and give up, while the strong will choose to face and challenge. The infinite pleasure in life lies in the unfailing light from the challenge to life.

25. Youth is like a rainbow on the horizon, fleeting but gorgeous; Youth is like a stream in a mountain stream, gone forever, but beautiful and soft; Youth is like a flower in a valley, unknown but full of fighting spirit.

26. Youth is a piece of blue sky, not containing dark clouds, but spreading rosy clouds; Youth is a page of white paper, not stained with ink, only painted lotus; Youth is a precious zither. It does not play Mi Yin, but only plays elegant music.

27. Youth is a mirage, and no matter how beautiful it is, it will be fleeting. The so-called immortality may only end in tragedy like Ruan Guan.

28. Youth is the happiest time, because there is light and broad road ahead of it.