A complete set of famous aphorisms about life and death (famous aphorisms about the value of life and death)
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2023-07-14 11:08:17
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Even if we are a candle, we should turn the candle into ash and tear before it dries; Even if we are just a match, we should shine at the critical moment; Even if our bones are rotten after death, we will turn into phosphorus fire and burn in the wilderness-- Ai Qing

2. People often say that death is not terrible, dying is terrible-- Fielding

3. Sadness and joy, separation and reunion, chaos in the morning, Shouyao's poverty, busy day by day-- Master Hanshan

4. Everyone, who doesn't love life? Love life, and then love groups-- Qiu Jin

5. Leopards die and people die-- Ouyang Xiu

6. Death closed the curtain of his limited earthly life, and at the same time opened another curtain, making his shining side immortal-- Neruda

7. Man is the master of his own life, and man is also the master of his own death-- Borges

8. Revenge can make people fight back death, love can make people ignore death; Honor makes people want to die; Sorrow and fear make people run to death-- Bacon

9. When a person can no longer live proudly, he should die proudly-- Nietzsche

10. Every death has to go through hand to hand combat, and every grain of grain has to be peeled off-- Roman Roland

11. We should try our best to live a good life. When we die, even the owner of the funeral home will regret it-- Mark Twain

12. Why should people cry after death? In fact, he should cry for his life style. It's better to die than to live like death-- Montelung

13. Although life is painful, it is not pessimistic, because it always holds the hope of happiness; For the current account, we have advanced and will pay in the future. In order to be happy, we are even willing to die slowly-- Qian Zhongshu

14. Death is as natural as life-- Fuller

15. Once a person enters into himself, he transcends life and death, both of which have reached a perfect level. At this time, he can understand the singing of birds and the silence of snakes-- Lawrence

16. In the joy of the world, after completing the mission to the world, I ended my life without any pain -- death is also lucky-- Andersen

17. Death may be bearable for me, but it's unbearable to wait for bad luck to come-- Luo Lu Stevenson

18. The essence of life is death. Therefore, only those who are willing to live can really not feel the pain of death-- Montaigne

19. Death makes a good man strong, makes a wise man know life, and teaches him how to act. Death makes the wise and the good live forever-- Goethe

20. The fact of survival itself is inseparable from the word "strong". To live means to live. That is the result of the strong vitality shown in some form-- (Japan) Takeda Taichun

21. Death is not a terror to the wise and not an end to the good-- Goethe

22. We should not live in the same corruption as the vegetation, and we should not get drunk and dream of death. We should waste our lives and make a difference-- Fang Zhimin

23. Be content and die without being bored-- Lv Kun

24. We are not born to hold the hinge, but to spread our wings; No more crawling humans. I want to hatch larvae into butterflies, I want to hatch earthworms into live flowers, and fly-- Hugo

25. Once you enter the tomb, you have no choice, and you will not think about anything-- Turgenev

26. It is better to die for hearing than to live without hearing-- Liu Zongyuan

27. Anyone who can ignore life and death will become a new person. Who can overcome pain and fear, he can become God himself-- Dostoevsky

28. Let the dead bury the dead. Since we have life, we should live and live happily-- Leo Tolstoy