Reflections on Time Management
Yanyu River
2023-08-28 14:20:57
Senior 2
Argumentative paper

Before reading this book, I had a vague idea of time management. I always thought that there was a lot of time. Tomorrow will come again. In fact, how much is tomorrow? However, in the face of the rapidly rotating growth rings, there is nothing we can do but continue to numbly lead a repetitive life. Through this study, I really understand the importance of time. It flows silently from us every minute. When I get old, I know that time is too little. Many important things were not realized when I was young. There are many complicated things in life. Only when we distinguish priorities and make good use of time, can we pick more watermelons and less sesame seeds in our future life.
We will have more time than others if we combine our own advantages, give full play to and make use of them, change the past bad habits, clarify what can not be done, and save a lot of time to do more important things. However, I found out in this book how to allocate time and make rational use of time. The book tells us that "time is life, and a person's life has only three days: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yesterday has passed, and will never return; today has been with you, but will soon pass, tomorrow will come, but will also disappear. So hurry up, life is only three days!" This is also a reminder that we should be good at managing time, cherish time, Don't waste time, waste time, make life lose its original style. Because time has these three characteristics: (1), time is fleeting (2), and time is irreversible. (3) Time is equal to everyone.
Time is also the most precious wealth and capital in life, because everyone has time. If you cherish it, it will be wealth. If you ignore it, it will be worthless, and you will achieve nothing! Just like remembering the 80/20 principle, the basic theory of the 80/20 principle is that 20% of your efforts will achieve 80% of the results. The 80/20 principle can remind you to focus 20% of your energy on important matters. In the whole project work, only 20% of the work is the most important, which will achieve 80% of the work results. The reason why a person can succeed is that he has done different things in 24 hours. If we want to succeed, we must do better in time management and improve the efficiency of work. Everyone must learn time management. An excellent manager is a person who is good at managing and using time. This book also tells us that time is not only money, but also more precious than money, just like your own life!
This is because time cannot be changed, stored, added or transferred. It fades away at a constant speed and never returns! As a grass-roots manager, I should consciously plan and make full use of time, so as not to let time go by in vain. I can arrange 1440 minutes every day, and skillfully enter the space beyond time and space. In this way, I can accomplish more things than others, so that every clock can realize its value, because a person's success depends on the utilization rate of time. Only after reading this book can we truly realize that we should be the real masters of time, the clocks of life. We should only wind up once, never rely on tomorrow. We should seize the time. Every day, we should evaluate our own use of time, see how it is used, take an inventory of where time is used, and immediately correct it if we find that time is wasted, so that we can be good at discovering and using time, Create time! We should be good at planning, allocating and using time. We should allocate time precisely so that every month, every day and every hour has its particularity and practicability. This article comes from the feeling after reading. In short, let's control time, not let time control us!