112 classic qq signatures in 2021
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2023-06-29 02:11:39
Complete set of signatures

1. Not all wounds can be covered with paper.

2. There is no cold man in the world, but he is not warm for you.

3. What is happiness? Happiness is the shredded meat on the chopsticks.

4. Any crime can be decided, how to repay the so-called love crime?

5. You never belong to me. There is no loss.

6. You can be very personalized, but sometimes please stop.

7. Russia can still be arrogant, do not care about your heartbeat.

8. I would rather regret having done it than having missed it.

9. Although I haven't left yet, I miss you so much!

10. I will not detain anyone who tries to leave me.

11. Silence does not represent my cowardice, which is my wisdom.

12. Then let me accompany you and see all the stars that will laugh.

13. When I grow up, I realize how difficult it is for my parents.

14. You can't eat as food, but I can't eat without you.

15. You used one minute to point my acupoint, and I used my whole life to solve it.

16. If you don't want to grow old together, why bother not to let go.

17. I hope your goodbye doesn't mean never to see you again.

18. I cried out the rhythm, but still can't keep up with your pace.

19. It is said that everyone will have a scene for memory first.

20. It is you who have paled my waiting and satirized my persistence.

21. Memory is like wearing clothes, which can never be forgotten.

22. When you are unhappy, hold up a smile with your hands.

23. There are too many times in life when the situation destroys a love.

24. You are the scenery, and I am a tourist. You can't help letting me pass.

25. Once many people are separated, they may never meet again.

26. I like to get wet and look at my left side quietly.

27. Thank you for your kindness to me. Now it makes me feel painful.

28. Only when you are alone, will you think of the most familiar person.

29. Even if time goes back, we are no longer who we were.

30. When you are really loved, you don't have to be so beautiful.

31. I hope it comes from your unexpected care rather than blame.

32. I believe that as long as I wait here, I will meet you.

33. Once relying on each other's shoulders, now they are wandering in the sea of people.

34. Once the sea dried up and the rocks crumbled, it was no more than a good gathering and scattering.

35. The most feared relationship is that it is more than friendship but less than love.

36. How many people are waiting for a head image to jump in the early stage of the computer.

37. If you do not know a person's past, you are not qualified to judge his present.

38. Don't always think about others. In their hearts, you are not worthy.

39. Stay away from me. After all, I can't give you the warmth you want.

40. Her heart is still so cold. Maybe my warmth is not enough.

41. There is no need to comment on the person you like because he occupies a group.

42. The words that once touched me most are just for seeing.

43. Despice is the passport of the despicable, and nobility is the epitaph of the noble.

44. Can you reverse my love for you, even if you don't say it seriously once.

45. It is not because I am persistent, but because you deserve me to be persistent for you.

46. I like to laugh because I don't like to bring out sadness to make others laugh.

47. My dream is to let every Japanese drink a glass of Sanlu milk powder every day.

48. Some people love when they look at it, while others are tired when they love it.

49. Unexpectedly, even the memory is so bad, I only have the right to miss.

50. If I see you again, I will just smile and say: Long time no see.

51. If you meet me, don't break my disguise. I've been here forever.

52. It depends on how deep your jealousy is and how bad your people are.

53. The years passed away like flowing water, and the lost will never come back.

54. Your favorite song. It ended up a little messy. How can I pick it up?

55. Others at least have memories to remember, but I have not even had memories.

56. Even your casual greetings will make me feel that you are too warm.

57. I hope that when my face is full of wrinkles, you will still be with me.

58. I hate the fact that you say you miss me, but you don't do anything.

59. Please cherish those who are tired enough to fall asleep and squint their eyes to type back to you.

60. As you walk, your memories fade away. It's hard to review.

61. Crush the past into dust, fall into mud with misty rain, and reshape it.

62. When he doesn't love you, your hard work will only be regarded as shameless entanglement.

63. If the outcome is not what I want, then I would rather not participate in this process.

64. Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue.

65. When you lose me, you will understand that no one will treat you like me.

66. The biggest advantage of maturity is that you don't want what you didn't get before.

67. I am not a clown. Don't treat me as a toy. The person holding this qualification has not yet been born.

68. Is it because I can't give you the happiness you want. You just despise me.

69. Love is an illusion that is easy to be doubted. Once it is discovered, it will disappear automatically.

70. The memory that I hold tightly is a broken toy, which makes me put my hand down but reluctant to forget.

71. The young man's warm shadow said that he would seize the pace of time to accompany me to the wilderness.

72. Life is an impromptu performance. There is no impossible dream, only people who do not wake up early.

73. There are three things in life that cannot be retrieved: time, opportunity and words.

74. If I can watch you leave in this life, it proves that I have forgotten.

75. I hope you are happy. Don't push yourself. Sometimes, the world is not what you think.

76. I will not allow my fragile love for you, and I will not allow you to disturb my firmness.

77. Everyone has an ugly scar, but that scar can't be removed.

78. I am not a lady. When I am in a bad mood, I also want to swear gracefully.

79. I would like to cross the sky like a shooting star just to make you a wish and burn myself.

80. Everyone's story begins and ends in the tears of others.

81. I am selfish, you are fickle, I hide, you cheat, we have our own problems.

82. I don't want to think about or recall those things, because they touched my wound.

83. Life is just like this. Keep an optimistic and positive mood, and go against the sun.

84. You are clearly a snail. You have to carry a turtle's shell. You are severely overloaded. You are not tired.

85. I admit that I don't know how to care about a person, but I have been working hard to learn.

86. Sometimes it's not because I don't trust you, but because I care more about you than others, and I'm more afraid of losing you.

87. Gentle or cruel, I want to have a strange self and give myself some surprises.

88. Your tears do not mean your mercy; I will smile, but it doesn't mean that everything is good for me.

89. Happiness is for others to see, and another kind of pain carnival is another kind of loneliness left for oneself.

90. Some people's articles are very meaningful but no one pays attention to them. Some people are ordinary but a lot of people follow them.

91. I can't imagine my life without you. I can't accept that you are not with me, just because I love you.

92. A drop of rain represents a note. Listening to the rain is like listening to your favorite song, familiar and beautiful.

93. We are used to seeing people and themselves by different standards, so that we tend to be strict with others and lenient with others.

94. Like a ruthless knife, it has changed our appearance and will wither before it blooms. I had a dream.

95. Some promises must be fulfilled since they have been promised, even if they have been forgotten, they will not be let down.

96. Yes, the street lamp is weak and unwilling to fall behind. See clearly, the shadow under the lamp, lonely walk.

97. From then on, even seeing your face can be avoided. I understand that feeling will be hallucinated by vision, hearing and touch.

98. Don't get in trouble with the society because you will, and don't get in trouble with the reality because you still have to.

99. Let the time take him away, and let the time leave him to be gentle.

100. I would like to write a wandering poem for you, take you and sunflowers to wander, to the ends of the earth, to the cape.

101. I used to think that when I was sad, I would cry a lot; It turns out that the real sadness is that there is not a drop of tears.

102. "I love you" is just an empty sentence! Please fill the blank paper with reality.

103. If one day I stop looking for you, it is not because you are not important, but because I don't know whether I am important or not.

104. You'd better hate me if you love me. Don't be unkind and unkind to me. Let me know how I should treat you.

105. Memory can really make a person become neurotic. One second ago, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but this second, his eyes were wet.

106. What God does not give me, no matter how tightly I hold my fingers, still leaks; Give me, no matter how I lost in the past, will have.

107. We changed from Tiezi to a couple. She cheated her parents and teachers for my sake. There is only one girl in the world who told me how not to cherish her.

108. Every time I see others wearing those thin and high heels, I will flash a very harmonious picture in my head: the heel is broken, and the person is turned over!

109. When I get married and drink the wedding wine, I will set up a separate table for my husband's ex girlfriend and those women who don't know, and then I will toast one by one.

110. Only now do I realize that you don't love me! Then why didn't you refuse my confession? Don't let my sister's time be wasted by your garbage, will you?

111. Once you chased me, loved me, coaxed me, missed me, took care of me, and protected me. Now you play with me, play with me, cheat me, leave me, hide from me, escape from me.

112. In this world, there is no right choice. The best choice we can make is to always think that our choice is right.