Reflections on legal education
Xiaoxiang Night Rain
2023-12-06 06:23:53
junior middle school
impressions of after reading

On Thursday, all our sixth graders listened to a lively and interesting lecture on legal education in the school's multimedia classroom. The speaker was President Zhu.
First of all, President Zhu educated us with a case to let us know what crime is and not despise it. She told us that several students, because they were worried, often wandered around the street at midnight. One day when they saw a man, they beat him up and robbed him. They thought they were very powerful, but they didn't know they had committed a crime. In this case, we understand that no illegal act should be done, no matter how dignified and beneficial it may be.
When we all realized that crime was around us, President Zhu also taught us to learn from it.
The main criminal of this case is different from the last time. He had committed many crimes before he was 16 years old. Because his parents were working outside and he dropped out of school, no one cared about him. He often stole bicycles and battery cars. He was arrested because of a fight, which injured a former classmate. If he studied hard and did not drop out, he might get excellent grades.
After listening to the above case list, I suddenly understood a lot. Previously, I thought that crime was far away from us, but now I know that crime is close to us. Taking the drug abuse as an example, I might casually say: "That was done by the most weak willed person, and I can never do it!" But after hearing the case told by President Zhu, I dare not ignore it for a while. Usually, what I watch on TV is international cases. I can't help thinking that I can't commit a crime. Now I know, even if I deliberately beat a person black, I can be sentenced.
One after another real cases mentioned by President Zhu have made us understand too much and benefited a lot.