20 Parallels Describing Civilization
Empty old dreams
2023-05-07 09:12:33
Complete sentences

1、 Civilized etiquette is a habit, which reflects people's attitude towards life; Civilized etiquette is a kind of spirit, which embodies people's style and features.

2、 Civilization, I think this word is familiar to everyone. Civilization is the criterion of a person's life, the condition of making friends, and the key to the door of wealth.

3、 Civilization is a kind of temperament, showing your elegance; Civilization is a kind of self-cultivation, to show your knowledge; Civilization is a kind of artistic conception, showing your quality.

4、 Civilization is a breeze that brightens people's mood; Civilization is a lamp, which illuminates the bright future; Civilization moistens the dry soul with a rain.

5、 Civilization is a breeze that brightens people's mood; Civilization is a lamp, which illuminates the bright future; Civilization is a rain that moistens the dry soul.

6、 Civilization is like a lamp, illuminating our way forward; Civilization is like a song, intertwined with our common aspirations; Civilization is like a key, which opens the lock of the soul!

7、 What is civilization? Civilization is just a seat for grandma on the bus. Civilization is just picking up the garbage beside the garbage can. Civilization is just doing its best to help people in need.

8、 What is civilization? Civilization is a breeze that brightens people's mood; Civilization is a lamp, which illuminates the bright future; Civilization is a rain that moistens the dry soul.

9、 To be a civilized person, we must speak civilized words. To be civilized, we must learn to respect others. To be a civilized person, we must have civilized behavior. To be a civilized person, we should consciously develop civilized habits.

10、 Civilized etiquette is like a lamp, illuminating our way forward; Civilized etiquette is like a song, intertwined with our common aspiration; Civilization is like a key to etiquette, which opens the lock of the soul!

11、 What is civilization? Civilization is a light that illuminates our future; Civilization is a gust of wind, which wakes up our confusion in the past; Civilization is a road that guides us on the right track.

12、 Civilization is always around us, so that our campus will be beautiful, our society will be harmonious and warm, and we will keep company with civilization and virtue, so that our youth will burst into brilliant sparks!

13、 What is civilization? Civilization is a kind of temperament, showing your elegance; What is civilization? Civilization is a kind of self-cultivation, to show your knowledge; What is civilization? Civilization is a kind of artistic conception, showing your quality.

14、 What is civilization? Civilization is a kind of temperament, showing your elegance; What is civilization? Civilization is a kind of cultivation; Show your knowledge; What is civilization? Civilization is a kind of artistic conception, showing your quality.

15、 Etiquette is a part of the traditional culture of a country and a nation, and is one of the symbols of human spiritual civilization; In fact, people's common life and interaction spread, inherited, followed each other into habits, and the halberd sank, which was widely accepted.

16、 So what is civilization? Civilization is to say hello when you see a teacher. Civilization is not to say dirty words or rude words. Civilization is not to litter or spit everywhere. Civilized virtue is like a clear spring that can nourish and comfort our hearts.

17、 A civilization is a drop of water, and many civilizations are tolerant of the sea; A civilization is a lamp, and many civilizations are the passion of the sun; A civilization is a cloud, and many civilizations are the clearness of the blue sky. More civilization, less dirt around us.

18、 If you lose today, you are not a failure, because you will come back tomorrow. If you lose money, you are not a failure, because the value of life is not in the purse. If you lose civilization, you are a complete failure, because you have lost the true meaning of life.

19、 Civilization is like a gust of wind, gently blowing away those bad habits; Civilization is like a lamp. If the light is brighter, there will be less darkness around us; Civilization is just like civilization, just like a gesture. For others, it is more considerate; Civilization is also like a torch, which is passed in everyone's heart and can also gather everyone's enthusiasm.

20、 Civilized behavior is a small step for everyone. If everyone can be civilized, it can make our society take a big step. Civilization seems easy to some people, but it is more difficult to do. Sometimes civilization is the thickness of a piece of paper, sometimes civilization is a distance of several centimeters or tens of centimeters, and sometimes civilization is a gesture.