After reading History of Entrepreneurship
Dust Flyer
2023-10-06 03:51:50

Recently, I read a good book, Entrepreneurship History, which deeply inspired me.
Liang Shengbao, the hero of the story, is the son of a poor farmer for generations. He lost his father when he was young. Later, in a year of severe famine, he wandered with his mother to Xiabao Village on the south side of the Weihe River. Fate made Liang San, an old man in the village, his stepfather. Later, they started their hard business on the Weihe Plain.
When he was 13 years old, he worked for the owner of Lv Er's family for a long time. Two years later, he bought the half dead calf of Lv Er's family with five dollars. When he returned home, his mother and Liang San old man both blamed him for being too impulsive, but he opposed his father's idea and acted on his own idea. Later, the calf really grew into a strong cow, and Shengbao also planted good crops.
But the weather is unpredictable, and people have misfortune and happiness on the eve. Two years later, the turbulent society made Shengbao unable to plant land in peace, and he was unfortunately dragged to become a able-bodied man. After the old man of Liang San redeemed him with the money from selling the calf, Shengbao went into the Zhongnan Mountain again - for twenty years, cutting wages, burning charcoal, and enduring the pain of not being able to reunite with his family. Nevertheless, he was not overwhelmed by the fate of poverty, but insisted on his own path from the fact that his parents failed to start their own businesses and his poor life experience.
Liang Shengbao has been able to cope with the natural and social problems along the way. Yao Shijie can be said to be the most tricky person in Toad Beach. In that famine year, he regarded the suffering of people in need of food as the most interesting enjoyment in the world! However, in such a difficult time, Liang Shengbao still did not bow to Yao Shijie. He still carried out his entrepreneurial work in an orderly manner and insisted on following the Party.
After reading this book, I couldn't help sighing: If it were me, would I stick to it like Liang Shengbao? I repeatedly asked myself that I might stop because of the small setback for him, or even give up entrepreneurship, but he could persevere. If it were me, would I, like Liang Shengbao, continue to start my own business immediately after being caught and become a strong man? No, I can't do it. I will give up my career, maybe I will abandon myself. I won't become more brave and insist on entrepreneurship like him. If it were me, would I not bow to Yao Shijie when I was poor like Liang Shengbao? No, I won't. If it were me, I would have bowed to him for my own survival.
Liang Shengbao can insist on his own entrepreneurship because of his own unyielding, good thinking and perseverance; Second, the Communist Party's support for him gave him hope for progress. Both urged him to stick to his own entrepreneurship.
Liang Shengbao's indomitable, tenacious struggle, unyielding, good at thinking, simplicity and many other qualities are worth learning. He never oppresses others at will with his own leadership, let alone exaggerates. Instead, he wholeheartedly follows the Party and is committed to the Party, which is also worth learning and serving as our own example.
Recently, I read the History of Entrepreneurship, and I was deeply moved.
Junior 1: Sun Qi