Inspirational Quotations of the First Year (42 selected sentences)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2023-07-28 21:15:57
Complete sentences

1. The best way to keep fresh in the world is to make continuous progress and make yourself a better and more worthy person to love.

2. The first sign of maturity is to learn to reduce fantasy but retain hope, treat the present well and still look forward to the future.

3. See through but don't tell through. A lot of things, as long as you have a good idea, there is no need to say it.

4. Strong willed people can put the world in their hands and knead it like a piece of mud.

5. The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you.

6. Don't panic in case of death, but be more careful in case of change.

7. Try not to show others what you can do. No matter what the result is, you can have a clear conscience. Try because you can not accept the fate of the frame and fight back on your own.

8. Diligence in industry, lack of fun; What is done in thought is destroyed in folly.

9. Today's you, only by doing what others do not want to do, can you have what others cannot have someday.

10. A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of bile.

11. You have to work hard. What you want can only be given by yourself; If someone else gives you something, you should ask yourself if you can afford it.

12. I walk slowly! But I never retreat!

13. Don't look down on anyone. Being inferior to you doesn't mean being inferior to you. Just because you are inferior now doesn't mean you are inferior forever. Maybe you will be better than you in the future.

14. Accumulated trauma is the best thing life gives you, because each trauma marks a step forward.

15. Only by making great efforts to open up, can the curved bamboo whip turn into a straight bamboo.

16. No one has ever seen a fish in the deep sea shed tears, thinking that it would not be sad. That's because it lives under the sea.

17. The good life you see in the eyes of others is not always easy to get. They must have suffered unknown hardships. If you don't work hard, don't complain that life is not easy.

18. If you don't want to do it, you will find an excuse; If you want to do it, you will find a way.

19. Irreparable mistakes are often caused by arrogance and arrogance, while indulging oneself in emotion will lead to indulging in hobbies and desires.

20. A man who has done anything stupid in life is never as clever as he thinks.

21. Life is a mirror. You smile at it, and it smiles at you; You cry to it, and it cries to you.