A Review of Journey to the West
Fireworks swamp
2023-08-25 17:25:44
Junior 1
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I read the book Journey to the West in my spare time in summer vacation, and the story is very vivid and interesting.
The first time, I thought that the Monkey King was very powerful, very good at fighting, and would change a lot; Tang Monk is incompetent; Pig Bajie is like a lazy "worm"; Monk Sha is a dispensable role.
The second time, I thought the Monkey King was very cute; Tang Monk is very stupid; Pig Bajie is a silly thing; And Monk Sha is a loyal disciple. This time, I felt that Monkey King was very smart and loyal (especially to Tang Monk); Tang Monk was very kind, simple and kind; Pig Bajie is silly and cute; Monk Sha gives people the impression of loyalty and honesty.
In Journey to the West, there were ninety-nine eighty-one tests. At last, the four masters and disciples went through countless hardships to obtain the scripture. Of course, I won't say more about the many hardships I have told in the story.
The story of Journey to the West tells us some truth: everything is always very difficult at the beginning, but as long as you can build confidence and courage, through hard work, I believe you can succeed! It also confirms the old saying that everything is difficult at the beginning.
At the beginning, as long as you stick to it, after unremitting efforts, I believe that in the near future, success must belong to you! When I opened the story of Journey to the West, one of the four masterpieces, I was immediately attracted by it. In the story, the stubborn, upright, witty and brave Monkey King, the lazy pig Bajie, the hardworking monk Sha and the honest and simple monk Tang are all vividly portrayed by the author. This book mainly tells the mythical story of Tang Monk's four disciples going to the Western Heaven to learn scriptures. Along the way, they climbed the Flaming Mountain and beat the Baigujing. After many difficulties and dangers, they overcame one evil spirit after another, and finally got the scripture and became immortals. Through these stories, this book reflects the spirit of Sun Wukong's relentless pursuit. This story profoundly tells us that justice will defeat evil, because truth always exists, and we must never stop doing everything to achieve our goals, and we must never be discouraged. This spirit is just what we young people need. Moreover, it is no good to be lazy. Only smart, brave and decisive can get twice the result with half the effort.
We should not give up when we encounter setbacks and difficulties in our study or life. They can be overcome. Don't we just use our brains and work hard and bite the bullet? Once difficulties and setbacks are overcome, will victory be far behind?
This is a good book worth reading. If you like it, you can buy a book to read.