Reflections on Reading Scholars and Scholars
Middle aged white haired man
2023-12-09 03:22:37
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

Not long ago, I read the book "Scholars". After reading it, I felt deeply. It is the representative work of the writer Wu Jingzi. In this novel, Wu Jingzi uses irony to describe the pursuit of fame of scholars in feudal society and their living conditions. The characters described in the book are very vivid. There are Yan Jiansheng who love talent as life; Bao Wenxi, who has studied hard in poetry books; Gentleman Zhang, who has a good sense of autumn...... What impressed me most was Yan Jiansheng, who loved his talents as much as he could.
Yan Jiansheng is a rich man with a wealth of fields, houses and servants, but he is particularly "economical". The family is reluctant to buy a pound of meat. Sometimes the children can't help but buy cooked meat for one or two dollars to satisfy their cravings. They are reluctant to take medicine even when they are sick, and often deduct the salary of the servants... There is a passage in the book, "Yan Jiansheng before dying", which records that Yan Jiansheng lit two stems of grass and stretched out two fingers without losing his breath, It was not until Zhao Shi picked out a stem that he died. The story depicts the image of a miser who loves money more than life. I believe that everyone can't stand such a man who loves money like his life.
Is there anything in our real life like Yan Jiansheng's reluctance to light two stems of lamp grass? Of course. If we don't turn on two lights at the same time in a room, because one light is enough, why turn on one more light? But we modern people call such behavior saving.
In fact, in my opinion, Yan Jiansheng's "diligence and thrift" is worth learning. Now people's living standards have improved. They often go out to eat big meals, and do not pack what they cannot finish. This is a waste. Most children today are only children, and their parents will buy a lot of expensive toys and clothes for them. They also buy brand-name clothes, and don't wear them for several times... What a waste! No one's money is windy, it's all earned hard, so we should save money and spend it on the right place, but saving does not mean being stingy.
Yan Jiansheng's love of money is hateful, but his "economy" is worth learning.
Comment: This article describes the feeling of reading the Scholars and Scholars, which makes the article coherent and appealing.