After Reading Through Mountains and Seas
No more love songs
2023-08-20 04:50:11
high school
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Carrying the tradition and striving in the process of history, people always have to have a goal to strive for, so they can have the motivation to struggle. Kaipo, the mayor of the town, fishermen, the sea, Kaishu, and Dashan are not short of the grand narrative of the ideal personality that the author wants to build. Wu Xiaohao -- as a college student who graduated from the history specialty of Shandong University, from the preparation of the district CPPCC to the choice of a minor, unwilling to live a dull life, It is more to get rid of the trivial troubles of the family and find a clear spring of the soul. The whole book shows the growth history of rural women cadres in the new era. She has received higher education, sees problems from a different perspective, and handles problems in a different way from her predecessors. She can look at the present from a historical perspective, opening a new era for Kaipo Town, and showing the demeanor of women in the new era. However, I want to explore Xiaohao's change of thought from the perspective of family from three aspects, see her growth, and see the new changes of female consciousness in the new era.
1、 Compromise -- the projection of history. Xiaohao's compromise is the projection of history on her, just as Xiaoxiao in Shen Congwen's writing is the product of that era. After the May 4th New Culture Movement, the rise of women's consciousness, most of the female images are portrayed as new women who boldly pursue their own happiness and strive for independence in marriage. With the deepening of the New Culture Movement and the liberation process of women's consciousness, women are no longer applied to the feudal declaration that women without talent are virtuous, and actively enter new schools to accept new ideas and knowledge. But Lu Xun pointed out keenly that Nana had left, where was her future? Mr. Lu Xun pointedly pointed out that if there was no independent economic foundation, where would her future be? Either starve or come back.
Xiaohao has a trace of history. She was born in the countryside. Her original family was poor and feudal, but she tried hard to get into the university, which is God's blessing. Coming from the countryside to the city is a change of her own destiny. Unfortunately, his family was poor. In order to pay the tuition, his father was short-sighted. Taking the money from You Haoliang was equivalent to signing a personal selling agreement for his daughter. After graduation, he gave up the postgraduate entrance exam and returned to Yucheng to get married because of You Haoliang's threat. Lu Xun told us with his unique vision that the lack of economic independence makes it difficult for women to get out of the family. Zijuan wanted to pursue equality and independence, but she died. Faced with the feudal patriarchal system, the highly educated Xiaohao chose to retreat and accept passively. This is a compromise of reality.
2、 Rebellion -- realizing the independence of personality. On the issue of marriage, under the influence of the Norwegian Ibsen Drama Doll House, young women who have accepted the new ideas have followed Laura's example and run away from home, giving up the ideas that go against human nature, such as marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog. After Xiaohao got married, she was disappointed by domestic violence and reported to the police and applied for divorce. Divorce -- she chose the most decisive way, and the pain is inevitable, but this is the best way to say goodbye to the past. Pain is indispensable, but only after nirvana will rebirth.
3、 Rebirth -- the exploration of realizing value. In the examination of a minor, she fulfilled her personal transformation conscientiously. In the face of family problems, she wavered, she was helpless, and she was determined to step out of her true self. On the one hand, I felt pity for her. On the other hand, I was glad to see her change, get rid of her family, improve myself, get out of the traditional constraints, start a new life, and live a new era of women, What a lucky thing that you can not only live your own life, but also benefit people on your own!
When she came to the town, everything was strange to her. When she could stick to her original intention, never forget her original ideal, and wanted to do a career of her own. In dealing with township issues, she adheres to the principle of kindness and justice. In the face of the elderly living on subsistence allowances, her bowl of dumplings warms people's hearts; Facing the relocated households, she put herself in their shoes. Undoubtedly, she is a good cadre in people's hearts. She works with methods, works with propriety, treats people with temperature and has principles. But behind the bright and beautiful, there is a woman's helplessness and hardship. However, she has the stubbornness and tenacity of Artemisia annua, realizing the transformation of her life.
With the development of the times, women gradually break away from the shackles of men. Show your own style and voice your strongest voice in social life.
As Wu Xiaohao said, "Human history is composed of personal history. Although my life is like grass, like my name, it is a small artemisia herb, if I write down my experience, it can also reflect the times and reflect the history."
Throughout the development of Chinese literature, the awakening of female consciousness is constantly deepening and becoming a cultural symbol, constantly reflecting the cultural connotation of different periods. Therefore, the awakening of female consciousness is a social topic, not just a topic of a certain group. At the same time, the constant awakening of female consciousness also indicates the continuous progress of Chinese society. Women get rid of the shackles of the family and gain independence of personality, which also win them social status and open up a broader living space and development space for women. Xiaohao has grown into a big tree and become an excellent female cadre, which is the pride of women in the new era.