81 Graduation Gifts
Laugh at my downfall
2023-02-15 21:15:49

1、 Blossom the most gorgeous smile, give a more beautiful dream tomorrow.

2、 It is fate that brings us together, and it is friendship that connects us closely.

3、 Please compose another youth song to accompany you and me on the journey of tomorrow!

4、 Ambition is the sprout of noble behavior; With perseverance, it will blossom!

5、 This is the last sprint. Work hard. Victory will be won by the most durable people!

6、 You are like a new leaf in spring, bathed in the warm sunshine, pure as a piece of jasper.

7、 May you use this golden key to open the door of doubt and enter the hall of creation.

8、 Let's forge a boat with our common belief, and plow the snow-white waves into the sea of life.

9、 May you be like a seed, brave enough to break through the sand and stretch the green buds out of the ground and point to the sky.

10、 There are colorful soil on the earth, five colored seashells on the beach, staff in the movement, and colorful roads in life.

11、 Although there are always a lot of sediment, the surging river always runs in the established direction.

12、 Be willing to be a gardener and urge Sanchuntao and Li to build a century old career; I would like to be a ladder of people and cultivate a generation of talents to make great achievements.

13、 Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore are both the end of happiness in the past and the beginning of happiness in the future.

14、 Everyone has a valuable wealth, which is life! I hope you can use it effectively.

15、 Regard dusk as dawn, and time will come; Take success as a starting point, and achievements will continue to emerge.

16、 Let time leave its diligent imprint on the branches of knowledge, the green leaves of wisdom, and the mature fruits!

17、 Ah, students, let's ride the wind and waves to the other side of success on the fleeting waves of time!

18、 Teacher, this dazzling name will be like a brilliant star, always hanging in our chest.

19、 Looking forward to the future, thanking the past, today's academic achievements, and never forget the hard cultivation of the past, teacher, thank you!

20、 Vacancy, firmness, humility, simplicity -- this is the song you taught me to sing, and this is the way of life you guide me.

21、 Phoenix flower reveals bright red, blessing you and my dream. When we fly to the vast sea and sky, do not hesitate or stay.

22、 You are busy with the blooming of flowers and the ripening of fruits, quietly supporting the green shade of leaves! Ah, teacher, your spirit will always remember my heart!

23、 A cup of turbid wine goes into the sadness, but it turns into countless tears of lovesickness. This past year, although the moon is always round at another time, we have met forever.

24、 My life is integrated into you, and your life also contains me; When we meet again, you and I are still a whole.

25、 Wave goodbye and set sail. It's the rope of friendship you threw, which is firmly tied to my heart.

26、 Life is like four seasons: spring sowing, summer growing, autumn harvesting, and winter tasting. My friend, take advantage of your youth and try to sow the seeds of happiness!

27、 You have gained today's harvest with your intelligence and knowledge, and will accept tomorrow's challenges with wisdom and determination. May you always keep your indomitable spirit.

28、 How many memories we had in the maple forest with red leaves flying everywhere. The fluttering maple leaves bring us into a wonderful state.

29、 Teacher, like a gardener, you water the flowers of our motherland every day. What you water is the sun, water, fertilizer and knowledge.

30、 The most valuable thing in the world is today, and the most easily lost thing is today; I hope you will cherish every day in the coming year.

31、 Maybe you are reluctant, maybe you are timid, but as long as you can step out, a warm and energetic life may be in front of you.

32、 Some people say that the teacher's kindness is like a mountain, because the high mountains are lofty and respected. I would also like to say that Shien is like the sea, because the sea is immeasurable.

33、 Teacher, people say that you are cultivating the pillar of the motherland, rather you are the pillar of the motherland. It is you who support the backbone of our generation.

34、 Teacher, you enlighten me to really understand the grace of nature. Since then, I have understood every green leaf, every cloud, and every spray.

35、 The boat set sail in the port of youth, and we broke up temporarily, full of ideals and pursuit. When will we meet again? In the harvest time!

36、 Rivers push us to the vast sea, and the dawn brings us a bright morning; Dear teacher, you lead us to a magnificent life.

37、 We like you, young teacher; You are as handsome as spruce and as deep as blue sky; You are knowledgeable and have an accommodating heart.

38、 My missing is like a bright moon, which pours out deep feelings like water and earth. No matter where you go, the moon will follow you.

39、 Finally, you have to go, saying that you are going to a very far place to read a book about a very far place. I'm not surprised, because you should be.

40、 The beach in front of you in the sea of life is a golden manuscript. May you write poems of life with ideal rays on this boundless plain paper!

41、 I want to keep a fragrant memory, and I want to treasure a beautiful page of friendship. Please take this most sincere blessing with you, and let happiness accompany you forever.

42、 No matter what unhappy things you encounter in a day, as long as you remember "I am happy", you can get happiness.

43、 It seems that it's really time to say goodbye to this student era full of laughter, romance, ambition, as well as sour and slightly melancholy.

44、 It's time to start. Let's go! There is no need to regret or say goodbye. Even if the song gradually quiets down, our hearts will never stop beating.

45、 The university has opened its mind to us. Friends, let's bravely go forward to experience its boundless grandeur and endless depth!

46、 I worship great people and celebrities, but I am more eager to dedicate my respect and praise to an ordinary person - my teacher - you.

47、 Under the snow is covered with green branches and leaves, is colorful, is the song of birds and the fragrance of flowers... I wish you to greet the spring with excellent results!

48、 If you have wasted time, please don't make up with sighs; After all, the journey of tomorrow is longer than the past. Hurry up, what is ahead is the dawn of happiness!

49、 You are the bridge that connects the cut mountains for us and leads us to the peak of harvest; You are a green vine, tough and slender. You guide us to collect ganoderma lucidum and ginseng on the cliff top.

50、 Rise at dawn and work hard for good. "May you love the spring of life, cherish the morning of time, learn from the plum blossom, and strive to be the first branch of the east wind"

51. People who know how to rest assured find relaxation, people who know how to forget find freedom, and people who know how to care find friends. Cold weather is not cold, cold heart is cold, I hope you have a warm mood every day.

Fifty two or three years have passed in a hurry. The age like a dream is filled with a string of laughter and laughter. Don't wave and sigh, feel the flowers are gone, muster up courage, and don't forget to deliver surprise news to each other.

53. I will never forget every bit of these six years. Teacher, your love is more severe than father's love and more delicate than mother's love. Your love is as warm as the sun, as warm as the spring breeze, and as sweet as the spring.

54. "The three armed forces can win the commander, but no one can win the ambition." You are ambitious, and your ideal is in your heart. Even if the waves are billowing, they will not break your sail!

Fifty five or three years is just a short period in the journey of life. However, I have been sitting with you for three years, but I will never forget it. You are a pearl in my memory, a star in the sky of my heart.

56. Noble ideals are the guiding lights of life. With it, life has a direction; With it, the heart will feel full. Take a firm step towards the established goal, students!

57. Because of your love and hard work, you will have the splendor of peaches and plums, and the golden color of rice and wheat. May my gratitude turn into a bouquet of fresh flowers that will never wither and bring fragrance to your life.

58. Don't say that the time of a day is insignificant. The long years of life are connected from one day to another; May you cherish every day of your life journey and make every day go forward vigorously.

59. We met when we were strangers, and we parted after we became familiar. Tomorrow, we will go to the star map of life to find our new position. Let's use our twinkling stars to ask each other and express our feelings.

60. The living sea has paved a golden road, and the waves are standing in rows with welcoming flowers on both sides. Go bravely, friend! Ahead, the conch has been blown; Caixia is flying the bright red flag.

61. Teacher, it is you who use the key of wisdom to open the door of the treasure house of knowledge for us; It is you who use hard work to let us travel in the literary world. Before leaving, let me say to you: Thank you, teacher.

62. Come from all over the world and go to the south and north. No matter where we go, no matter where we are, let's continue to fill in the resume of life, hand in the excellent answer sheet of our career, and add luster to the banner of our alma mater.

63. It's my honor to read with your classmates for four years, making me know you, a handsome "talent". I appreciate your temperament and admire your personality. I think you will become my best friend in the future.

64. I deeply understand how much time has been spent and how many difficulties have been overcome before you can achieve immediate results. Please believe that in the process of your pursuit, hard work and hard work, the teacher will always stand beside you with a smile.

65. The green buds say: grow! Growth! The white flower says: Open! to open up! The dark red fruit said: Brilliant! Brilliant! In the journey of life, I hope you can write this "Trilogy of Joy"

66. When the parting is near, when facing the friends like brothers who are close to each other, and when facing the sincere friendship formed after four years of running in, my heart is excited and speechless. It is difficult to say goodbye and cherish.

67. Finally, we have to go, but you have left behind the image of the flower, the fragrance of the flower, and the hope we shared. In the future, as long as I think of you, my years will always be bright and beautiful.

68. Self love makes you dignified; Self esteem makes you elegant; Self support makes you free; Self-improvement makes you work hard; Self confidence makes you firm... All these will make you far ahead on the road to success.

69. Heaven's conscience, from the heart, I do have a good opinion of Li Xiaohua, but I will never mix my great belief with the personal feelings of my children. Although my pursuit has been hit again and again, it can not shake my faith in the slightest.

Seventy, graduation is not the end, not the end of the feast. Graduation is just the beginning, just a new style of travel. Goodbye, just to see you again. Don't be sentimental. Time is the most important thing in this life. It's only a matter of time before we meet again.

Seventy one, the students who study together have chairs, and each goes his own way after graduation. Each university has its own interests and development has its own world. Now no matter who is older, students will always remember. Every holiday always reminds me of you. I wish my old classmates always smile, stay young and send short messages.

Seventy two, more than a thousand days and nights ended like this. Three years ago, so many disputes, so many laughter, so many worries, so many pride, and the door behind the real "bang" left the past?

Seventy three. Looking back on the ups and downs of our four years of college, and the fleeting years we have experienced together, I thank everyone for their support and dependence, and thank friends for their great support and help. Although reluctant to part, the pace of parting does not stop because of our sincere feelings.

Seventy four, those burning years, those beautiful blooming time, very short, but very gorgeous, lingering! How I hope that time is still, so that this friendship can solidify into eternity! I dedicate these youth songs to all my friends who have graduated, are graduating and are about to graduate!

Seventy five, the sadness of parting, the sadness of parting, and the fragrance of the flowers on the playground cannot be forgotten. The autumn wind has changed my memory of the passing years. The teacher's voice and the bell ringing of the classroom have changed. After singing this song, I have to finish my graduation thesis. How could it cost me three yuan and sixty cents.

Seventy six. When it comes to the hardships of life, we can't leave a little memory, and we can't find the past that has been lost. When it comes to the joys and sorrows of love, I will never mention that there is one you. We should stay close together and depend on each other. We should stay in our hearts and accompany me all the way to the ends of the world. How much time we have to share with the people you love after a lifetime.

Seventy seven. To leave is not to leave, but to set sail, to pursue our beautiful dreams! Even if our eyes are reluctant, we will go on the road with a smile. Many years later, when we look back, we will surely remember that there were smiling faces of you and me in the rain in early summer, and that warm sunshine reflected the years of you and me like water!

Seventy eight, a cup of turbid wine goes into the sadness, but it turns into countless tears of lovesickness. This past year, although the moon is always round at another time, we have met forever. An knows that when we get together again, our hair will not be full of brilliance, or we may die in the past. Isn't it just a matter of "farewell at this time will be eternal farewell", whether it's sad or sad, but life will not stop.

Seventy nine, listen, your ears are full of people's grief! See, the loss of land year after year! We should choose "war" or "surrender". We should be masters and fight to death in the battlefield. We do not want to be slaves and go straight ahead! Today we are fragrant with peaches and plums, and tomorrow we are the pillars of society.

80. Birds yearn for the blue sky, while fish pursue the vast sea. Your life is going through an important turning point! This is not the end, but a new starting point for climbing new heights. In the years to come, you will use the magic colored pen in your hand to describe your own clear sky and write a brilliant and magnificent poetic life. My alma mater will always pay attention to your growth and future.

Eighty one, maybe you lost a wonderful result in your dream last night; Perhaps, you have lost a colorful vision of this morning's morning dew; Perhaps, you have lost a beautiful sustenance in the sunset... But as long as you have not lost your unremitting efforts, your constantly improving self, youth, the warm wind will fill the sails of your life.