Talk about the latest personal famous sentence
2023-08-03 15:41:03
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Failure at times is not a permanent failure.

2. It is great to have tolerance for virtue, but not to seek high quality.

3. Those who make progress tend to move forward and ignore the future—— Fan Ye

4. If you make a mistake at first, you will become a foe later—— Shen Jubi

5. Dieting to prevent illness and abstinence to prolong life—— Zhu Xi

6. Send you a bunch of evening primrose, blooming on the wings of your dreams.

7. If you love civilization, you don't love treasure. As an owner, you don't want to be a slave. - Deng Tuo

8. If you really understand, youth can always be beautiful.

9. Love is a dream. It doesn't wake up until marriage—— Pope

10. People without bad luck suffer from the trouble of good luck. Spain

11. What is a person's first duty? The answer is simple: don't pretend to be yourself.

12. Success is not important, but effort—— Dovero

13. The way of life that people think we should live is often not suitable for us.

14. All people born as human beings need to be educated—— [Czech] Comenius

15. Morality should be respected even if it is dressed in rags—— Schiller

16. War is the continuation of policies in peacetime, and peace is the continuation of policies in wartime. - Lenin

17. The foundation stone of all success is self-confidence, and constantly use your lifelong energy to consolidate your belief.

18. Don't change to please others. Change only because you want to be better and have a better future.

19. Experience is the only way to reach belief. Belief without experience is hypocritical—— Tanaka Gentaro

20. Our life has been disturbed by books! We are always dissatisfied with the status quo and eager for solutions.

21. In the journey of life, we can neither choose a starting point nor stop the end, but the process is at our own feet.

22. Love should enrich people's strength and feelings, and love is indeed enriching people—— Makarenko

23. If we do not have ideals, our minds will fall into a stupor; If we are not engaged in labor, how can we realize our ideals—— Chen Yi

24. One day is one's life, because people have only one short today. If you live a full life today, there will be no regrets in your life.

25. Money and time are the two heaviest burdens in life. The most unhappy ones are those who have too many of these two things and do not know how to use them.

26. People often do the same thing day after day, year after year, unless otherwise, they are willing to do things in a specific way, because doing so feels the most secure.

27. Try to pay for every curiosity in your heart, so that you can know your character and heart will feel happy and secure in front of what choices.

28. If there is a secret to success, it is to have the ability to understand the position of others, at the same time, stand in your own position and the position of others, and see all kinds of things—— Ford

29. My friend, thank you for coming into my life and playing the role of friend. Maybe you are not the only best, but you are the most wonderful in my life. Destiny is a bosom friend and love is a friend. We would like to cherish this rare fate!

30. You are far away from me, but your voice is always in my ears. Every separated day and night, evergreen thoughts are growing in my heart. The past is a dream in my memory, and you are my only bright miss. The water drops on the green leaves are my tears of missing.

31. A person who can think is really a person with boundless power. [France] On Artists by Balzac. You are young if you have faith, and old if you doubt; If you are confident, you will be young; if you are afraid, you will be old; Hope makes you young, despair makes you old; Years may wrinkle your skin, but to lose enthusiasm will damage your soul.

32. When I was young, I thought that the man you were going to marry must meet many conditions, such as how tall he was, whether he was handsome, whether he was ambitious, etc. In fact, love is that when you look at him, you think you like him. It is a tacit understanding in temperament, and it has nothing to do with those rules. (Yang Lan)

33. When women stay at home, men say they will become big mothers; Women have good careers, but men don't care about their families; Women are beautiful, but men say it's a disaster; Women are ugly, men turn around; Women are too rich, men are afraid of soft food; Women have no money, men face the sky; Women are too obedient, men are angry; Women are disobedient and men want to explode, so women are the most tired!

34. True love for natural beauty, especially the important task of beauty education. Nature is the source of beauty, art and life. Feng Zikai, Translator's Postscript of [Aesthetic Education], Education Magazine, Vol. 23, No. 2. Nature itself is always a sanatorium. Even if it can't cure other patients, it can at least cure human arrogance.