Slow voice
I want to shine
2024-01-12 15:27:04
third year in high school

My family still lives in the old town of Shanghai, the second floor of an old brick and wood residential building in Shanghai. Down the stairs, three or four meters away from us, there lived a lonely old woman, Aunt Shen, in a simple hut. The year she moved here, it seemed that she had just retired from the production group of Lilong. time passes quickly like a white pony 's shadow across a crevice. In a twinkling of an eye, Aunt Shen has been my neighbor for thirty or forty years. In recent years, the hut has been empty, but it can not close the trivial events of many years ago. Aunt Shen and my mother's generation. Her body is slightly thin, her cheekbones are high, and her eyes are big and energetic. Mother once helped her write several letters to her nephew in the countryside. She knew that although Douda could not read a few words, she was reasonable. Aunt Shen's cabin can only hold a bed and a small square table. The place is cramped. Therefore, in broad daylight, she usually sits at the door with a small bench, watching everything around: unscrupulous "passers-by" steal my bicycle parked at the corner downstairs, and she drinks it back after finding it; My daughter, who didn't go to school, slipped out to play and got her care several times; At my mother's request, she stopped the scissors grinder, the bucket stirrer and the new rice seller in time... However, the most impressive thing was her reminder of "clothes collection". For Aunt Shen, who is sitting at the door of her house, not only everything in the past, but even the joys and sorrows of God cannot escape her eyes. Every time there is a subtle rain falling in the sky, she will look up and shout to my window: "Aunt Zhao, it's raining!
”This is Aunt Shen reminding my mother that no matter who is at home can hear it, and then quickly put in the clothes hanging outside the window. In the seventies and eighties of last century, Aunt Shen was clear and energetic, her voice was loud, and she spoke slowly. "Ah Zhao, auntie, the rain falls -- Mao!
”Aunt Shen is reminding my mother. But in the 1980s and 1990s, her spirit was not as good as before, and she suffered from tracheitis. Her voice was not so loud, and her speech speed was also slowed down. But this does not affect the effect of her reminding. "Zhao Ah Yi, Luo Yu Mao!
”This is still Aunt Shen reminding my mother, as always. However, from the late 1990s to the first few years of this century, Aunt Shen's old attitude became more and more obvious, tracheitis became more and more serious, and several visceral problems were also found, so her voice was slightly weak, her speaking speed slowed down, and sometimes accompanied by coughing. But this also does not affect the effect of her reminder. The daily life of ordinary people is based on daily necessities, washing clothes and drying quilts. In the past thirty or forty years, Aunt Shen's warm and kind-hearted reminding never stopped, which made my family avoid sudden showers, heavy rains and rainstorms, and made the clothes and quilts hanging out in the air always avoid the embarrassment of getting wet. This year after year of care, like drops of dew, into our daily life. The perennial moisture like "flowing water" is more impressive than the instantaneous benefit like "passion fountain". Although the title is "Slow voice", I know that for many years, Aunt Shen's voice has not slowed down immediately, but gradually slowed down in a long time span, just as she gradually grew old. This is a natural law. When people get old, they will never be able to speak out. That day, when her daughter brought wonton to "Shen Family Grandma", she was hospitalized with fever. Mother went to see Aunt Shen in the hospital, and saw that her whole body was swollen and had caused complications. Mother was about to comfort herself when she heard her say, "Zhao, Ah Zhao...... Aunt......" At the same time, she held her mother's hand weakly, "I, I...... No, I won't... OK......" Before long, Aunt Shen's breath and her care were marked with a sign of eternal rest. Without Aunt Shen's voice, the clothes we aired in my home have been wet twice: once, the clothes have been dried, and the rain has poured again; Another time, the warm and fragrant quilt was hit by rain. This is probably due to habitual dependence or negligence. After Aunt Shen left, her mother said sadly, "Now, it's time to take care of your clothes!
”Only when something seems ordinary in life is lost can we truly realize its warmth and value. It is estimated that in a short time, our area will be razed to the ground, and the residents here will move into the new buildings of "each management". What happened here will gradually fade out of people's memory. In this world, few people will remember Aunt Shen, let alone her voice. But I remember. Not only do I remember, I also know that Aunt Shen's reminder of "falling rain" that echoed in the streets and alleys is a simple cultural landscape of Shanghai beach, but also a landscape that is disappearing. Whether it rains or not in the sky of my heart tomorrow, I will treasure this dried "reminder" in the deep memory so that I can listen to the echo of that time at any time.
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