58 wedding greetings for old classmates
Follow the wind and fog
2023-03-16 14:32:31
SMS Collection

1、 Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals.

2、 Congratulations on your coming into the palace of love, and good luck for a long time!

3、 I hope you will always love each other and join hands in a beautiful life.

4、 The sea of love is boundless, love is eternal, love is eternal, and the white head makes a contract.

5、 The combination of sincere love is the purest of all combinations. Bless you.

6、 I wish you both happiness and love in the future.

7、 The highest level of emotion is relative non weariness. I wish you a happy marriage and a good marriage for a long time!

8、 May love permeate your sweet life, and let every day in the future be as glorious and joyful as today!

9、 When you get married, you should not be like a child. You should always take care of each other, be considerate of each other, and be the person who knows each other best.

10、 The highest level of mutual happiness is to be relatively never tired of each other. I wish a couple of new people love each other sincerely and meet forever! Congratulations on your wedding!

11、 May the fire of your sincere love, like the rising sun, grow stronger as time goes by; Let the water not be extinguished and the flood not be submerged.

12、 May your good marriage and love be happy and long, and your marriage will last forever. I wish you a happy new marriage, always as happy as today.

13、 I'm sorry, I was so handsome today because I didn't dress carefully. I couldn't attend the wedding because it was held normally. I wish the new couple to stay together forever.

14、 Knowing the good news of your marriage, I want to be the first person to send my best wishes to you. I wish you all the best and grow old together.

15、 May the happy singing accompany you forever, and may your married life be filled with joy and joy, bathing in endless happiness forever.

16、 Care never fades, love is endless, love is more warm and beautiful because of this moment of integration, I wish you a long life together.

17、 Marriage is like a cup of red wine. The taste in the cup needs to be tasted and experienced by each other. I hope you are the red wine in the cup, always sweet.

18、 Hand over the password of the passbook freely, collect the love letter of the first love smoothly, and bring the greatest encouragement to all single people with the grand act of marriage!

19、 Life love, life love. A love for life. Two people, two hearts. Two hearts nestle together forever. I wish you happiness. Love for a hundred years!

20、 She is a white cloud. You are like the sky. Use your deep and broad mind to love and cherish her and make her the most beautiful and happy bride in the world!

21、 I would like to present a glass of good wine to express my deep blessing. Seeing that you are really beautiful, you should cherish this relationship and guard this marriage with all your heart!

22、 Looking at your happiness, I think there is nothing better than love in the world. I wish you sweet and happy.

23、 A beautiful bride is like rose wine, and the groom is the cup. congratulations! Wine and cup are inseparable from now on! Bless you! Wine and cup love!

24、 First, I wish you sweet love and a white headed husband and wife; Second, I wish you all the best in your career; Third, I wish you an early birth and a good son!

25、 Today, with a joyful and grateful heart, I sincerely wish you a happy marriage. Love is higher than the sky, and love is deeper than the deep sea!

26、 You two finally got married. I'm really happy. I like to see the two people I like together. You must be happy.

27、 Fragrant as flowers, lingering as dreams. Full of joy, beating in the heart. All layers are touching. I wish you a happy marriage and a long life together!

28、 Dear friends, after learning the good news of your marriage, I want to be the first person to send my best wishes to you. I wish you love and grow old together.

29、 From knowing each other to loving each other, from loving each other to staying together, this is not the case for fairy couples. I hope you will always be in love, and I hope you will share the pain and happiness in the future.

30、 You have drawn a rainbow with deep feelings, built a bridge of love, regardless of each other, integrated into each other's life, share weal and woe, and wish a good marriage for a long time and tie the knot forever.

31、 No amount of blessings can express my inner joy. Today is a good day for you to get married. I hope you will be a loving couple that everyone admires!

32、 The sea is dry, the stone is rotten, and the heart is tied together forever. The earth is wide and the sky is high. I wish you a long and happy marriage! Happy newlyweds, sweet! The husband and wife love each other forever!

33、 In this sunny day, I hope you two will get together forever, just as the saying goes, heaven makes a pair, and the earth makes a pair! I wish you two love and grow old together! Happy newlyweds!

34、 I have prepared a wedding gift for you. I hope you will like it later. Don't say too many words. Congratulations on your happy wedding! live to old age in conjugal bliss!

35、 The touch of holding the hand of Zizi is also the warmth of growing old together. May your love be a May garden full of roses. I only wish to accompany you happily ever after! Happy marriage.

36、 Bless you in the name of love. May the flowers of love bloom in your heart forever. Bless you in the name of years. May the years grow old and never change your love. Happy wedding!

37、 My best friend, today is your big day. The groom is handsome and the bride is gentle and moving. It's a perfect match. May you love each other forever and love each other until you grow old!

38、 Draw a beautiful rainbow with each other's deep feelings, build a bridge of love, share joys and sorrows, and blend into each other's lives, regardless of you and me. I wish you a good and lasting marriage!

39、 Good friend, I used to cry with you and laugh with you, but now you have found a shoulder to rely on, and I'm really happy for you. I hope you will only laugh in the future, and there will be no tears. I wish you all the best.

40、 I wish to be a bipedal bird in the sky and tie branches on the ground. I don't envy immortals who are free to travel, but mandarin ducks who are swimming in the pool. Today is a great day for you. I wish you a long and happy life together!

41、 There should be eight words between lovers: trust, understanding, tolerance and tacit understanding. Now I use these eight words to bless your marriage. I wish you happiness and love forever.

42、 Let bygones be bygones, forget the faraway emotional entanglements, keep the sweet surprises, and create a happy future. Friend, happy wedding, I wish you to go hand in hand and live a peaceful life!

43、 As soon as the mobile phone rings, the message sender is happy, the fireworks display a happy picture, and the gongs and drums sound an auspicious song. I wish you a long and happy marriage! Never give up! Happy newlyweds!

44、 From acquaintance to acquaintance, from acquaintance to love, from love to marriage. I know that this process has both happiness and bitterness. I hope you will cherish this hard won happiness and go on hand in hand!

45、 The marriage is linked by a thread, and the sweetness between the two hearts. The love of a couple can be traced back to each other. The flowers and candles are red to celebrate the wedding, and the bridal chamber is warm and happy in spring. I hope the young couple will stay together forever to love each other and live a brilliant life every day!

46、 Don't take suspicion to heart. Lack of trust affects marriage; Don't lose your temper, be considerate and warm; I hope you will cherish happiness forever. Wish you a happy marriage and a good marriage for a long time!

47、 Congratulations on finding your partner on the Long March and having someone to depend on from now on; Congratulations on the partner you found, and someone will take care of your life from now on. Today you will join hands to wish you a long and happy life!

48、 The river is flowing, and my heart is worried. Why did another brother receive the hydrangea? Are you also a beauty killer? Just leave me here to pick my fingers and say nothing. I wish you a happy wedding first!

49、 You can meet a person in a second, know a person in a minute, and like a person in a day. But loving a person is a lifelong thing. It's the most romantic thing to become old with the person you love. I wish you a happy new marriage!

50、 Drums and gongs make people happy on the occasion of the celebration of the day, and they are happy with each other and hand in hand. From then on, we can walk around the world with one heart, and happiness will last forever. Lingxi plays well together, harmonious life is joyful, good luck is always with you, and you are carefree every day! Happy wedding!

51. The old man of the moon is led by a red rope, and heaven has made a good match with the land. The bride rides a horse in a sedan chair. A couple of people in the past are warm in the spring night, the bell and drum music are playing, the phoenix and the phoenix are singing in harmony and happy. They have been working together for a hundred years, and the past generations have been able to sleep together. Wish: Happy wedding!

52. Everyone expects the most beautiful people to appear around as soon as possible, because people's life is very short, and they can't afford any chance to be together for a second. Now you have joined hands with your lover. Brothers, here I wish you a long life together and happiness forever!

Fifty-three, love is missing, it is continuous affection; Love is lingering, is always connected heart; Love is persistent, is a pledge of eternal love; Love is brave and steadfast forever; Congratulate your friends on enjoying the sweetness of love, and today you become attached to love.

54. The groom and the bride enter the auditorium hand in hand. After years of lovesickness, I wish I could get it today. Relatives smile and friends surround them. Blessing is continuous, and laughter is flying. After drinking the wine, we all went to the mandarin duck tent. Get your son as soon as possible, and enjoy happiness forever. Happy wedding!

55. Get married happily. The bridal chamber flowers will enjoy wine alone, and the moon and night of this life will share a quiet dream. Since then, two birds will fly together. The bosom friends of all ages have the same heart, and everything will be in silence. The lucky stars will shine brightly and smile, and the happy life will enjoy the family relationship. Sincerely wish a hundred years of zither and longevity together.

56. You have been together for decades, and now you are going to get married. But I'm really happy for you from the bottom of my heart that you can marry the person you love most. I hope your life will be happy and sweet in the future. Have a cute baby early, and we will spoil her together!

57. I watched you two step by step from knowing and loving each other to being together now. Happy marriage. I may be the most unsuccessful bridesmaid. I cried very hard today. I felt happy for you without anything else. I wish you all the best. I really want to be happy all my life.

58. Let the snowflakes flying all over the sky carry my applause, the roaring north wind blow away my greetings, the bright moon in the sky carry my heartfelt blessings, and let the clouds send my sincere feelings. On your wonderful day of marriage, the air is full of intoxicating sweetness. I wish my dear friend, love forever from now on!