1942 impressions
Fish playing near the broken bridge
2023-10-16 11:21:24
Grade 6
impressions of after reading

I have always paid close attention to the film directed by Feng Xiaogang, and the Tangshan Earthquake left a deep impression on me. I watched it last night
Feng Dao shot such a masterpiece with such a big hand, which shows the demeanor of a Chinese nation that dares to reveal the truth of history, and is a strong nation that never forgets poverty and backwardness, is invaded by others, and is left to be slaughtered by others! The only thing I regret is that after watching it, there are two things I can't love: first, the film seems to be a little short; Second, it seems that I also walked with the American war reporter. There is a feeling that I only saw a large historical disaster documentary, and it seems that there is still a more tear jerking moving story that depicts people's spiritual world.
Each of the big stars in the film has excellent acting skills, and the handling of international relations is also very delicate. The film 1942 depicts the desolation caused by the famine in Henan and the tragic fate of the refugees, outlines the suffering of the Chinese people caused by the atrocities of the Japanese aggressors, and exposes the corruption and incompetence of the Kuomintang government and the ugly faces that pushed the suffering victims into the abyss of despair, Remembering the history of the disaster 70 years ago, which caused three million deaths due to natural disasters and man-made disasters, will be remembered by future generations forever!
However, in the long history of China, there are countless disasters, because many natural disasters are not transferred by human will. The crux of the problem is not the disaster itself, but how do the state authorities and the government face and deal with the disaster once it happens? 1942 is intended to tell people the fundamental difference between the past "Chiang dynasty" and today's people's government in essence. Especially since the founding of New China, there have been countless vivid examples of our party's leaders caring for the people and leading disaster relief. I think this is the real educational significance of director Feng Xiaogang's making this masterpiece --.