Selected Anthology of Xin Qiji's Famous Quotes (Selected 30 sentences)
Heroes have dreams
2023-07-26 21:41:53
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Xin Qiji, who is more able to survive several storms and return in a hurry

2. Don't say the perch is delicious, and the season hawk will return when the west wind blows—— Xin Qiji

3. The taste is sweet and easy to deteriorate. It is still known at an old age. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water - Xin Qiji

4. I see how charming the green mountains are, and I think they should be when they see me—— Xin Qiji

5. A hill and a gully are also romantic -- Xin Qiji

6. The god is very relaxed, while walking, the bird is sleeping. The bird is raised again and again, and the heaven and earth see the square. - Xin Qiji

7. I don't know how weak his muscles are, but Chueh hsin is lazy to go upstairs—— Xin Qiji

8. Resentment is not big or small, but born of love; There is no beauty or evil in things—— Xin Qiji

9. If the teacher has no hatred, he will not believe that there are white heads in the world—— Xin Qiji

10. Those who know me are two or three sons—— Xin Qiji

11. Nothing is more important and better than the good relationship between people, whether it's walking with people on the train, or getting along with family or colleagues - Xin Qiji

12. The man is in the dim light -- Xin Qiji

13. In the fragrance of rice flowers, we can hear the sound of frogs—— Xin Qiji

14. He likes children scoundrels best. He lies at the head of the stream and peels lotus—— Xin Qiji

15. If a thousand gold coins buy a portrait, who will tell the story—— Xin Qiji

16. Now what is the most appropriate thing? Drink, swim and sleep—— Xin Qiji

17. Who is the enemy of heroes in the world? Cao Liu, have a son like Sun Zhongmou—— Xin Qiji

18. The green mountains cannot cover it. After all, it flows eastward—— Xin Qiji

19. The wind is always blown away by rain—— Xin Qiji

20. In those days, we fought like a tiger—— Xin Qiji

21. People are looking for him for thousands of times. When they look back, the man is in the dim light—— Xin Qiji

22. Who called Qian? Red scarves and green sleeves can make heroes cry—— Xin Qiji

23. Teenagers do not know the taste of sorrow. They fall in love with stories and stories, and they are anxious to write new words. Now I know how sad it is. I want to talk about it, but it's a cool autumn day—— Xin Qiji

24. I laugh at others, but I am in the dark—— Xin Qiji

25. The golden thread of moths, snow willows, and laughter are full of hidden fragrance -- Xin Qiji

26. The heart is strong and magnificent, but has no intention of being exquisite—— Xin Qiji

27. Don't hate the ancients, I can't see them, and hate the ancients, I can't see their crazy ears—— Xin Qiji

28. The rise and fall of the Yangtze River are endless—— Xin Qiji

29. The east wind blows down thousands of flowers and trees at night, and the stars are like rain -- Xin Qiji

30. I want to say that I will not return, but I know it will be a cool autumn - Xin Qiji