Sentences describing women's charm and temperament
Forget the past
2023-05-05 13:19:52
Complete sentences

1. Women should buy themselves a good cream and essence, which plays a very important role in skin care. Are you stupid enough to know Dabao? You don't save yourself. Who will save your face when you are old?

2. Spring breeze ten li Yangzhou road, roll up bead curtain is always inferior.

3. Some people always complain that they can't find good people. It doesn't matter once or twice. More people will have problems. First, you should review whether you have problems. If not, you should review your own vision. Why are bad people always met by you every time?

4. Women should remember; We must eat, drink, have fun and sleep well. Once we are exhausted, other women will get something for nothing. She will spend our savings, live in the house we bought cheaply, sleep with our husband, play with our boyfriend, and hit our baby! That's too bad!

5. The eyebrows are as light as autumn water, and the jade muscles are accompanied by light wind.

6. Collagen is the main component of the skin, accounting for one third of the total protein content of the skin, and it is the main component to maintain the moisture and elasticity of the skin. But as time goes by, the collagen in the skin begins to lose.

7. The bamboo roars back to the Huan girl, and the lotus moves down from the fishing boat.

8. If girls are willing to spend money on their meals, boys will invite you to eat and pay for you. You should know that skin is a fashion that never fades.

9. It's easy to ask for priceless treasure, but it's hard to find a lover.

10. The white headed palace maid is here, sitting idly talking about Xuanzong.

11. A woman is a flower. Some women are like orchids. Although they are white and fragrant every spring, a light rain at night will change the color of the flowers in full bloom, and the petals will be broken. Magnolia is reserved and fragile. It suddenly opens and withers. There is only one flowering season in her life. If you miss one moment, you will miss one lifetime.

12. Mei Dai helped the wanderer hate him, and his face broke his old friend's heart for the first time.

13. A real lady with temperament never shows off what she has. She doesn't tell people what books she has read, where she has been, how many clothes she has, and what jewelry she has bought, because she has no sense of inferiority.

14. When a beautiful woman comes out of her blue room at dawn, she will look at the mirror better than her red dress.

15. The merchant women did not know the hatred of national subjugation, and still sang the backyard flowers across the river.

16. No matter how angry an official cries, no matter how bitter a woman cries.

17. Others are in the maintenance, you are asking the price; Others are beautifying skin, you are hesitating; Others are becoming beautiful, and you are wiping the floor; Others and boyfriend love each other very much, but you are alone at home. Then, looking into the mirror, he exclaimed: Old, old! No matter how bright the floor is, the boyfriend will not kiss the floor! If you don't tidy up yourself, let the whole world see you more!

18. With an expression of her contempt for you, she trotted away from her sight.

19. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup.

20. The bun is loosely tied, and the lead is lightly made up.

21. Ask the Han Palace who has the same idea. Poor Feiyan depends on her new makeup.

22. On the top of the thousand peaks in one piece of neon clothes, the dance is broken and primitive.

23. Tonight on the Double Seventh Festival, you can see the blue sky and the bridge across the river.

24. The mouth does not point but contains pills, and the eyebrows do not draw but cross green.