Excerpts from beautiful sentences
2023-06-02 08:45:46
Complete sentences

1. If you have experienced real loneliness, you will understand that tears are the most useless thing.

2. Just trust your eyes. I can only interpret my vulnerability in such an extreme way.

3. Love confuses the concept of right and wrong; Strong love and proud ambition have no boundaries.

4. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.

5. Sometimes I hate myself. I can't speak. I'm too kind-hearted. I'm so cute.

6. I don't want to ask about your past. It's your business. I hope to participate in your future, which is my honor.

7. All the time in life is not wasted. As long as you pass by, you will surely leave traces and become mature.

8. As long as the belief in my heart has not shrunk, and as long as my season has no severe winter, what can I do even if the wind is bitter and the rain is heavy?

9. I am proud of my heart. It has been teased, worried and broken, but it still beats fresh.

10. It is neither hot nor cold. In nature, it is the most comfortable temperature, but in feelings, it is the most desirable temperature.

11. The best way for a person to survive in the world and society is to constantly learn and change himself.

12. To see life with a magnifying glass, life is a tragedy; If you look at life with binoculars, life is a comedy.

13. If love never comes, if dreams never break, if heart never hurts, then am I still the one you know?

14. It may be ugly, fat or insidious. Since it comes to her by chance, we may as well depend on each other.

15. For life, acceptance is the best gentleness, whether it is to accept a person's appearance or to accept a person's disappearance.

16. When we sigh for our lost youth, we should consider the aging in the future and not regret for not cherishing our prime years at that time.

17. All the anger basically comes from the lack of money; All inspirations are basically aimed at making money; All happiness is basically wealth.

18. The right way of life for girls is not to be sensible too early, not to be involved too deeply, not to love too much, not to sleep too late, not to eat too much, not to be too nice to people, not to believe too much.

19. I stood too long and talked too long. I'm tired myself. Why can't you understand? I've written too much for too long. I'm tired. Why can't you understand?

20. There are three plum blossoms, one without heartbeat, one without love for the future, and one without worry crying. Whose heartbeat is wearing the cloak of crying, whose appearance has always been hanging in the dust of the heart.

21. Sometimes, we need to express our inner thoughts bravely. Maybe you will find that we have misunderstood many things. Maybe some things are the same as our expectations.

22. In the morning and evening, the scenery remains the same. After spring and autumn, things have changed and people have changed. Day by day, year by year, the years passed like the wind at our fingertips.

23. If you want to get out of the shadow, let your face be sunny; If you want to say goodbye to cowardice, let your heart grow stronger through experience; If you want to get rid of ordinary life, then try to make yourself proud to fly.

24. In this world, it is not only strong liquor that can intoxicate people, and it is not only passionate love that can be unforgettable. Sometimes, a piece of light can be more lasting; A kind of unintentional, can be more haunted by dreams; A period of simplicity can sustain a lifetime.

25. An unintentional remark offends a conscientious person; He tried his best at once, but ended up being doomed. It is not that you think too much, but that experience has taught you to be silent; It's not that you become too fake, it's the world that makes you know how to protect yourself.

26. Love is not charity and cannot be given freely. There is no formula, no principle and no reason to follow. But people are still persistent and pursuing even Si. Please use compassion and gentleness to speak out your grievances and grievances, so that others can easily accept them.

27. I like people to get along with each other calmly. I am not too tired, nor do I care so much. A light friendship is like a light tea fragrance. I like the subtle words, no attentions and no tricks, just a faint blessing can make people moved.

28. In desperation, I can't help but tear down when I turn over your old love letters again! A burst of resentment rose in my heart, and I burned them into paper ashes and swallowed them with tears. If the paper ash can rekindle one day, please let it burn my warmhearted heart, which has hidden the fire of love, to ashes!

29. If we cannot stand the test of setbacks, the pain and failure brought by setbacks, we will be buried in a hopeless life and never have the motivation to move forward. Those who can achieve great things must bear the pain and the blow of failure, because success needs the baptism of ups and downs.

30. Life is not always good; Life is not all satisfactory; The cause is not always brilliant; When you move forward, you will always encounter ditches and ridges; Love is always bitter, hot and sweet. Don't ask others, don't ask for your own way, learn to bend when you are blocked, and learn to forget when you are not open; When things are difficult to do, learn to let go; Edge, when getting farther, choose at will.

31. If you are simple, the world will be simple to you. Only a simple life can lead a happy life. It is necessary to delete the memory regularly to discard unpleasant people and things from the memory. Some words are suitable for hiding in the heart; Some pains are suitable for silent forgetting; Some memories are only suitable for occasional aftertaste. Many things, when experienced, it is good to know.