Mature sentences
Life is enough
2023-06-10 01:13:23
Complete sentences

1. Tired, look back, still the same.

2. The wounded are often the most mature.

3. I understand all the major principles, but small emotions are difficult to control.

4. The road you choose should be completed even when you are kneeling.

5. Open minded or calm, I will never have it.

6. I don't want to lag behind, so let's become excellent together.

7. No matter how mature it is, it is also a girl.

8. You must have a heart of harming others and a heart of defending others.

9. It's boring to debunk. I still like to watch you perform.

10. People living in this world must constantly break through themselves.

11. Pose up and put away your useless moaning.

12. Since you can't turn that page, why not change a book.

13. With a grateful heart, thank everyone in life.

14. Sometimes, starting again is just a stage!

15. I know you know my heart, we don't need language communication.

16. Good mothers and daughters in law are like mothers and daughters in law. Light tea and rice are better than delicacies.

17. I am a betrayed person who is too lazy to shed tears.

18. Pride is equal to reaching the edge of the cliff, modesty is equal to getting on the starting line.

19. Unconsciously become quiet, has been closer to the desired maturity.

20. After breaking up, when I died, you were finished.

21. Since the one-way road, we have had many dreams floating in the sea of time.

22. Behind every successful man is a woman who silently supports him.

23. True courage is not overwhelming, but not being overwhelmed by everything.

24. What can be lifted and lowered is called weight lifting, and what can not be lifted and lowered is called weight bearing.

25. Books are the ladder of human progress, and computers are the elevator of human progress.

26. Forgetting with the same strength as remembering, and abandoning with the same strength as promising.

27. Smile is a mood when you are young, and an expression when you grow up.

28. This is a harvest season, and the fields are full of golden rice.

29. Later, I realized that a moment of unbridled dissoluteness could not be accompanied from beginning to end.

30. If you can't squeeze into the world, don't squeeze into it. Why bother others to humiliate yourself.

31. Thank you for appearing in my sight and quietly singing your miracle.

32. Only by giving can you be outstanding; Create value for others, and others will be willing to associate with you.

33. The current goal is not to discover who we are, but to reject who we are.

34. The pioneers of life will not be richer than those who enjoy it, but they will be richer than those who enjoy it.

35. God makes people lonely through various ways, so that we can go to ourselves.

36. The best is not necessarily the most suitable; The most suitable is the really best.

37. Use your smile to change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.

38. Youth is pride, youth is wild, and youth can make people think they are strong.

39. An optimistic and bright smile not only pleases you, but also everyone around you.

40. Even if there is no orange light in your hand, you can use red and yellow to make the sun.

41. When we remove the stumbling block at the feet of others, we may be paving the way for ourselves.

42. How can you feel far away when your heart moves? Things are not, people are not, and everything is not. In the past, you can't pursue them.

43. What kind of mood did I take to see the end, and what kind of mood did I leave silently.

44. I clearly like you, but I have to pretend to play a joke on you and others.

45. If you are afraid, tell yourself that the sun is still in the sky, just staying in another direction.

46. Some words are not to say, but not to say. Some love is not not love, but can not love.

47. In the journey of life, there will always be a period of time when you need to walk on your own and carry it on your own.

48. The farmers stood on the ground, looking at the yellow rice like a dog's tail, and their hearts were as sweet as honey.

49. It turned out that even I forgot that there was a tearful face behind my brave smile.

50. If someone envies you, you can exclude them from your competitors.

51. The world is turning, and you are just a grain of dust. Even if you disappear, the world is still turning.

52. The greatest giant has his small moments, and the smallest mortal has his great moments.

53. Timely patience is for greater freedom, and temporary discipline is for greater success.

54. Remember that as long as you become excellent, everything else will be better.

55. Autumn is coming, and the rice is ripe. This year's rice harvest is bumper, and parents are smiling.

56. There will be tomorrow if you fail today, and there will be the day after tomorrow if you fail tomorrow. No matter where you are, there will be tomorrow.

57. There is only one way you can't choose - the way to give up; There is only one way you can't refuse - the road to growth.

58. There will always be too much time after the great enlightenment. May you have a long way to travel, and may I never turn back.

59. Always be down-to-earth without bravado. The quietest person in a group is often the most powerful.

60. It is said that girls will grow up only after they really love each other, just like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, which has a kind of beauty of transformation.

61. People are always changing, which is a process. I'm glad we have different lives, but the same youth.

62. People are tired of living. First, they are too serious. Second, they want too much. However, everything you want to control actually controls you.

63. The tears of parting add new waves to the long river of memory; The blessing of parting is the prelude to meeting again.

64. Remembering is the most powerless thing in life. I thought I was old, but in fact it was your heart that was hollowed out.

65. Less worry, more happiness, stronger heart, more self-confidence on the face, why should we feel the sense of life? If we think about it, it will be sunny!

66. I feel that I can't let myself be idle. The more I am idle, the more desperate I become. As long as I start to earn money, I will have hope not to be decadent.

67. The longer you stay silent, the harder it is to find something to talk about. Similarly, the longer things are put aside, the harder it is to discuss them.

68. In life, the people who really get great happiness are all those who reach innocence beyond maturity. May you go away for half your life and return as a teenager.

69. Dinosaurs have long been extinct on the earth, while cockroaches are still crawling on the ground. When we encounter a difficult environment, we should have the spirit of cockroaches.

70. There is no way to say why you really love someone. You only know that no matter when and where you are in a good mood, you hope that this person will accompany you.

71. I don't want to end my youth so easily. It's not magnificent, not peaceful, not beautiful, or even worth remembering in retrospect.

72. Don't be anyone's princess, just be your own queen. Put away unnecessary grievances and unnecessary tears, and now just be your own queen.

73. Don't let the love that you know is painful to the other party continue and give it up. If not, freeze it in the deepest corner of your heart.

74. Life is to carve ourselves, remove the superfluous and leave behind the beautiful. All this can be achieved only through work and study, diligence and hard work.

75. From dawn to dusk, from cold to hot, from ignorance to maturity. Witness the transformation of a dream chaser. This way may be confused, but not panic.

76. Life may need experience, and there is softness in the heart, which can be used to feel the transformation along the way; Destiny may also have to survive, and there is a strong heart to meet the vicissitudes of life ahead.

77. They are so calm that people think they are indifferent. They have profound stories but do not exaggerate. They are willing to listen, pay, and accept every transformed self. insist

78. Youth is a transformation of growth. You need to shed a layer of skin and a layer of silly warm smile to make yourself hard. How can this process not hurt? Origin: AA system life

79. The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist stubbornly; Because you give too much laughter, so no one appreciates your seriousness.

80. If you like a person very much, it is enough to keep a friend's distance, which can last a lifetime. Never expect to get close. Once you have greed, you are doomed to lose it.

81. Beauty starts in spring. Are you ready? When I get up in the morning to practice, the fresh air is fresh and fresh. Must have a good breakfast and gather energy to run tiredly? Don't forget a cup of white water, and make contributions to detoxification and beauty!

82. Welcome to report on the arrival of Spring Festival. Let the life in spring be with you, the cause in spring be with you, the mood in spring be with you, and the happiness in spring be with you. Happy Spring Festival!

83. When spring comes, spring will return to the earth. When it is warm, it will return to cold. Change clothes carefully, exercise moderately, pay attention to diet, work and rest on time, adjust your mind, take care of your body, put an end to disease, be healthy, and have a bright future!

84. Spring begins! The flower is red, the happy life is on fire; The grass is green, and the green dream comes out; Cloud white, pure love talk; The birds are singing and singing loudly; Beautiful heart, happy blessing turns.

85. The power of time is great. The amount of time and energy you put into your efforts will give you the corresponding transformation energy. Whether you work or live, what you should do is to go all out and try to change.

86. The wind caresses the crops, bending and lifting, as if the earth is breathing rhythmically, and the mature rice like a cogwheel also has life. The wind blows from the other side, sowing rice ears and whispers of rice ears.

87. The willows and flowers bloom in the spring wind, and the birds sing in the green mountains and waters. Colorful spring, butterflies playing flowers and bees flying busy. Come to work early in the spring and plant fruits happily. Happiness blooms and flourishes. May you stride forward in spring!

88. People have to experience the transition from childishness to maturity. However, the sign of maturity is not from ignorance to sophistication, but after the alternation of happiness and pain experienced, tears roll in the eyes, while the corners of the mouth can still hang a calm smile.

89. Open the door of the season and feel the joy of vision. Sniff the fragrance of colorful flowers and hold the happy stream. Looking at the beautiful green mountains, I am intoxicated with the beautiful sunset. Standing in the field of hope, looking forward to a bright tomorrow. The beginning of spring is coming. May you start a new journey in life.

90. Put "happiness" into spring rolls, rub "happiness" into spring cakes, cut "sweetness" into spring shoots, stir fry "happiness" into spring buds, pour "immortality" into wine cups, and cook four health preserving dishes for you at the beginning of spring. Please taste them! I wish you all the best!

91. A person's maturity is not reflected in how many achievements he has achieved, but in the face of those who hate people and things, he does not cater to or contradict them, and only smiles at them calmly. Maybe when you learn that your heart can accommodate many things you don't like, this is called mature aura.

92. Knowledge is the fruit of maturity, and self-confidence is the solid foundation; Knowledge is a rich palace, and confidence is a golden key to open the door; Knowledge is mellow tea, and self-confidence is its tea. In short, the possession of knowledge, if there is no self-confidence, it is just an empty dream.

93. Life is like tea. The mature me is like a fine tea, and the first taste is very bitter. However, after suffering, I will not suddenly let people have the feeling of soul absorption, but after a long time, my tea will go deep into my heart. Although it has experienced wind and frost, it is more stable, but still elegant and quiet, fresh as before.

94. Time will always push us to the other side of maturity. Silence and steadiness have even become a kind of commendation. It seems that the impulsive words of the past and the present are just a stable situation now. Some heaviness can be put down, some helplessness can be accepted, and some tears can be swallowed.

95. Maturity is a great sorrow. The dust raised by time covers an exposed heart layer by layer. The thicker it is, the thicker it is. It is indestructible. It is mature. Shaded the sun and fresh air, the dusty heart is no longer curious. Mature, it is because people are old, what is worth showing off?

96. Understand that living is a responsibility, not just for yourself. I hope you can understand when you are discouraged, when you want to give up, when you are overwhelmed by the heavy burden! Holding the power in your hand, please understand when your life is getting better and better!

97. If we cannot stand the test of setbacks, the pain and failure brought by setbacks, we will be buried in a hopeless life and never have the motivation to move forward. Those who can achieve great things must bear the pain and the blow of failure, because success needs the baptism of ups and downs.

98. The unremitting pursuit is also happiness. Leave a portion of childishness for childhood and a portion of innocence for teenagers. With maturity and confidence, I have embarked on the path of pursuit. Feeling happiness - let the youth vivid; Let the frustrated mind be firm; Let the pursuit of faith to write full heart; Let happiness always be sincere.

99. Some people always say that autumn is a mature season when they write about autumn. In fact, autumn is also a growing season. Sunshine and rain make everything walk steadily on the last journey. So, you can see that the terraces are still quiet at the moment. The men who face the loess and face the sky are suppressing their eagerness and waiting quietly.

100. There is no thing that can not go, and a calm attitude is the maturity of life. Don't be critical of others, not to be critical of yourself, be kind, be sincere, tolerant to others, be strict with yourself, gain and loss, success and failure, reunion or separation, pain and bitterness are all a kind of growth in life. Only when you are indifferent, can you feel good, and only when you are indifferent, can you enjoy life.